
Chapter 12: GREENGARDEN Part 5 (SHELLEY)

The WHITE TIGERS were feared for one thing, and that was going against them or their rules, usually it was almost impossible for this 5 people to rule the entire guild while being governed by the guild leader. Only few of them understood the guild making and how it became what it was today, they very well understood how hard it was to put every hunters in check and as well cant have just a mere A-Rank hunter defies their captains.

Usually people would not be in the training arena at this hour as it was commonly use mainly by SHELLEY squad when it was vacant.

It was a rainy day and SHELLEY had decided to join Mabel in practicing her arrow shots, and just as if it was agreed at this hour the arena would be used, floods of people soon came through the entrance leaving Mabel and SHELLEY in confused state as the arena shouldnt have been used at this hour asides of her and mabel.

In an instant they both got surrounded, SHELLEY found this gathering unpleasant as she took to leave with Mabel only to have her movement altered by an attack that sent her flying to the distant end crashing to the wall with gust of smokes enveloping it surroundings with a loud cheer that came from the crowd.

'What the hell are you guys doing, is your squad leader aware of this?'

Mabel said in query and to her surprise the crowd in front of her had departed way for three squad captains to pass through.

They had their captain uniform and two of them were females. One of them had glass and was always called the intellect because she looked smart.

PRISCILLA WILLIAMS, SHIKIGAMI SLY, AND NINA KIN had stood in front of this amassed crowd, Mabel had felt it was going out of hands to attack SHELLEY out of the blue.

Mabel knew they had been scheming something for long, but she never thought it would be now, she had felt sad and was on a bind spot to do nothing as she could do nothing but to run to SHELLEY aid who just got back up to her feet.

'Hey SHELLEY are you okay?

Mabel tone of words were filled with worries as she could just stand and stare at SHELLEY who had began to dust her body.

'Yes am fine sis, just stay out of this okay?'

SHELLEY who had clocked 12 years of age few days ago had come to accept Mabel of her kindness, she had liked her and even calls her sis.

SHELLEY had found a reason to become even stronger, even when it just few of her memories that had returned to her but she was still having hard time remembering her past life aside from her hunter life.

SHELLEY had stood as she felt it was actually time to deal with this pebbles, her hands went behind her neck as she undid the knot of her necklace and offered the necklace to Mabel for safe keeping after few moment of staring at it to make sure it wasnt grazed from the recent attack she had been hit with, upon staring at it she found a tiny spot which had been chip out of it place.

Out of anger she had unleashed her deadly aura she had been suppressing for years. To Mabel this was the first time she would ever see SHELLEY angry, SHELLEY had handed the necklace to Mabel for safe keeping as she wouldn't want it to get any more damage than it had.

Her smile to Mabel was sincere as she soon frowned and walked forward.

'I hope you all are ready because i am damn sure i will send all of you to the clinic if not kill you'

Her words were heavy, those that felt her aura either went on their kneels or put on a brave face as they stood to show their braveness.

The crowd had fill the end of the entrance as they were mostly SS-S-A RANK hunters, their numbers where overwhelming about 300 of them.

As if been given a signal they all dash towards SHELLEY leaving the three captains behind with just the squeak noise made by a sneaker From the audience section

SHELLEY who had felt disappointed at this and at the same time enraged had stood while they approached her, and in that instant everyone had seen what they had never seen before, SHELLEY hands had glowed and her legs had gone on flames before launching herself forward like a projectile been launched by bazooka launcher, her hair burn in flames and upon impact those who got hit by her flaming fist either died through evaporation or they flew to the far end that had sent them flying by either her punch or her leg impact to the floor.

And soon the so called beautiful room that was ones known as the training hall had become identical to that of a volcano surrounding as it floor boiled like lava and darkened like burnt residues.

After hours of fighting, something came down crashing hard like a crashed space ship or a meteorite and upon closer view it was none other than SHIKIGAMI SLY, who instantly lost consciousness upon impact to the floor while having his cloth all burnt here and there as he was covered in cuts, and wounds.

SHELLEY who had been hovering in the sky had soon made her impact to the floor, her flaming hair, hands, and legs came cold upon impact to the floor after being satisfied with her victory.

As if been waiting for this moment the far end entrance door had came open announcing peoples entrance, guild master had been called upon by some of the audience present, beside him was SIRI MEGABALL AND FENG LI who had joined in worries as what was presented to them was a mouth full of surprise.

They all had surveyed the arena with dumbfounded expression as they found just SHELLEY standing amidst of all of this with Mabel walking towards her.

SIRI AND LI had felt sorry for those that had called upon the wrath of someone that could turn a training hall into a lava field.

SHELLEY had stood with no emotions, she was prepared for the worst for she had killed dozens of hunters with her rage.

The guild master had stood in front of SHELLEY, and access the entire situation with SIRI AND LI standing speechlessly behind the GUILD master as half of them were scared of what would have become of them if they had joined the others.

'It was SHIKIGAMI squad that threw the first punch'

Mabel had said in defense for SHELLEY before letting anyone say a word. The guild master had stare at mabel before staring at the captains who had long since lost consciousness with tattered clothes.

'It was unfortunate for those that lost their life, and i deeply regret of not been aware of such conspiracy and as such, actions will...'

'There is no need for that, i shall personally take care of myself, and anyone i find a threat shall be eliminated'

SHELLEY had shut the GUILD master up, the man had known SHELLEY had gone cold ones more like she was the first time she had arrived as the look on her face had changed.

'Very well, in other for this never to repeat it self again, i would want you to take the re-evaluation test today'

The guild master had said

'If that is what you want, then so be it'

She had said and went along with the guild master the medic personnel had arrived to the scene and was speechless to what they had seen before getting snapped out of it by the guild master who had clapped as if to tell them to get on with their business.

Upon arrival to the private ranking section in the guild building, the GUILD master had sent SHELLEY inside of the evelaution room while waiting at the score room where her Ranking would be scored. Beside the guild master was Mabel while SIRI AND LI was at the other side monitoring the scoring monitor.

In front of SHELLEY was an ore like medium size ball attached to a standing pavement which was connected with the wall with cables. As instructed SHELLEY placed her hands on the ball and infused the amount of mana necessary without going all out to unleash her mana.

And in that instant she had poured in her mana, the ore ball glowed white and instantly broke after a sudden crack, as if the building was on fire the alarm went on.

Feeling speechless SHELLEY had turned to stare at the lady in charge of the evaluation test as she was standing in fright. Those at the score room could open their mouth wide, feeling super surprised at the screen that indicated a billion score with a SSS written after words with the number (1) written underneath the SSS.

Been certain of her class for she was a fighter and an assassin type of hunter they all left the evaluation section.

The guild master had made sure nobody knows of anything aside from just those that were present at that moment and threatened to kill whoever said a word.

Days came by with the processing of documents necessary to shut the press up and those of the guild had been ready, SHELLEY had lived her life alongside Mabel as if nothing had happen.

Everyone who had known that day and had experienced it had come to respect her and her squad, those who saw her entering the guild building daily always stop to stare at her, she had decided to cut her long hair short and dress it neatly, SHELLEY had decided to kick every other hunters in her squad out as they werent even in her squad for being true but was there for the name and fame.

SHELLEY attained a nickname after the incident, everyone who knew and saw what happened called her the FLAME PRINCESS, while those that fought her and survived called her SCARLET QUEEN.

Days after the squad became almost empty, Mabel had taken it upon herself to handle every paper work in the squad while assisting SHELLEY ones in a while to clear dungeons when she is less busy or done with paper work.

SHELLEY had instructed not to announce her rank nor details until she came of age. Her daily life went on as she had wanted with no interruptions.

Those who had recovered from their injury had either retired due to shock, or due to them losing a limb or two or they had decided to hide their pride and apologize while maintaining their distance.

The one so called A-Rank had instantly become the most powerful hunter in the world, yes it was normal to be scared and feel respect towards the strong. Even the so called captains now abide to her wishes as her words were final.

With her at the top of power the guild had been able to maintain their global ranking and as well supported other cities in clearing dungeons when needed and as well helped out in various dungeon brake around the world.

Her contributions and ideas had given the guild an undeniable attention and were far known globally than the CRIMSON FAIRY GUILD which was ranking below them at the second position.

Before her reevaluation at the HUNTER WELFARE ASSOCIATION on her 15th year birthday she had received a message from RIVET who had decided to reply her for the first time since she had left the girl all alone.

It was a message that sent specific instructions on what she was meant to do. According to the message SHELLEY had read, it instructed her about her newly found powers and how to go about it by not entirely revealing how strong she was to the world.

SHELLEY was told that since she had made the first mistake to reveal her power three years ago, that she should keep making them believed that was how strong she was. RIVET had told her to suppress the amount of Mana she pours in the ore ball in her reevaluation test and if possible pour the same amount she had poured in three years ago.

She was also told few things about how she got the powers and also received an attached file that was sent to her, the file had contains history that arent related to this world history, and was told few things about the dragon race.

RIVET had sent her a dozen of evealution ore dummies she could use for practice before the actual day for her reevaluation.

To SHELLEY, RIVET was the only person she had trusted as she was the only one that had stood beside her at all times.

She had practiced and practice and eventually got what she had wanted and after a while she had understood the difference in her powers as her actual ranking wasnt evaluated under the SSS RANKS, she instantly sent her deduction to RIVET through an oldest form of mailing.

On her reevaluation day happened to be her 15th year birthday, her rank was publicly announced and was worldwide accepted by everyone as she wasnt the only one to had become the strongest in the world.

Aside from SHELLEY there was another guy who had ranked in the same rank as SHELLEY, he was also SSS Hunter and was from the CRIMSON FAIRY guild, with this two at the top of power, both guild were balanced.

Unlike the other who had announced his identity to the world, SHELLEY identity was perfectly hidden as to her rank and guild, gender and age were just the details that were published by the media.

From that day henceforth the WHITE TIGER GUILD reputation had skyrocket to it peak.

On the other Hand, SHELLEY had become more respected for her achievements and was look up to by the rest of the captains and hunters in the GUILD.

It was a sunny day and on the 4th day of sixth month of the year, she had remembered 2 days from now was someone's birthday and had took the day off with Mabel for Shopping. Her mind had told her it was a very special day for that someone, she had gone to a store with Mabel. It was a local store with various style of hand made items and mostly were presentable.

SHELLEY knew that, that someone doesnt like fancy gift and mostly preferred hand made ones, she had wore an armless turtleneck black shirt, black pant trouser and a black leather shoe with a face cap, and her left hand held a black leather purse, mabel was on a long sleeve round neck light pink shirt, short skirt and high socks with black shoe.

Both were welcomed politely by the male shop attendant who looks like he was in his late 20's, as they greeted and survey the shop, mabel followed around SHELLEY wherever she went and was later forced to ask questions.

'SHELLEY, can you tell me why we are doing this again?'

'It is a birthday gift for someone'

SHELLEY replied mabel without stopping to pay her any attention as she was more focused on an item to pick, her eyes had glared the shelf that was been covered up with glass but soon had no choice as to what was present werent what she had wanted.

'Yes, i know that, you said the same thing 4 months ago before your birthday'

'Well, unlike the last one which was for a female, this one is for a male'

SHELLEY said without trying to clear out any misunderstanding thoughts.

'Are you seeing someone?, is this a gift for someone you like?'

Mabel had said with creepy mischievous smiles welling on her face as if to poke SHELLEY to spill her love life secret.

'I am not seeing anyone, and yes it is a gift for someone i like, he is the funny type and we did promise to get married'

SHELLEY said trying to ignore the rest of the conversation as she walked towards the shop attendant.

'So you are engaged?'

'Well the memories i had of him are still fragments, i dont know what he looks like anymore, neither do i remember his name, but i do remember him doing something like that'

She said with a smile upon arriving at the counter after leaving Mabel hooked up with questions to ask while she was done.

'Sorry, i have quite searched around and couldn't find something i want, could you kindly show me what is held in your treasury box'

She had asked knowing fully well shops like this had special boxes with either hand made items made out of gem stones or dungeon items, and sometimes there are rare cases where the buyers have to assemble their gift themself.

'Very well miss, give me a minute'

The shop attendant had soon left for the back door.

'So if you were engaged, you should have had an engagement ring or something '

'A ring huh, well i did have one, but i gave it back to him for safe keeping till we meet again'

Feeling memorable she toyed with her left ring finger which had a ring mark that seems to never leave her finger as she grew up.

'Was that mark from the ring?, how long did you wear it for?'

'About 2 years? '

Mabel who had heard about her statement succumbed to silent, she knew she is just 21 and SHELLEY is 16, yet she is yet to find anyone who would even be honest with her for ones without being after something.

Comparing her life with SHELLEY her respect had even grown more without knowing it.

'I am sure he still believes i am dead, besides i just hope i got the address to his home right since i sent the first gift there '

SHELLEY had bath in sweet memories and soon lost track of time as she wasnt even aware when the shop keeper had returned, SHELLEY who had lost her way in her road of thoughts had been brought back home by the gentle noise made by a box to a glass.

The box was black in colour and was mostly covered in sue material but soon became crystal clear by the sudden touch made by SHELLEY which amazed them a little as they hadnt seen anything like it.

SHELLEY became quite happy to what was presented, she had seen few pairs of crystal ores that had been well refined with zero attributes of mana in it and only react to things related to mana.

The pairs were small as it could be use for both a bracelet and a chain pendant.

'How much is this?'

She asked, she was delighted she had ventured into the store, and was glad she got to have the money to pay as she wasnt just the number one ranked hunter but as well the richest hunter in the world.


SHELLEY became over excited and had quickly opened her purse to bring out her card, she gave the card to the attendant and he slot it into a machine input the necessary amount to the machine and after few beeps he had brought out the card and handed it back to the owner while picking up a water proof pack to place in the gift before handling over a receipt to her.

'Thank you'

SHELLEY said and left the store with mabel, both walked the street for few minutes before taking a transport vehicle.

'Say SHELLEY, could i help you look for this person you are so inclined on meeting?'

Mabel had said trying to be of help, SHELLEY who was listening but all smiling over her good catch had pretended not to have heard.

'I could start with their home address'

'I appreciate your concern, but...'

'Please give me this chance to at least do something for you'

Mabel had pleaded without letting her explain, her intention to help had made her not see anything, SHELLEY knew verywell the family doesn't like people sneaking up on them, especially when people start investigating them.

'If you insist, i shall tell you everything i can remember but only if you abide to me and not the GUILD '

'W-what do you mean?'

Mabel flustered as she was confused of what had been said.

'Something big will happen in the future, and this is going to happen if ever i go to ROSE CITY, which means i could get back everything i had lost and might end up quitting the guild, so i want to know if you will be by my side should such a thing happen'

SHELLEY words to Mabel was somewhat heavy as she had spoken regards to RIVET worries and concerns, she also understood what was at stake.

'In a simple term, do you have what it takes to rebel against the world?'

SHELLEY jokingly said while trying her possible best to make Mabel feel at ease while they both had sat in the transport vehicle while having a long discussion

'You have made me what i am today, you could say i am only benefiting from you, but to be honest i have always admired and respect you ever since i have set my eyes on you, if staying with you would mean fighting against the world someday then count me in'

SHELLEY got surprised and was speechless, this awkward moment and her sudden heartfelt speech had caught her offguard.

SHELLEY had known Mabel to be the type to say how she really felt and had known what she had said was legit, a smile creeped on SHELLEY face as she leaned her head on Mabel shoulder.

'I hope you dont regret your decisions'

SHELLEY had said as if tired and needed to sleep, her eyes closed slowly and her hair was patted on by Mabel

'I wont, so please rely on me even if little'

SHELLEY had giggled a little as if being happy for what she had said before being overwhelmed by sleep.

Mabel had felt a little bit of responsibility upon her now as she was left to drop SHELLEY off at her apartment since SHELLEY had swayed Mabel to sleep over in her apartment for the month.


As if fighting for dominance over who ruled sky, the dark cloud instantly invaded the homes of the white cloud leaving nothing but gray sky and thunderous clap and lighting flash.

2pm it was and it was a day without visiting the guild, it been two months already after her gift shopping with Mabel, SHELLEY had relaxed on a couch as if waiting for someone.

Her thoughts came crashing by the sudden entrance of Mabel who was naked with residue of syrup all over her body, as if being married her hand held the small towel as if not letting go of it grip from falling, apparently she had vowed to follow SHELLEY no matter what and in exchange she needed to bath in a syrup to make sure there wasnt any bugs attached inside of her.

'The result shows clear, is there anything else needed to do?'

SHELLEY said feeling unpleasant after taking a proper glare at this 8 figure shape human who was standing in front of her.

'If i wasnt a girl i am sure i would have forced my way on you'

SHELLEY said trying to tease Mabel who could careless as she formed a smile.

'Well for now, No, all that need to be done is to eat and read some information i acquired from an anonymous'

SHELLEY said while flaunting a flash drive in her hand

'I never knew you were into the BLACK MARKET DATA SHARING'

'Well i needed to know what and who am going up against so as to prepare for any thing'

Mabel stood and began wiping of her body with the towel starting with her hair.

'For someone younger than me, i do envy you, i mean you are way too smart'

'I guess that makes you the third person saying that to me'

SHELLEY giggled afterwards and relaxed her back.

'I see, by the way do you still want me to investigate about your past?'

Mabel asked, her thought had still fixated on making sure she regains her memory, she stood leaning her weight on one leg and relaxing the other.

'For now, we are getting way suspicious, be patient till early next year'

'If you think so, have you gotten a reply from whom you sent your gift to'

'No, not at all'

'Okay, i will head to the shower now, mind cleaning up?'

'Of course not, i will do that and prepare what to eat'

Mabel smiled and exited the living room through the opened door while leaving SHELLEY behind to her business.

Hours came by and a delivery man had arrived, Mabel had stood in front of the door to received the package.

Jamming the door behind her it made a heavy metallic noise that got SHELLEY attention who had been fixated on her laptop while sitting on the couch in the living room.

'The package has arrived'

Mabel said and in that instant SHELLEY had stood up while placing the laptop on the center table before the noise of a clap could be heard.

As if getting instructions from signals the house went on a lock down as it security had been activated leaving Mabel in an awe state.

'Follow me'

SHELLEY instructed and mabel had done exactly that only to find a something surprising. They both had walked down the basement that look way more like a private section with enormous space and few equipment and gadget.

'Where are we?'

She asked while surveying the room with her eyes, the weight on her arms had been lifted with SHELLEY taking the package away to the table and opening it.

'I normally use this place for training, but now it has become a private section I usually make use off when something important comes up'

'What do you mean?'

Mabel had asked, she was confused and had no idea what was so important to come this far. She had known SHELLEY to be the careful type to dispose of anything she had used but instead she had brought her here.

SHELLEY had brought out a black box and placed it on the table while pushing the cartoon away to the  edge of the table.

'It is a live video call, well unlike the previous ones, this one is about you'

SHELLEY said with a smiled before placing her hand on top of the box, upon contact with her fingers the box came open with a gaseous sound, in it lies 8 black balls with camera lens like shape at the front. balls.


Mabel felt anxious, she was not ready for this as she made few step backwards.

'Relax, it just something i needed to be sure of before moving forwards with my plans'

SHELLEY said and began to toss the balls to the hair after pressing the on button on each and everyone of it, each ball hover the moment they had been set free to the air.

Feeling surprised Mabel stood in awe while having SHELLEY stand beside her. Both waited for some minute before a holographic projection revealed the end of the other side that looked like a private lab, the person on the other side was a female who had sat in front of a table with her face not revealed.

'Hey SHELLEY, it been how long again?'

'It been a year since we video chat, by the way why arent you showing your face?'

SHELLEY was confused as to why RIVET had decided to hide her identity

'I see, before we begin, i do remember telling you to becareful about revealing your identity didn't i?'

'Yes you did'

As if being surprised SHELLEY became confused to what was presented in front of her, they were the birthday gift she had sent out.

'How did you get those?'

SHELLEY asked as her head were filled with questions

'You sent this to him did you not?'

'Yes, but why do you have it?'

'I have this because you sent this to his old home address, which i am currently occupying while trying to clean up the mess everyone left behind'

RIVET sighed after a heartfelt of words, she knew she had gotten angry and had decided to relax a bit before leaning backwards, revealing just her lips.

'If you do want to send him any gift you could have waited till he came of age and besides i already told you he knows you as Aurora and not SHELLEY '

RIVET retort towards the letter that had came with the gift as if being annoyed at something. SHELLEY had felt stupid has she had forgotten what was said to her.

'I am sorry'

SHELLEY appologized and stare after a brief bow.

'Fine, i will send this to him and his sister in the city next year, just be patient, okay?'

'I will'

SHELLEY had smilled after a little reassurance, Mabel on the other hand had stood in fright as she had no idea of who was capable to make SHELLEY apologize.

'Regarding the main reason for our video call, i have done the necessary research on LOMAN MABEL, she was born and brought up in GREGORIA CITY'

As if being correct with the information Mabel  got a goosebump, her heart skipped a beat as cold sweat formed behind her neck.

'She lived in a family of 6, but lost her siblings to the dungeon break that occurred during the NECTAL INCIDENT, she moved to live with her aunt in LIVALANE CITY and was kicked out after a year, she joined WHITE TIGER GUILD as a C-Rank hunter after being evaluated.'

RIVET had tossed the file on the table before leaving a remark on her.

'She is now an SS-RANK HUNTER, i would say her life was miraculous or perhaps she is just part of the reality made by him to protect you since you dont have your her with you any more'

SHELLEY had felt a bit sad and scrub her finger slowly as if to remember the past.

'If you really do trust her and you want her to find him for you, then i will give her the necessary information she needs, but be warned, should you start this, there wont be a turning point'

'I am ready'

Mabel said trying to assure the lady behind the video.

'It is not about being ready, it is about being prepared'

Rivet sighed as if getting tired of everything

'i will say this ones and not repeat anything, but first let me confirm something '

'What is it?'

Mabel asked feeling bold.

'Are you sure you are willing to stay regardless of any outcome'

'Yes i am'

'I see, fine, then for you to know the truth about everything, i will need you to visit ORLEANS KINGDOM'

Both SHELLEY and MABEL were surprised at the mentioned name as they knew it was one of the kingdom ruled by king and queens


'yes, there i want you to gathered information regarding QUEEN SILVETH WEINSTEIN, since there are no transport gate there you will have to travel the old fashioned way, i will send you the necessary items required for your task should you make up your mind'

Mabel was ready, she knew something like this could happen but she wondered why gathering information of someone else help with SHELLEY memory

'I am ready, if need be i can leave for ORLEANS KINGDOM right now, but what worries me is the fact that i dont understand how any of that would help SHELLEY get back the rest of her memories ones '

'The girl standing beside you is engaged to QUEEN SILVETH WEINSTEIN son, she can only gain her memories if she made contact with him, but it is too early for her to meet him yet'

RIVET said while doing something else on her table as if assembly some part of a machine, she held screw drivers and knot the screw back into it place.

'When he comes of age, she shall regain her lost memories, but something tragic will come as a price'

As if done with what she was doing she rested her hand

'You keep using terms, why not use actual names'

'Yea right, lastly, SHELLEY if ever comes a day you visit Rose City, you are bound to kill someone, only then will you gain your lost memories '

Rivet stood up and lean on her right hand on the table and stretched forward the other as if about turning off the cam

'I just wish that day never comes'

RIVET said and in that instant the holographic projection went of and the hovering ball fell to the ground leaving a snap sound that woke SHELLEY up from her short thought.

The cams had sparked as if suppressing an explosion that sounded like a deflating object.

'Hey SHELLEY what is actually going on?'

Mabel said as she was concerned about SHELLEY and the story she had just heard. MABEL walked forward to try to pick up the damage cams as to her surprised it began to evaporate leaving behind no trace whatsoever.

'I am sure you have heard about the WORLD TTREE well everything begins with it and the only so far i have been told of stopping what it had planned was someone i had met as a kid, recovering my memories will set a spark to the beginning of what had been planned by the WORLD TREE'

SHELLEY said, she knew nothing good was ever going to happen, but she needed to make sure she was strong enough, she walked the stairs and behind her was MABEL.

'I have heard stories about the WORLD TREE and the beginning of dungeons, but i never knew it was this intense'

'Well, it is, and even more deeper than you can ever imagine'

'If that is the case, i will gladly go on this mission'

'It is risky'

'Dont worry i will be fine'

'Are you sure? It will take a year or more if not less'

'I am willing to do what it takes'

Mabel had made up her mind, she had cared more for SHELLEY who was more like a younger sister and a best friend to her, she needed to know the truth and try averting this tragic beginning she had heard about.

'I will inform the guild master of your away mission'

'Speaking of guild, will you be able to cope?'

'I will be fine, i can just hire few humans to handle paperwork while i deal with dungeons till your return'

'So like you'

MABEL giggled making fun of SHELLEY at her lazy side as both walked out of the basement with it secret entrance covering up like there was nothing there in the first place.

Both spent the rest of the day having fun and playing games, anyone seeing them would believe they had a secret love life affairs as they were closer than a sibling would.

Few days came by and MABEL had set off as planed on her away mission as the guild had been informed, SHELLEY had gone back to her solo life and became more quite as she had no one to really talked to aside from the guild master who engaged in a little personal chat after business.

Her life went smoothly and she had requested for a custom made squad uniform in military style attire of red colour and gold coating with black short skirt. She mostly clear every dungeon that spawn just to clear her mind and sometimes attend to official meeting alongside SIRI and the GUILD MASTER.

SHELLEY solo living went on for a year and some month but one day her attention was urgently needed as to a certain issue had arose.

SHELLEY wore her NEW custom made squad uniform and went to the guild the next day, She walked into the guild build entrance hall with every eyes that noticed her present stealing a peek at her, black short hair with her left side stylez with braids in white colour with the other side neatly pined to the side with red hair pin, military style attire in red and gold, black short skirt, high grade waist belt holding two swords at each sides of her waist, her left side had a neatly sew one arm cape that flies calmly behind her as she walked, apparently she was in her guild uniform as it logo was embedded on her left chest which was like a Tiger head with a fancy hand made necklace made out of black rope and a small size red crystal as it pendant.

Ignoring the pesky stares upon her, she walked up the enormous stairs that lead all the way up to floor two and her combat heel shoes did the talking as she walked up the stairs.

Upon her arrival she had met the rest of the captains seated with the meeting beginning at her entrance, she took her seat and listened carefully, each information she got shook her entire being as she was forced to maintain silence.

She sat peacefully and contributed to the meeting.

A girl said, she was a squad leader, her name was NINA KIN, she ranks 3rd on her seat for she is the 3rd strongest SS-RANK Hunter in the guild, her hair was dyed pink with some flashy cute hairpin.

'Very well, i shall begin with this'

Holding the remote the man had pressed a button that turned on the screen board, he was the guild leader, left eye patch, modern kimono dress with white beards and neatly packed hair.

'O-oh? A third one appeared?'

A guy with blonde spiky hair had nonchalantly said as his whistle echoed the room all in the hopes of calling the attention of the sole SSS-RANK hunter in the room, he is lousy and tries to pick a fight with almost everyone, he is the 4th squad leader with the name SLY, SHIKIGAMI SLY IN FULL.

'We recently got our hands on this information but this was published about a month ago'

The guild master spoke trying to reel out the slow development in the guild.

'It says her name is, NAOMI LENIAT, and she is currently in a guild called the Porter X'

A girl with glasses had spoken, as she stared to the screen and adjusted her glasses with her first finger, she was the 2nd squad leader with a name PRISCILLA WILLIAMS.

'That information is outdated, it says here she was in a guild called ZANZA, but the guild attempted to assassinate her because she joined a team called PORTER X, after a successful recovery and re-evaluation she annihilate the guild itself, and lastly she had ditched the guild PORTER X for GRIMMSAW guild 3 weeks ago'

A boy with an appearance of not older than 12 years of age had spoken while staring at his phone, he had felt digusted after reading the profile, he was the 1st squad leader with the name SIRI MEGABALL.

'shes no different from a prostitute'

'Mind your words SIRI'

A male had spoke in reprimanding tone as siri shun his effort, he was the 5th captain that had walked in with the SSS-RANK Squad leader, his name is LI FENG, his hair was as dark as a shadow could get.

'What about her? Why are we shown records about someone from the ROSE CITY?'

Her question had picked the interest of the guild master, she usually is the quiet type and speak only when necessary, they say when she hunt, it is as swift as a lightning flash and her devotion exceeds everyone else, some say she is like this because of her amnesia after surviving a life threatening illness, some say she is like that because she is married to loneliness.

She was the squad captain of the 5th squad, her words are final and not this five are bound to go against her, they call her the SCARLET QUEEN, but her real name is SHELLEY, SHELLEY GREENGARDEN.

'you ask an amusing question, the president of the WORLD HUNTER WELFARE have set eyes on this'

In front of the screen was a male and female icon with zero identity but just their guild name along with no bio data.

'Apparently this two was said to clear the last SS-Rank dungeon in ROSE CITY and as well as hunting down every last bit of the dungeons in ROSE CITY'

With surprise upon their faces they stare at the screen

'It is not a big deal, after all, they have a SSS-RANK hunter assisting them'

Priscilla Williams words caught the attention of siri

'Dont be stupid, that bitch identity was recorded, but this two are different '

His rude comments also caught the attention of the guild master.

'You are right, this two were said to be porters when they cleared the second to the last SS-RANK dungeon and about a week later they cleared the second SS-RANK DUNGEON while NAOMI LENIAT was admitted during the failed assassination.'

The guild master had said and stared at the ones changed screen with no data but just the guild name

'They only consist of 2 members in this guild and they have cleared almost +600 dungeons in lesser days than an average guild would'

The next screen showing a chart of dungeons cleared in Rose City

'This chart indicates the numbers of dungeons left in rose city versus the amount of dungeons left before their existence were noticed'

The chart indicated that from 1,100 of dungeons has been reduced to 446 and as they speak it has even gone below that, the guild master kept with his explanation as his attention was called upon ones again

'So you mean the higher ups want to know who this people are and bring them to power or what?'

Nina kin asked feeling to know the need of such information

'Well the truth is, they want to investigate this two, and bring them in but if not possible they are to be eliminated'

The guild master had spoke with worries, he knew it wont be an easy mission to eliminate such target not to mention two of them.

'Isnt that too over the top?'

Sly had spoken in concern,he knew the higher ups were corrupted but not to this extent

'Well this would be easy, we got words that, one of them is just an E-Rank hunter and the other recently did a re-evaluation test and she was ranked SS-Rank'

The guild master had tried assuring the squad leaders with a smile.

'So who will you be assigning for this mission?'

Sly had asked in hopes of him getting picked with a cheerful big mischievous smile all over his face.


The guild master responded as he stared at SHELLEY who had now stood alongside SIRI with their names been mentioned.


Feeling disappointed he leaned backwards and rolled back his tongue. He had knew the reason they were picked because they were the strongest in the guild

'Why did you assign me to this mission, guild master?'

'Well you were ones from there, maybe going back there could help recover your lost memories, that aside, i wanted you to guild SIRI through his first away mission'

'Very well i shall leave it at that'

She had said in approval and relaxed her mind

'Your mission starts in 2 days, so prepare your self'

'Yes sir,'

SIRI AND SHELLEY has responded in a respectful manner as they sat back and listened to what comes next.

As she debate upon what to do she had finally decided to accept her fate and accept the mission, but she made sure to bid a proper farewell to the GUILD master privately but had promised to aid if came a time for her help.

Hours came by with the sky getting darker, the city soon welcomed the snowy season, as shelley stood in front of her balcony with just her hot pant and a pair of wide neck shirt that seems to have exposed her left shoulder and her left side chest alongside the handle of bra.

Her nose had gone red with a sneeze that shook her being.

'Damn it'

Her anger was faced to her lack of immunity to such repulsive weather, feeling a bit nervous about going to a city she has no memory off and had been told she would kill someone made her gave a depressing sigh, she had decided to go into her room to relax for the day leaving the door to shut itself as her present was welcomed by this not so empty room with just a bed, reading table and a wardrobe.

And as she thought about things, her body laid heavy while welcoming sleep at her subconscious state.




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