
Chapter 11: GREENGARDEN Part 4 (SHELLEY)

It has been few month now since SHELLEY had been a part of the guild as she was yet to have a squad room allocated to her, it was her daily routine of going to the guild in the morning and leaving in the afternoon and some times in the afternoon and leaving at night as she regularly visit the guild sparing arena daily when it was not in use.

She would go there to practice with the guild training equipment as she was accustomed to a single hand sword. Swinging it in a sparing manner here and there made noises of wind being slash with force as her movement were swift and smooth.

She moved like a dancer on a stage, her hair had been neatly tied behind her head like a donut as she was on a bra top and a tight pant, her body figure had been refined over the past month of training and she had acquire more vibrant sex appeal figure even though she is just 10 years of age, yet she still gave her best at what she does.

She had indulged deeply at her training while been deep in thought and wasnt aware of someones approach whose sudden movement came to an abrupt stand still with her neck held by SHELLEY sword that had been in suspense of not slitting her head neatly clean by her sudden swing.

Retracting her action she hastily took few steps backwards before the girl who had approached her had rub her neck to ascertain that she was still alive.

Upon confirm her state of living the girl who had been staring at SHELLEY from the top floor in the audience room had came down to speak to her in person out of admiration.

She had worn the guild uniform and was yet to be assigned to a squad, looking at her appearance whe wasnt more than the age of 15, as she was quite taller than SHELLEY after giving a short review of the girl SHELLEY had concluded she was perhaps a new member who probably join few weeks ago and was probably rank C or B as she had something unique about her appearance.

'Oh forgive me if i had startled you, it wasnt my intention, i had seen you come down here to practice most of the time so i came to say hello'

She had said towards SHELLEY who had long since be preparing to leave now that she had been interrupted

'Oh forgive me, where are my manners'

Her naughtiness came upon her flustered face as she smiled to cover up her mistake of not introducing herself

'My name is Mabel, Loman Mabel, am a C rank by the way and i am 14'

SHELLEY had picked up her towel to dry off the unwanted sweat before picking up her backpack and set out to leave.

'What exactly do you want'

SHELLEY asked after feeling there was an ulterior motif for anyone to walk up to her out of the blue.

Mabel flustered in embarrassment as she became shy upon what was to be said next.

'I know it is weird, but i want to be your friend, i have always admired you ever since the day i first saw you train here'

She said while feeling flustered like a girl who had confessed her dying feelings of love to a certain guy.

'Sorry, maybe some other time'

Walking past her SHELLEY aimed for the exit, mabel felt reluctantly at first but soon summoned courage to press on the matter.

'If i may, what is your name?'

Upon her sudden question the entrance or rather exit door had busted open before SHELLEY and mabel could get closer. Their master piece reaction was thrilling as both stood speechlessly at the person in front of them who had perhaps ran miles to get here.

He was a guild member, you could say he is more or less an errand boy as he is the one in charge of delivering the guild master personal messages if he hadnt wanted to announce it through the radio system that connect to every room and floor in the building.

Taking a moment to catch his breath he had leaned on the his kneels with his hands as a support

'Ah that is good, it save me trouble to look for you two'

He said as if picking his words one after the other while breathing hard and trying to regain control over his lungs.

'What does the guild master want?'

SHELLEY asked she had asked in a manner of expectations and very well knew anytime she sees this persons over gelled hair then it must be related to the guild master.

The boy was a teenager who was older than both girls and looks handsome but his over confident and awareness of it made him feel important in an awkward situation where he value himself the most and thinks every girl would come drooling over him if he pack his hair with excessive gel.

'Apparently the guild master wishes to speak with you and miss Loman'

'How urgent is it?'

'Like right now'

He responded letting SHELLEY know it was quite urgent as she usually takes her time if it wasnt an urgency.

'Fine let me use the locker room i shall be there'

SHELLEY waved as she dismissed herself from the group and went towards the other side of the arena which had another door that leads to the locker room.

Minutes came by and the president had been seated a separate office which had an office table and chair and a cushion and center table at the middle of the office, behind the office chair lies a huge plasma tv embedded to the wall and at the other side was pure see through glass that revealed the city scape.

Loman Mabel and SHELLEY had stood at attention in front of the table awaiting to be addressed by the guild master who had been attending to some pile of paper which had required his signature for approval of whatever they were.

'Sorry to keep you waiting'

The guild master said after laying the pen to rest on the table with care and leaning backwards on his chair, he had picked up the remote and wind up the A.C. a little as it was getting warm for his liking even in this rainy period.

'I asked you two here because there is an assignment i needed to assign to you two?

'Why with her?'

SHELLEY questioned in regards of her not having the slightest interest of being friendly with anyone

'Oh sorry I haven't informed you yet, as of today Loman Mabel has been assigned to your squad'

'I see you want me to clear a dungeon'

'You are fast on the uptake'

He tried to complement her smartness as he lean forward.

'Unlike your daily training, this will be brute for you to handle, but first i have given the clearance of the newly spawned gate to your squad'

'I see, so should i comeback alive what would be my gain?'

She asked

'Thats right, uhm, floor 90 to floor 98 is vacant, how would you like the entire floor 90 to be yours'

'O-oh? Thats some good bargaining chip you got there'

She said as if being impressed towards the guild master offer.

'But before i venture into a dungeon would you mind spilling it rank?'

SHELLEY had asked forgetting there was someone else with them

'Rank S Dungeon, according to it record it is a pretty decent one'

The guild master said in causality manner trying to be nonchalant about it. SHELLEY smirk as she knew it was going to be a hard one, it almost 8 month since she had started living alone and since she had been evaluated as an A rank hunter it would be normal to at least try hunting in a party in an s-rank dungeon case.

It is usually 90% safe for A rank Hunter to solo an S rank dungeon since their monsters were usually easy to kill, but to solo the bosses in an S-rank dungeon were pretty much hard to kill.

This was the cornerstone of SHELLEY worries as she was now paired with a C Rank hunter.

'Are you saying i should venture into an S-rank dungeon sir?'

Mabel asked as she had tried to suppress her fright all along, she knew she was just a C rank who isnt much strong to fight in an S-rank dungeon.

'Yes, and it isnt just you, SHELLEY here will partake in the dungeon, in other words, two of you have been given the option of showing everyone in the guild how unique you are'

'Try not to sugar coat anything when my life is at stake here'

Mabel retorted leaving the guild master speechless.

'Very well i shall let you have everything we gain from the dungeon and in exchange i get the entire floor to myself'

SHELLEY had proposed as she knew it was easy to entice anyone with dungeon fortunes but she really cared less as she just wanted to become stronger and in doing so she will need a name of her own and a turf of her own'

Missing this opportunity to own an entire floor would never come by as she had thought of various things she would do after attain the floor, but shook off the thought as she had suppress her excitement for when she actually gets it.

'Very well, i guess that offer is worth dying for'

Mabel said with a smile as she never knew what had been planned for her by SHELLEY.

'Very well, since we have come to an agreement i would like you two to depart for it in an hour time'

He said, in shock their eyes met with the raid license presented before them while it both lay flat on their backs on the table.

As if being in synchronization both aimed and picked up their assigned licence with their names on it.

'Very well i shall meet you there in an hour'

Mabel said with a faint smile upon her face, her middle curly hair had been neatly pinned by it left side.

'I shall excuse myself now'

She bowed in respect towards the guild master and walked away afterwards, the opening and shutting door soon gave it announcement with a sudden noise that felt like a clap made with aluminium.

'Until i take a re-evaluation text and become ss-rank hunter, could you please make research on whoever tries to make contact with me?'

'Of course, by any chance do you find her fishy?'

'Well she is older than me, and i do know how to handle older people, i just feel something is off about her and i cant have to watch my back all the time knowing fully well that there is someone who i dont trust behind me in a dungeon'

'I understand, that is why i had investigated more about her background and made sure she isn't related to YGGDRASIL by any means'

'Well, even if you assure me she is safe around me, you of all people should know very well what happens in a dungeon without monster'

'In that contest i wont argue, and as a precaution i shall send few hunters as a porter to ensure nothing goes wrong with you clearing that dungeon'

He said, and their conversation went on and on as if it wasnt going to end, they both shared sentimental speech over the past and the GUILD master had come to understand why she had decided to come to his guild.

Upon leaving the office SHELLEY laughed her fill and walked away as she waved with style.

'Wish me luck old man'

She said before pushing the door open with her right hand and slowly close it behind her.


Hours came by with SHELLEY and Mabel clearing the dungeon with a good start, it was a dreadful battle, even though they had three porter behind them doing the scavenger work and carrying their luggage they both fight their way to the boss room with everything they've got, Mabel was a C rank Marksman who deals in long range combat with a bow an arrow, made out of magic ore.

SHELLEY was a fighter and assassin style of fighter with few daggers hidden behind her waist and her long sword held with a tight grip while walking up the stairs that led to the boss room.

Both had fought neatly and restrained from getting damage by any monster so far as they pressed on.

Arriving at the boss room door they all stood at it enormous size, they knew this size was way bigger than a regular boss room. Magic ores were engraved deeply to the wall as it glowed revoltedly.

Those present had shivered in fear as to what they had felt from the sudden glow was far beyond anyones comprehension.

SHELLEY knew she had come this far and not back out as she boldly summoned courage to push the giant door open while trying her best to hide how scared and frightened she was.

Groaning enormously the gigantic metallic door gave way with ease, as it design were something not in the book with records of dungeons, monsters and their boss room.

SHELLEY and Mabel walked in while leaving the porters behind to mine the magic ore to the entrance wall only to have the door shut tight behind SHELLEY and mabel leaving the porters dumbfounded. They had stood for about 15 minutes try every possible way to get in before deciding to mine the ores but eventually waited while they were done.

They heard screams behind the door as they could do nothing but wait. One of them had decided to leave to inform the officials outside of the dungeon of the situation inside as to request back up.

Upon SHELLEY and Mabel arrival to the boss room, it was enormous to the extent that the far end could not bee seen, there lay a dragon, a dragon on the floor and it surrounding pavement it had laid were magic ore that gave the feeling of an alter.

The dragon had stood up from it position as if being waiting for years for this moment, it gigantic form that had taken then entire space of the room soon began to shrink while been shrouded in flames. After minutes of it shrinking in an egg like shape, the dragon wings soon spread out like a bird about to land safely and upon spreading it had revealed a beautiful human like figure, it figure was feminine as the dark encase it has been shrouded in came apart like a broken clay pot that had been over heated.

Flame began to engulf her various part of the body which instantly swap placed with fabric materials which mostly were silk and translucent scarf that danced in suspense behind her with 6 shapes of flaming ball hovering around her while in it circle.

Her feet made a blazing hot welcome to the floor of what was left from it gentle impact was a steam like heat that evaporated instantly.

Two of the flames that were hovering had instantly flew over to her hands and transformed into blazing hot weapon which was in a swordlike shape as she stood.

'Congratulations on being the first to come here humans, though i was expecting people stronger...'

She had halted her statement feeling disappointed and not caring any ways, to this monster SHELLEY and Mabel were nothing but pebbles to her feet.

Staring at this newly transformed Dragon who talked SHELLEY had instantly recalled a story she had been told by someone she could not remember, according to the story, they had seen monsters in boss room that shared human language and could have been said to be very rare to come upon them as they usually are in a high rank dungeon.

SHELLEY stood in preparation for any sudden attack while Mabel had stupidly taunted her by shooting couple of arrows at the boss monster which melted halfway before ever getting any meter close.

Like staying close to an oven the room temperature had gone haywire, it was getting hotter by the minutes, and to retaliate to Mabel attack the dragon just stood to stare at her.

SHELLEY had instantly driven herself in front of Mabel while blocking the flame ball that had been set to obliterate Mabel out of instinct.

Finding SHELLEY action amusing and impressive the dragon snapped her finger and in response the flame vanished as if it wasnt there, her flaming swords had joined up with the hovering flame balls and what was left of it were trademark of blackened floor which the flame had grazed at it launch.

The dragon seeing a child for the first time blocking off her attack gave her a reason to ponder in thought of why a kid would be in her room in the first place.

Her mind ran miles with pile of questions but needed to attain information as well which made her curiosity took the best of her

'O-oh? That is interesting young human, for a kid you do interest me so would you mind telling me your name?'

The dragon in human form asked


'Greengarden you say?'

Her response towards SHELLEY words where those of someone who knew something and had somewhat recall the given surname to be the name she had heard last before arriving to this present moment

She stare at SHELLEY very well as if looking for something but all she saw was a part of her hand which had glowed in cyan like colour. Upon further viewing she noticed it was a ring mark made by something only she was aware of.

As if in excitement the entire room became hotter than it should as Mabel had taken for the worst, she had dehydrated and had fainted in an instant leaving SHELLEY with no backups.

SHELLEY had gotten worried and tried to watch over Mabel without letting her guard down, her hight of fright had escalated and she was doing a very good job at making sure no one finds out

'Are you by any chance related to the king to be?'

The dragon who had been standing all along without moving from her spot had soon set a foot forward while walking gallantly towards SHELLEY.

'What are you talking about?'

SHELLEY asked in confusion while withstanding the extravagance heat spewing out of the balls that hovered around the dragon.

'Well, i guess it is better i find out myself, after all i cant possibly return home now that i am stuck in this real and i still need to pay that stupid tree my heartfelt regards for making my kind do it bidding'

The dragon had said as if speaking to herself while closing the gap between her and SHELLEY.

'I do understand you need power, and i shall grant you power, and in exchange all you have to do is lead me to him'

'But i dont know what you are talking about'

SHELLEY said trying to defend herself but her sword had began to melt, seeing this she instantly discarded it while grabbing her daggers from her back.

The flames hovering had came to a halt and gave way for the human dragon to pass, the human dragon touched SHELLEY chest with a tip of her first finger leaving fright upon SHELLEY with a howling of scream burst that came after.

'Well, in time you will understand, but for now my powers shall be yours to use'

The human dragon had said as she was intending to use this very opportunity to see her sister again ever since she heard of her being beside the chosen one.

SHELLEY chest which had been touched had sent out flare of flame that felt as if something was been crafted on her skin.

The pain she was feeling was excruciating that what she could think of was death, her body and mind had lost it orderliness with her very being going nub after few minutes of non-stop scream.

SHELLEY had followed suit to collapsing not so far from Mabel as the dragon existence were no where to be found with the only traces left of it was now the crest like tattoo in red colour that had laid in place of where the dragon had touched her.

The dungeon had began to disperse into thin air as it would when the officials and porter came running towards where SHELLEY and mabel had laid, mabel cloth had turned to rag but SHELLEY cloth had burnt with no trace the moment the dragon had laid a finger on her.

Both hunters were soon rushed back to the guild as it owned it's own clinic where their hunters are personally treated without the snooping around of the association or the secret organization backing them up.


Those that have read books about dragons would tell you the highest of them all had human intelligence and could relate like one, some claim they are the highest form of power in the realm of fantasies while others claim the angels.

But what no one know was that the WORLD TREE ALSO KNOWN AS YGGDRASIL is the link that joins the 9 reams together, HUMANS, ELF, DRAGONS, BEASTMAN, ANGELS, WITCHES, GOBLINS, DEMONS, GIANTS. This were the world linked to one another.

Those that have seen a dragon in a dungeon, angel in a dungeon, giant in a dungeon were mostly a one time thing which made it record both stupid and of valuable to those that had actually experience it.

SHELLEY had struggle in her sleep as her body fought hard with the bed, unlike Mabel  who had gotten better from treatment SHELLEY case seem to be worse.

Fighting in her sleep cold sweat fell down her body here and there, Mabel had sat beside her trying to calm her down.

Upon forcefully opening her eyes from a bad dream, SHELLEY had grabbed Mabel by the neck with brute force, hands tapping on SHELLEY tight grib had brought snapped her senses back to reality and instantly let go of the choking mabel who she had almost strangled to death.

After both calmed down SHELLEY had now sat with a sense of guilt and had wanted to apologize.

'I am sorry, i didn't mean to'

Apologetic awords flew her lips for the first time in a long while, SHELLEY had sat upright and realized her necklace was gone.

She scrubbed the bed as if searching for something, her eyes scanned her environment as she soon realized she was in a clinic but that wasnt the issue.

As if knowing what SHELLEY was looking for mabel had stretched forward her palm with her necklace at the top of it.

In haste she instantly picked it up, she stare at it for any dent or scratch before quickly putting it on and tie each end carefully behind her neck.

'It was found few miles away from where we had collapsed and after i regained consciousness it was place under my care till you regained consciousness '

Mabel spoken in defense as she tried explaining the situation at hand.

'I only took a peek at it and i realized it was quite unique in it making, did you by chance bought it?'

Mabel had asked in hopes of getting one similar if it was a purchased item.

'No, it was a hand made gift from someone i used to know'

SHELLEY had said while focusing her attention at it as her right hand twirl at it pendant.

'Oh, it must have been very special'

Mabel said feeling happy for SHELLEY but at the same time disappointed that she wouldn't be able to get her own copy.

'I see we are in a clinic, so how long have i been out?'

SHELLEY had asked in the thought of probably few hours or at most a day only for what it her came of surprising.

'4 month, unlike you who had bath in the boss flames before killing it, my situation wasn't that critical since i only passed out due to dehydration'

SHELLEY eyes had widened as if it would pop out any moment as she had remember she had needed to send her daily email to RIVET to inform her she doing fine.

'4 month?'

SHELLEY had instantly detached everything that had been attached to her body for medical reasons and soon left the room but came to a halt in front of the door.

'Sorry Mabel, i will leave the rest to you, something urgent came up'

She had said and soon left the room in haste leaving mabel behind to do the reporting as she just sat and smiled afterwards.


Two days came like a flying rocket leaving earth to space, SHELLEY had taken two extra days off as she had stayed in a capsule for that two days to make sure nothing had been injected into her while unconscious for the past few months.

This was the clear instructions left behind by RIVET who had made sure even if she was asleep and something had been injected into her like a tracking bug or any stalking devices it would instantly melt away if she stays in the capsule with the necessary mixed syrups.

Unlike the one that had kept her for a year, this one was different as it content was to make sure she was as clean as a stainless can be, after the system had detected no such things after two days, it drained the syrup and let SHELLEY out of it.

SHELLEY had soon went to shower afterwards and had made sure she had eaten and taken the necessary pills before attending to buck messages on the wall device which where just mabel checking on her and instructing her to come to the guild as the guild master would want to have a word with her.

Upon listening to the countless voice mails while having a seat at the nearby table with a laptop on it she soon began to type as if sending a message to someone.

The following day came and SHELLEY had decided to pay the guild a visit, she knew it was time for her side of the story and prepared her state of mind for it while swimming in thought of what had become of her.

She had thought about how she had survived and a reasonable explanations she would give even if it meant lying, while in thought and walking she had lost track of time as she had gotten snapped out of her mind by Mabel who tried her best to startle her a little but got no reaction she was expecting.

Knowing she had been ignored she instantly went to block SHELLEY's path and waved instantly which brought her back to her senses.

'Hellooo?, are you okay?'

She dragged her first word trying to make an impression, she smiled afterwards trying to cheer SHELLEY up.

'Hey, it you, it been a while'

'Well, yeah, you did ditch me at the clinic few days back remember?'

'I am sorry, i will make it up to you'

SHELLEY guilt had caught up to her as she apologized trying to make her way up the stairs before using the elevator.

'Very well, lets have dinner later tonight'

'Fine but just this ones'


As if both agreeing to terms they walked into the elevator that lead straight to the guild meeting floor.

Upon their arrival they were made to stand in the midst of the seated captains and the guild master, they both had explained spoken what they had saw and encountered but the captain disagreed in context as they felt it was impossible to meet a high ranking dungeon boss in a mere s-rank dungeon.

Upon SHELLEY explanation they all find it hard to had believe she had wholeheartedly taken than a boss that should have been considered a SS-Rank Dungeon boss.

As if feeling annoying by their stupid act of ignorant SHELLEY chose to go on an offence mode.

'I cant believe, i get to report to this bunch of assholes called captains, what a disappointment'

SHELLEY stood in a daring manner as if tunting a wild beast.

'Come again?'

One of the captain had said in disbelief, a female captain it was, her name is PRISCILLA WILLIAMS she was older and had higher rank over SHELLEY and mabel

'You heard right'

SHELLEY hard said in regards to her previous statement

'Say that again an i will make sure i will kick your ass and shove it up your mouth to eat kid'

She said and in that moment adjusted her eye glass with her right hand first finger.

'What good is a dog if it can only bark and not bite'

SHELLEY said in disappointment, she stood and stared at PRISCILLA who had been tryna suppress her course of action due to the respect held towards the guild master.

'By the way this is the last time i will ever come file a report to you bunch, and should you have a disagreement with that then you should better sit tight and sip on your cup of water or you come at me as a squad captain'

SHELLEY had said, upon her words few of the captains had left the room leaving just SIRI and the GUILD master.

'For an idiot you sure did call for a squad war, hope you are ready'

He had said after standing and was about to join the rest, he smiled and made a mock out of her pity state of action before heading over to the door.

'I shall stay out of this, but make sure you can back up all what you have said '

Siri waved and walked out as the door announced his exit while having the GUILD master star at mabel and SHELLEY.

'So what exactly do you want to say?'

'Sorry guild master, it is true we did blackout and i did fought with the boss but i never had the chance to kill her because i was suddenly attacked out of the blue and lost consciousness '

'I see, it isnt uncommon but it is a rare case, well i am glad to see you two alive'

The guild master had smiled  and spoke in a light manner to ease their worries.

'And congratulations on becoming a full squad leader, as bargained, you shall have the entire floor 90 to your self and the fortune attained from the dungeon had been transferred into your account miss Mabel '

Both looked exited as they walked closer to the table to pick what had been forwarded to them. One was a master key card and the other was a credit card with mabel hunter details all over it.

SHELLEY had grabbed the card key and smile as if been excited while Mabel could only stare at the bright figure on SHELLEY's face.

'Your squad activities shall begin tomorrow so do well to keep up'

The guild master said trying to cheer them up

'Uhm GUILD master? Since Mabel is yet to become a full member of my squad, I'd like to test my new skill out in a dungeon, and since i am now a squad captain, i'd like to have raid license worth 4 month that i have been asleep '

'Very well, but why so sudden '

'You of all people should know that answer'

'Very well silly'

The guild master act of friendliness was like that of a father to a child, he had taken so much liking to the girl as he would do anything just for her. He had approved of her demands and gave her the go ahead.

After that day SHELLEY had began to solo dungeons all by herself until the guild master finally was able to convince her to accept Mabel membership form which she did and had also joined SHELLEY into clearing dungeons.

The so called city that had the lowest rate of dungeons spawning soon became a city with zero dungeons as it was cleared the very moment it had spawned, if not long enough few minute at most would be enough.

And a year and half a year came by as if it was nothing, SHELLEY and Mabel had soon made name for themselves and were popular among other hunters, their popularity skyrocketed to the extent that their table had been flooded with membership form.

Well the GUILD master was happy for the progress made in just three years of her around and couldn't care less what anyone had to say.

Few of the captains had gotten jealous and annoyed at this as they had lost some of their squad members to SHELLEY squad and didnt like how she had been given special privilege as she was the only hunter or captain to own an entire floor to herself while the rest of the captains had to share 3 floors.

And just like that hatred soon began to grow among the squad captains, rumors flew here and there and people who knows very well just couldn't accept an A-Rank going against SS-RANK HUNTER as they all felt it was necessary for her to be punished and had schemed up plans to set in motion.


To be Continued...


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