
Gardenia's House

Now I'm inside my new friend's house, okay this is nerve wreaking. My heart is about to explode because of this intense feeling I'm getting.

*dug dug*

*dug dug*

*dug dug*

Oh my G!!! Please heart stop, I really cannot! My body's shaking and I can't utter a single word. Then, "she" spoke to me.

"Welcome to our home!" She said with that gorgeous smiles of hers again.


Ugh... seriously stop for the love of... Suddenly I heard multiple fast pacing steps towards us.

"Sis Nia!!!"

As I heard that loud call 2 child came running towards us, as I tried to observe these children I realized that this are Gardenia's siblings.

"Maynard, the little boy on your right is Josh and the girl on your left is Stephanie"

She introduced to me her 2 younger siblings, Josh and Stephanie. Josh is only 2 years old while Stephanie is 4. Such cute and adorable kids.

"Such adorable kids they are." I said with a grin on my face.

At first I felt anxious but as time pass by I started to get comfortable with the kids. Fortunately they grow fond of me too and started to play with me and It was really fun.

As we were playing inside Gardenia's house a car suddenly park and "Honk!" infront of the house. I was surprised but I saw Gardenia and the children excited and run out of the house, I realized in that moment that it was there parents.

I was left all alone at my friends house for a solid 5 minutes as the whole Gonzales family is reuniting outside. Then after 5 minutes they come inside the house, I greeted Gardenia's parents and luckily they're friendly and hospitable enough to welcome me.

Our fun continues util 8 in the evening. Gardenia's parent gave her an errand to run so I was left with her family. While I was playung with the kids Mr and Mrs. Gonzales asked me to come to their dining room, I was scared because when they asked me to come there faces are all so serious.

Oh no! What did I done!?

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