After a fatal accident involving a truck, an ordinary man awakens in a reality he could never have imagined: the world of Dragon Ball, on the planet Vegeta, home of the fierce Saiyans. Initially, he is filled with excitement upon realizing that he has been reborn in the world of Dragon Ball, believing that he will be able to fulfill his childhood dreams, master legendary techniques such as the Kamehameha, fly through the skies and even challenge the most powerful warriors in the universe. The fruit of a forbidden romance between a Saiyan and a Tuffle, he inherits characteristics that make him an outcast. With a battle power considered laughable and living under the constant threat of extermination, he quickly realizes that in the eyes of his society, he is nothing more than a weak Saiyan, destined to be eliminated. Refusing to accept his fate, he becomes a determined person who will not give up at the first sign of difficulty, he begins to explore all possibilities for growth, relying on his intelligence inherited from the Tuffles to compensate for his lack of strength. He defies all odds as he becomes strong enough to explore the fascinating world of Dragon Ball, and forges a path that will take him from outcast to legend. During a fight against a powerful alien warrior, he summons a devastating spell that leaves everyone speechless. “How can a barbaric Saiyan monkey use magic?!” his opponent shouts in disbelief. With a confident smile, he responds, “You know nothing about Saiyans. Be quiet, lizard.” Combining the raw power of a Saiyan with the ingenuity of a Tuffle and the mysticism of magic, he will overcome all limits and become a legend.
Life in society can be incredibly stressful, manifesting itself in various ways: in politics, at work, in interpersonal relationships, and even in studies.
Sometimes, the mere act of existing seems to consume us, both physically and mentally. It's no wonder that the idea of a simpler life, far from urban hustle and bustle, becomes so appealing.
I've often caught myself thinking about selling everything, abandoning the chaos of daily life, and moving to the countryside, working in agriculture, and seeking a more tranquil lifestyle connected to the earth.
On the internet, this idea of a simple life in the countryside often sparks discussions, memes, and even deep reflections.
Many times, what we desire most is to escape the whirlwind of daily obligations and rediscover the simplicity of a time without external pressures.
And when we think about simplicity, our minds often return to the innocence of childhood.
Childhood is a time when the world around us is a great mystery, and each new day is an experience that fascinates us.
We don't fully comprehend the complexity of what's happening, but we're enchanted by everything: the blue sky, the animals, the lush nature, the people, and even new technologies.
Everything seems like a great discovery.
I, for instance, had a pastime as a child that made me forget everything around me: watching cartoons. Among them, what fascinated me the most was Dragon Ball.
The Dragon Ball universe felt magical and boundless to me. A world where people could fire energy blasts from their hands, fly, and teleport.
Those epic battles filled with incredible powers made me dream of a world where possibilities were infinite.
Each episode was a window into a universe full of adventures and emotions.
This fascination with the magic of that world allowed me, for a moment, to forget real problems and transported me to a place where imagination could run wild, unrestricted.
Who hasn't imitated the iconic Kamehameha, hoping to fire a powerful energy blast?
Or placed both index fingers on their forehead, attempting to teleport away? Dragon Ball—through these experiences and as a fantastic work—has inspired and continues to inspire millions of people.
It made everyone cheer for the Genkidama, raising their hands to help Goku defeat the terrifying Majin Buu.
These memories and feelings hit me hard one morning when, upon reading the news on my phone, I learned about the passing of Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball.
Shock overwhelmed me; I froze while the world kept moving.
Amid this sorrow, something strange happened. Standing in the middle of a crosswalk, a runaway truck approached, and in an instant, it struck me, ending my life.
Instead of feeling fear or despair, an indescribable calm washed over me. It was as if I were a distant observer, someone watching the scene rather than being part of it.
Time seemed to stop. I observed the truck, frozen in space, the people around me, immobile, and the entire world suspended in pause. Everything was silent.
And then, suddenly, with a snap, I woke up. I was no longer in the middle of the street but inside a capsule. Confused, I tried to gather visual information about what was happening around me.
Suddenly, a strange sensation overcame me, as though I had an extra limb. Exploring this feeling, I detected the presence of a furry tail.
I pondered and quickly came to a conclusion upon analyzing my circumstances.
It didn't take a genius to figure it out based on the clues.
I had been reincarnated in the world of Dragon Ball—and, on top of that, as a Saiyan.
A strange sensation emerged within me. Was it joy? That too... but mostly excitement.
I was in the world of Dragon Ball, and soon, all the fantasies of my childhood would become reality.
The power, the epic battles, and, most importantly, the chance to fly, fire energy blasts, and train to grow stronger.
Soon, a man with a tail and a woman approached the capsule.
The man was a typical Saiyan warrior, with his tail wrapped around his waist, wearing battle armor.
His hair was dark and spiky, and he sported a green Scouter.
A scar ran across his eye and down his cheek, yet his vision remained intact, suggesting that despite being a seasoned warrior, he was in good health.
The woman beside him had green hair and also wore a Scouter, with no scars or marks on her face.
She was shorter than the man and had no tail around her waist, which suggested two possibilities: either she wasn't a Saiyan, or she had lost her tail in some battle.
Saiyans, one of the most powerful races in the universe, were known for their incredible combat strength, and their main economic activity was planetary colonization.
They conquered planets, exterminated native species, and sold the worlds to the Arcosians. The only being capable of subjugating the Saiyans was Frieza and his family.
But what if it wasn't so simple? On Earth, humans managed to produce hybrids with Saiyans effortlessly, despite being different races.
This raises the possibility that the Tuffles, the original natives of Planet Vegeta (formerly known as Planet Plant), might have been assimilated by the Saiyans, creating hybrids between Tuffles and Saiyans.
The Tuffles, despite not excelling in combat power like the Saiyans, had advanced scientific abilities.
Though they were conquered by the Saiyans, the idea of a hybrid between these two races doesn't seem so far-fetched.
This would suggest a fusion of cultures and abilities and perhaps a new generation of warriors both stronger and smarter.
The woman without a tail might be a reflection of this forgotten history, an heir to a blend of Tuffle and Saiyan lineage.
I didn't yet know what the future held for me, but one thing was certain: I was about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life.