
Secret: pt.2

Mrs. Gonzales told me Gardenia's secret...

When Gardenia was on her Junior High she met this boy who later on she fell inlove with, she secretly give him a love letter by putting it on the guy's backpack secretly. She done this several times, like for the 3 months. Then unfortunately, one day she was caught by the boy. She was embarrassed, she run away and the boy run up to chase her. The boy caught up with her and they talked, the boy unexpected confess that he also liked Gardenia and asked if she wants to be his girlfriend. Dazed about what had happen, Gardenia froze up for a solid 2 or 3 minutes before giving an answer. With so many mixed up feeling she had experience that day, she just accepted the guys' feeling and giving him the answer he wants. Surprised abou Gardenia's answer, the boy Jumped and shout loud enough to be heard by the whole campus.

The two had a wonderful relationship for the first part, the go out on a date like everyday, eat lunch together, the guy hangs out with Gardenia's friend and he also visited Gardenia in her house twice a week. Sometimes, Gardenia would be gifted with flowers and chocolates by her boyfriend. You know? The typical fresh couple type. After 2 months, something happened...

February 14, 2017.

Valentines day, everyone was so excited about this special day of love and romance. Specially Gardenia whom is waiting for her boyfriend's surprise for this day, the morning passed without a single shadow Gardenia's boyfriend sneaking in to surprise her. Then noon, afternoon, finally night. Not a single soul of him came at her, she was so disappointed but still hoping that the next day will be the day of his surprise.

Next day came, February 15. While walking towards the entrance gate of the school Gardenia was blocked by a group of boys and blindfolded forcefully. She was dragged at the center of the campus and left there for 5 minutes, someone shouted to take her blindfold of and she did. The first person she saw is the guy who left her hoping on valentines day, her boyfriend dressed in a formal black coat holding a bouquet of flowers and a bag of chocolates. But what is surprising is the big placard behind her boyfriend, there were no words to see because it was still covered with florak decorations.

Suddenly her boyfriend spoke... "Happy belated Valentines day babe!" he said in a warm and romantic manner, after he said that the cover of the placard fell off and the words was revealed...


"I'm sorry Gardenia, I can't do this anymore I got what I want and the bet is over between me and my dudes. I don't need you anymore, I don't even like you from the start. I'm sick of this, let's breakup" He said in a very arrogant and insulting way. Gardenia was devastated and can't even comprehend on what was happening, she just smiled so forcefully and lifted her head, looked at her boyfriend and said: "Okay Robin, thank you!" after that she went home running...

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