

The sky has gone pale for a sunny day, wind blew here and there as if clearing way for his majesty to arive, those that walked the street wore heavy clothing as the weather was too cold for their liking.

It has been 4 month and snow and his sister were no where to be found, yet the guild was still as active as ever.

SHELLEY and SIRI walked the street with NAOMI as if going somewhere, SHELLEY was on a tight jean, black outing shoe, thick sky blue jacket and white roundneck shirt, red scarf that matched with her necklace. SIRI had wore a turtleneck long sleeve cream colour shirt, navy blue dark trouser pant, a sneaker and a face cap, NAOMI had wore a red gown that revealed the other side of her thigh and a ribbon tied like a bow around her waist.

'Have you heard words from SNOW and WHITE?'

'You ask the funniest question, i have bid my farewells with those two and i have nothing to do with them, if you need information it is best you ask  the BLACK MARKET DATA TRADERS they should know a thing or two'

NAOMI retorted to SIRI sudden question. Both had walked minutes and soon decided to make a stop at the nearby family restaurant.

The noise of a bell had signified the female attendant of someone entering as they were greeted instantly before the door went shut behind them.

'Welcome MR and MISS, please this way'

She said and directed the group to an empty space beside the extreme end of the restaurant which had glass wall revealing the road.

'Thank you'

NAOMI thanked her before she left to her business and let another attendant took over, the three had sat and and waited for an attendant to arrive.

'I believe i have said this before, snow and his sister will find you if you ever need anything but if it is regarding an investigation, kiss that effort goodbye '

An attendant walked up to the three while discussing, she had a long white hair and a custom made armless maid outfit that wasnt so long but short up to her tigh and a black tigh socks matched with a high heel black shoe.

'Welcome, how may we be of service '

Hearing her voice gave a goosebumps down the spine of NAOMI she was surprised as to recognise the voice and upon staring at the maid it was none other than White with a tray in her hand.

'W-W-white? W-what are you doing here?'

Naomi said while feeling nervous and somewhat scared, she flustered in her words as if she had saw a ghost, SHELLEY and SIRI had just sat in surprise as well as they never expected to meet any of them in such a place.

'What are you talking about? Porter X own this store and i currently just here to pick up AURORA'

White said feeling confused at the flustered Naomi, she soon turned to stare at the broadcast station which was currently announcing the news

'Before that big brother said there would be an announcement today that i should wait before then'

White said staring at SHELLEY who had not wore the gift she had been given the last time they had met.

'Attention citizens of ROSE CITY, i bring to you live from the HUNTER WELFARE ASSOCIATION, the president of hunter welfare ASSOCIATION, president LILIANA HEARTKILL has been murdered by a group of assassinated hunters that invaded the association last night, i repeat, the association president has been murdered '

A male who has been broadcasting had announced the death of the president and had kept on announcing the details as SIRI, NAOMI and SHELLEY  sat in shock to the news.

As if being angered the table left a mourn that felt like a bash with a palm on it as SIRI stood in question

'How did you know such a news would be broadcast, did you kill her?'

White stood and smile at the kid whom was three years younger than her.

'Kill her?, why do we have to kill her now when we had a bunch of opportunity to, besides, her death had just sparked a war'

White had said, and soon a maid walked up to her to pick the tray from her, the maid had bowed and left afterwards.

'I guess it is time, farewell'

White bowed, stump her right feet to the floor twice and in that instant a flash of light sparked the room which was similar to a camera caption. In surprise SHELLEY and WHITE had vanished with no trace leaving a dumfounding reaction on SIRI's face.

'Where is SHELLEY?'

'Just relax, SHELLEY will be fine, i guess they both just wanted a private time with her'


Minutes flew like it was a fast forwarded movie, both had arrived at the top of a hill covered in beautiful grass, at it top was a tree with a waterfall at the other side of the hill that joins up with the stream below them.

Upon arrival SHELLEY had stood speechless while trying to process what had happen, white had walked forward to meet up with the figure in a black long sleeve t-shirt, a black pant trouser with an office shoe with a black hair.

This figure who had now turned to pat white on her head for a good job had spoken few words to her with a gust of wind brushing off all he had said along with it.

White vanished in an instant with what was left behind was a flash of light, SHELLEY had instantly stepped backwards to prepare for the worst as she had stepped on a twig that almost fell her.

Upon staggering and gaining her balance she had heard the voice of the male, it was a laugh that made her feel embarrassed.

'You are still as silly as ever, why not come over here let talk for a bit, then you can decide what to do next'

White had said while offering his hand as if to ask for a dance but without him bowing whatsoever. Feeling it was a better opportunity to gain information SHELLEY had walked to join the male before her, he had stood and stared at her but she felt a bit of rudeness from it.

'So what do you want to talk about?'


A cute smile had given his face more attractiveness, SHELLEY who had stood to speak with a man other than the guild member and master soon got flustered and became nervous.

'You see, i was told you had died after you underwent the surgery, and i kinda lost it for month, but i did wanted to believe you were alive somewhere'

'You speak like you know me?'

Her words had felt amusing to snow as he let out a giggle, he soon stare at her and got lost in time

'What are you staring at?'

He soon snapped out of his thought from SHELLEY sudden voice, he smiled ones more and stare far towards the waterfall.

'Am so sorry, i just cant believe i almost lost you'


'We use to come here when we were kids each time i came visiting with sis, and you will say, "as long as the water keeps falling i will always love you" back then i used to believe you were full of it and just trying to make me feel stupid'

'Even if you say all of this, i still cant remember'

SHELLEY had said staring at the emotional male beside her, her thought sank deep down as she wondered what her past life was with this male.

'I see, i know about your lost memories, i brought you here because i had hoped you will remember something'

'Am sorry i cant remember '

She said while feeling a little bit sad and didnt want to show it, she stood and for some reason felt it was nice to let her mind relax as she was on guard waiting for something to happen.

'It is fine, you will gain back your memories, afterall i am the last piece'

He said and turned to stare at her, he very well knew at this point she had gotten angry saying such a thing to her.

'But before then, i need you to be patient a little while longer'

He rub the side of her face with the back tip of his finger, caressing her face made SHELLEY wonder why she cant resist his touch.

'What do you mean?'

SHELLEY embracing this care instantly snapped out of it with sheerwill, slapping his hands away came a calm wind that untangled this moment.

She step few steps backward and prepared for combat, her hair glowed and burn upwards as if made out of flame itself.

Snow stare and giggled, he walked few steps forward but to his surprise his path had been divided with what seams like an eruption of flames that stood between them both in a straight line.

'I guess this is one of the reasons i kinda liked you, well, i will keep stretching my hands forward, feel free to accept it when ever you feel like'

He had said trying to make her feel at ease, still wanting her to feel there is a reason for her to make him an enemy as he stood and stare with gentle breeze swinging his hair here and there.

'I dont mind becoming the enemy to keep you safe, and the powers you acquire, hmm let see.'

He stood as if staring deep inside of SHELLEY only to smile afterwards, as if being embarrassed by a pervert stare SHELLEY walked backwards acting shy all of a sudden.

'I see everything is in place huh, very well, i shall tell you one last thing SHELLEY '

He stood with a sincere look and had a stern face as if something serious was about to happen. SHELLEY who had sensed the seriousness in his expression soon came to an attention and stood as if a ceasefire had been issued.

'MEGABALL SIRI, he isnt to be trusted, in short, watch your back around him he is a member of YGGDRASIL, and according to what i found, he is one of the three strongest hunter in YGGDRASIL'

As if been struck by a heavy punch SHELLEY eyes widened as if to pop out of it socket that left her in deep shock and surprise

'You cant be serious, and how can you prove what you just said?'

'In time you will get to understand, but for now that is all there is to tell you, perhaps the next time we meet i can tell you my plans after that'

He smiled afterwards and as if being made fun of SHELLEY got angry as she hadnt received the answer she wanted.

As if being bombarded by a missile, loud noises could be heard of an explosive impact that covered both snow and SHELLEY as to SHELLEY previous standing position had let out a loud moarn that could be called a shockwave.

The so called after impact of smoke was swept of by the gentle breeze that came after revealing what had trespassed, snow had stood without making any move while holding the last left punch of SHELLEY who had gone aggressive.

'Dont you dare, dont dare accuse someone you know nothing about'

She had said with a frown from anger while glaring at snow with her hair and arms on fire. Snow who stare at her had felt a little disappointed, he knew thing could turn out like this but it needed to change her view towards what is to come next.

'Say, i am sure you know him better than i do, but please tell me, what exactly do you know about anything?'

As if being angered SHELLEY soon flew into the distance as she was hit by a dark force or rather her shadow at the spark of what sounded like a finger snap by snow, who found his steps moving towards SHELLEY who had crash to the distance floor.

'I am sure you are all mighty because you feel you are stronger or because your rank tells you so?'

He kept walking closer and closer as he had long since left the shades of the tree now in the distance behind him.

'If so how about i give you a taste of hopelessness '

Snow movement came to a halt after staring at the outburst of flame flare that erupted like a ray of light to the sky leaving behind constant shockwave.

He stood with disgust, he had felt disappointed but deep down inside he really wanted to know how strong Aurora had become over the years and had to provoke her.

As if swallowing an object with force the erupted flames vanished insight in an instant leaving behind SHELLEY in a new form.

SHELLEY attire had burnt out and had been replaced with a celestial gown, her hair burn constantly and atop of it was a gold crown that could fit a single palm of hand if placed on it.

She had no footwear and her ankle had gold bracelet, her legs which were on fire had no trace of it, she was soon surrounded by hovering balls. With a crest on her forehead.

'I will make you regret everything '

She said as she walked forward leaving behind boiling earth at her wake. Snow had stood with no care in the world whatsoever, he was way overconfident and was willing to smark her around if need be.

'Please be my guest '

Snow provoke ones more as if she was less a threat

A huge flame ball had sent itself in blazing speed that felt like it was launched to make an impact but in this case sent to obliterate anything in it path.

To SHELLEY surprised the flame had lost it light with what could be seen was a gigantic black shadow that had replaced it size of the flame and soon shrank back to the soil where it came from.

Snow had dashed towards SHELLEY who had launched herself towards him of what came after were clashes of snows bare hand and a flaming balls that instantly gets swallowed up by shadows.

SHELLEY realizing there isnt any hope in throwing flaming balls soon switched her attacks style to a close combat style, her hand had grip tight unto a flame in shape of a sword, snow who had pushed her to the edge had just stood and stare after a long futile fight, he had understood how strong SHELLEY was but he needed her to be more stronger than her current state.

'Is that it? Arent you going to dash at me with that weapon of yours?'

He taunted with a smug hanging over his face as if belittling her to the very core.

'If you wont attack, then i will'

Snow said with earnest, his surroundings had enveloped in darkness with some pointing edges that rose from it which later gave shapes of various forms of swords that laid as if struck to the wall but in this case they were all shadow swords.

He instantly picked the one that had appeared in front of him and swinged it twice leaving a whirling sound that signaled his immediate launch that evaporated the rest of the shadow.

Upon impact with SHELLEY, the entire field fell into deep state of fear that shook the entire greenfield, the waterfall in the distance soon lost it momentum for an instant after been slash to bit by the shockwave that hit home hard.

Each clash reverberated the entire field that shook the green grass off of it root, part of the field had become boiling soil, it scorching surface was equivalent to a lava field that was caused by a volcanic eruption.

Snow who had bath in the heat had part of his cloth burnt out with no bruise or cut on him, SHELLEY had  fought her hardest and soon began to accumulate fatigue, she had never fought this long and her stamina were beginning to run out on her.

Hours came by with the fight coming to an end, snow had grabbed SHELLEY by the neck and he stare at her pity state as her celestial cloth could barely be called one anymore, he felt pity and remorse for actually laying a hand on her.

Letting go of his grip SHELLEY fell to the floor but luckily she had fallen on a liquid like shadow that acted as cushion.

SHELLEY had lost consciousness afterwards and her celestial form had faded away, snow who had tried his best to suppress his tears soon succumbed, his right eye had let out few drops of liquid that could be called tears as each glided down his cheek.

'Am sorry, AURORA, this is the best i can do for you'

Snow had carried her in his arms like a princess and walked miles back to the Greengarden Mansion, he had needed her to rest and perhaps return when she felt like.

Upon his arrival he was welcomed by his sister and the usual Greengarden maids who were reassigned to the house after it had been bought back by snow and white.

Snow had walked up the stairs to let her lay in her room leaving behind his sister and the maid that waited for the instructions.

About 15-20 minutes of waiting they could hear footsteps walking down the stair which caught their attention and made them all stare at who was approaching.

'Let her lay in her room, attend to whatever her needs maybe, and if she decides to leave after waking up, let her do as she pleases, as for me and my sister, we shall leave and come ones in a month for maintenance checkup.

Snow words became rhythmic with his footsteps, upon his final step they all bowed to appreciate him, and after accepting their gratitude with a smile he and snow where no where to be found which signaled them to go about their business.


The sun was brighter than usual, it rays fought it way through the curtains protecting what was behind the window as it could only strike a part of the bed from the little gap at the end of the curtains which stroke directly at SHELLEY cheek.

Feeling at home her body got comfortable while adjusting itself away from the sunlight. As if remembering something her body had sat upright with her eyes forcefully opened neglecting her upper naked body which was hiding underneath the mantras a while ago.

As if being late for work she had instantly got off the bed only to realize how silly it would have been to walk out while naked.

A whaling scream reverberated the mansion as if a lady nakedness had been seen by an opposite sex. Minutes came by and she had decided to standup and to her shock came a sudden knock on the door indicating a present at the other side of the door.

'Young mistress, is anything the matter?'

The voice had asked, feeling nostalgia SHELLEY became curious, she needed to confirm for hherself her shyness vanished and she had ran to open the door.

Forgetting she was naked she had long since hugged the head maid who had came to query, feeling happy about it both enjoyed a moment.

The day immediately began after SHELLEY had taken her bath, had a change of cloth and decided to eat her breakfast.

Since she could only remember the head maid, SHELLEY had refused to have anyone attend to her but the head maid who was in her late 40s, she was in a black long gown, and a white appr3on while serving SHELLEY on the family table she usually use with her parent in the past.

'So why am i here?'

SHELLEY asked trying to gather information and process what had happened so far

'You were brought here by snow and his sister, they said you might regain your memories if you came here'

Upon hearing snows name she instantly remembered her fight with snow and soon realized how useless she actually was fighting against snow who only went on the offensive twice.

'I see, did day say when they will be here again?'

'They rarely come ever since they bought back the mansion and asked us to come back here to work'

Feeling disappointed SHELLEY let out a sigh of relief

'I am really grateful for their support, and i am happy they brought you home'

'I wouldn't be staying here, ADERIA, but i will come ones in a while when i feel like'

'Thats reassuring, am glad you are all better now'

The maid had said, she was happy for this moment and wanted to last long, she had served SHELLEY parent for about 25 years after being saved by her parents when she was left in the dungeon by her former guild members.

She had loved AURORA as if she was her daughter and cared for her as one, as a kid she would always pretend to fall for all AURORA trick and tease just to let her have the fun of it. And now she still did it out of habit and just laugh afterwards.

Both had discussed for hours and enjoyed each others company till SHELLEY had decided to leave.

SHELLEY had stopped at the door for a brief hug before entering the black vehicle that looks similar to a range rover but with different designs which came to pick her up.

6 hours came by and it was getting late upon her arrival back to the hotel she was staying with SIRI, getting out of the car she was welcomed by GRIMMSAW GUILD LEADER, NAOMI and SIRI, who had been worried of her absent as they all saw traces of bruise and cut all over her body as she was on armless shirt and a skirt with tigh-high socks and a heel of black and brown get up.

As if they had seen a ghost they all stood in shock and surprised while being approached by SHELLEY.

She had stood and stare with a stern look, and soon got escorted into the hotel.


Chapter End.


i have been busy with personal work lately and i havent had time to write more, i wish to but i feel i am yet to understand the viewers thought about this book of mine.

LAKESHIREcreators' thoughts
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