
Chapter 10: GREENGARDEN Part 3 (SHELLEY)

Usually it is rare to have a second stage to third stage Zephroid survival, this were the thought that ran through the mind of RIVET who had performed a surgical experiments on someone who neither volunteered to her experiment or requested to have a guinea pig as one.

She is usually the smart and fearless type but this situation differs, a lot of hopes are on her shoulders, both from her best friend who had long since died and that of her cousin.

Her brain unscrew every nook and cranny of her head just to understand what had gone wrong with the process, her calculation were right, yet she feels this life in front of her will loose it light if she doesnt act in accordance to what wasnt in her plans.

Cold sweat dropped down her chin as the so called girl been operated on had gone cold in silence before the final procedure of the surgery.

She knew there isnt anything to be done even after trying to make sure her heart beat again using the nearby defibrillator.

Upon conclusion they all gave up and had began clearing the room only for a heavy breathing to be heard as if been underwater for a long period of time.

Hours came by and the final process of the surgery had been done while she lay dormant in a private room known to no man except RIVET and Mr. PARKER.

Aurora who had lost consciousness had fallen deep into coma, her beautiful white hair had gone black leaving just the side of her hair white.

Rivet had concluded that the reason for a decolouration to her hair was due to the shock she had endured during surgery, or rather accumulated stress due to a traumatic experience with the surgery.

After weeks of observing Aurora, she had been taken out of the city to Another, A city with low spawning rate dungeons, one which strictly doesnt abide to Yggdrasil, a place she would be safe with nobody to recognize her if ever she awakes.

On the other hand Rivet had been framed and was forced to shut down her Clinic after it went under attack, her experiments had been taken away from her and her life was on the line. Before going deep into hiding and never been heard from again she made sure Aurora had fully been awake and to understand her state of mind better before leaving her in a city she knows nothing about.

Laying in a capsule for a year AURORA eyes set out to embrace light, her long lashes soon departed ways for her beautiful red Iris to scan her premises. Her very well naked body had grown over time and the necessary part such as her breast had developed almost as if she had actually lived a healthy life. Well what can anyone say, she had lived a year in a capsule filled with all sort of medicinal syrup such as antibiotics, multivitamins, vitamins, protein, etc. and some mana particles that helps homogenize the syrups all together and provided her body with the necessary nourishment needed to last for a year or thereabout.

Since she had lost everything Rivet had decided that she must see this through as she had hidden in an underground basement in this new city she had wanted Aurora to start a new life at her awaken.

Her daily routine was to spend hours in the room where Aurora had been kept for monitoring and the rest of her time was to study more about every other thing and experimented when there is any chance left.

Upon AURORA's awakening she had been present and had taken the liberty to drain the capsule of it liquid before extracting Aurora out and offering her some piece of cloth, she was taken to the shower where she had showered and had sat on the bed surrounded by lights and glass walls, she was given food to eat before few question found their escape route through her sloppy pink lips.

'Who are you? And where am i'

Aurora who had found her surroundings strange had asked a question she should have known the answers to.

'I am practically a nobody to you if you probably cant remember me'

The doctor had said with her lips end stretching to it max to have a happy smile as her face had still been something to be called a mystery in this case.

Rivet had known this might happen and according to his late cousin who had died a month before her awaken he would want to make very good use of this chance.

'Forgive me if i have said something rude, i just have a hard time remembering things'

Aurora had said while trying to remember but had held her head as if she had gotten a migraine.

'I see, so can you tell me your name and what you remember?'

Rivet asked in hopes for her to be certain of everything, she was happy she had fulfilled her own side of the agreement and had decided to leave the rest to Snow who actually had now become a porter with his kid sister to live their daily life.

As if smiling at the masterpiece made by her cousin she could only smile at the outcome of everything before been brought back to reality from her deep thought from the noise of a fork been placed on an empty plate.

'My name is SHELLEY, SHELLEY GREENGARDEN, i cant remember my age but i think i was a B-Rank hunter, and... '

As if there were more to be said she fought between what next would come to mind but nothing came to her, her feeling was like that of a reader enjoying a certain book and at the next flip of a page only it blank pages left a dumbfounding expression on her face.

'I see, it is alright if you cant remember much but i am sure your memories will return to you soon'

Rivet had said in assurance and then went to seat to a nearby chair

'SHELLEY to be honest with you, i will brake it out to you, your name is Aurora, Aurora Greengarden, you underwent a surgical treatment after a fatal injury in the dungeon, and you lost your parent alongside you while fighting an SS-rank boss'

She had mixed both the truth and lies to her story as she tried to make aurora believe whatever she had wanted.

'During the time of your coma, your family possession had been stripped away by the guild you worked in but few month ago that guild got destroyed and now you have nothing left but to start from scrap in this city'

RIVET had said explaining all that had happened outside of her deep slumber like state of sleep over the month.

'Please dont mistake me with someone else, my name is SHELLEY Greengarden and not Aurora'

She had insisted upon the name as she made sure RIVET never made the mistake to use another name for her.

'My bad, I apologize for my mistake'

RIVET had stood up after been satisfied by her deduction. She knew there would be a time she would remember, but as for now that time isnt now.

She went and brought a see through box made out of glass with various items in it, they were things belonging to her.

She stood next to AURORA and smiled before handing the box to her.

'This are your belongings, i am sure you will find them memorable as you had cherished them ones before in the past'

Rivet said and while standing her white coat gave her a doctor like view from behind.

'Lastly, i have made the necessary arrangements for you to start living a new life, besides i only have a week with you to ensure that you are accustomed to living alone'

She smiled and pat Aurora head before handling a card to her

'A man gave this to you for future purposes, he said when it is time you should give it to someone whom you will cross path with in the future'

SHELLEY had collected it in haste as if she had found what had been missing

'I kept it till this day, and i am sure even without memories you know what it means'

RIVET smile again and pat her head for the last time before leaving the glass chamber.

'Get some rest when you are done, you have some exploring to do tomorrow'

RIVET said upon exiting the chamber that had it door slide shut at the center like an elevator door.

SHELLEY sat and stared at the see through box as if embracing her memories ones again flashes of what could be called fragment of her memories hit her hard but she was never able to recognize anyone in her so called flashes of memory.

Upon staring at the hair pin she chuckled as if remembering her moment from the time she had gotten it, she picked it up and stare at it for some minutes before using it to pin the right side of her long hair that had cover up the back side of the bed.

Starring at the necklace she realized how emotional she had been over a necklace she had just seen for the first time, she wiped her tears while being surprised as those tear kept flowing down like a waterfall. She realized no mater how much she cleaned there was no ending and gave up trying anyways before picking it up to stare, it beauty captivated her heart the most as she felt a sweet sensation of it being a gift from someone special that needed to be cherished.

Her hand found it way behind her back as she knot both end of the rope behind her neck leaving it pendant laying flat on the top of her breast been covered up with a round neck shirt of brown colour.

She stared lastly at the card she had been given as the memory she had remembered was of a man handing it to her, she remembered clearly what the man had instructed but she never recall who exactly that man was.

Laying back to the bed she decided to think more about her current situation and decided not to duel on things that cant be remembered instantly, flying deep in thought her state of mind went dormant while being possessed by sleep.


As promised three days had passed and she had started to explore the city to get accustomed to the surrounding, it was almost the end of the year and the sky had gone pale with gray-ness leaving the sky shade off white petals that could be called snowflakes.

Both SHELLEY and RIVET had gone out to a restaurant, RIVET had a black turtle neck sweater and a blue jean accompanied by an outing shoe, aurora had her hands covered in lethal gloves, long sleeve light pink round neck shirt with black jacket, a jean and an outing shoe.

Her hair had been let loose as breeze blew it off it position right at the moment before they walked into the restaurant.

'We are done getting everything needed for your apartment, what remains is to get a hunter license, and see which of the ruling guild you would like to join'

RIVET had said upon getting a seat to be seated on by the glass wall that revealed the snowy road and people walking by here and there trying their absolute best not to get frozen by the snowy season.

'I have thought of joining the WHITE TIGER GUILD, i already applied and was told to come around next week, it going to be hard but i want to see how things goes from there, besides i can barely remember how my past hunter life was'

'Well you did say you remember few things, Rose city was it?'

Rivet had said feeling the utmost hate towards them for being the center of corruption

'Well, there are a lot you would remember if you ever decide to visit Rose city again, but remember should you ever go there you will surely cross path with someone you are destined to be with'

RIVET said with a little laugher of mockery that could be called giggle. She knew very well her words had made her feel more like a fortune teller.

'Forgive me, i just sounded like a shady fortune teller'

'No, not at all, I actually do understand, even with my lack of memories, i can still be reason with'

SHELLEY said trying to ease Rivet Guilty Conscience as she well knew her feeling for someone she cant remember even his name was overwhelming at the thought of the necklace she had ignorantly wore with the excuse of not remembering.

As if waiting for their orders a waitress came to attend to their needs, she had a maid outfit and a notepad with black cover in her hand with a pen with red coating.

'What are your orders please?'

The waitress kindly asked upon standing few minute in awkwardness from lack of response, she flustered in her speech before her so called second attempt to ask got foiled

'Parfait would do'

SHELLEY had said before staring beyond the glass walls

'A cup of coffee would do'

RIVET had said as she sent the waitress off to her business while staring at the sober SHELLEY

'I never knew you liked sweets'

'i dont, for a reason i just wanted one since i use to have one with him'

'Sorry, who?'

RIVET knew who she was referring to but pretend not to, she had sat down to stare at the 9 years old girl who would become 10 in about 3 month time.

'I find it hard to remember his face nor his name, but, but i just dont know how to shake this feeling of mine'

She had said and now faced RIVET as if to find comfort in her

'I feel incomplete, i feel a part of something is missing in me'

She had said and her words came crashing to a close doors leaving a surprise remark on SHELLEY with the sudden laugh made by RIVET.

'C'mon, you are 9, stop talking like a married woman'

She laugh more to her fill and tried to get her mind off of things, she wouldn't want a situation where she couldn't Handle Aurora for her quest to retrieve her memories.

'For now, focus on getting a hunter license, oh that reminds me'

Rivet had said, as her back view could be caught from the distance as at the time a customer came in through the entrance.

'How would you acquire a hunter license?'

'Well i had intended to visit WHITE TIGER GUILD to apply as a hunter instead of going strait to the association to apply for one'

'What about your rank?'

'It is the same reason i do not want to go to the association'

She had said trying to explain in details to RIVET.

'I am sure both would want to re-evaluate my rank before handing a license to me, that is why i want to apply through a guild and have them privatise my identity'

'Your mother use to brag about how smart you were, but i never really got the chance to see it for myself till this day'

RIVET had said her lips gave a displeased reaction

'You do know my mother?'

'Of course i do, we were best friends and usually brag a lot about things, we usually bet on things and see who does it best but i gave up all that when she actually beat me into marrying a man and having a kid'

Like being waiting for their orders the waitress in maid outfit had arrived and place each of their request carefully on the table

'Thank you'

Rivet said with a smile while having the waitress leave.

SHELLEY sat to listen in amazement as she couldn't believe what came next.

'As a result to losing, your mother made me your Godmother'

'No way'

SHELLEY responded in disbelief and in surprise

'You did call me ones when you were a kid, it was on your 3rd year old birthday, i had sent you a big white teddy bear which you took a picture with alongside your mother'

As if remembering she had brought out her purse in an instant and search it content for a single photo among the three she had retained for personal reasons.

Placing it on the table she had given it to SHELLEY for view hoping she would remember it, aurora was adorable with the oversized teddy bear she had tried to hug passionately with her mother by her side who had gave a big grin to commemorate the moment.

'You see, thats your mother and you'

'But my hair was white, why had it gone black'

SHELLEY asked in quarry regarding the change of her hair.

'You were stressed during the operation and as a result your hair had almost gone black, well it is a miracle you are alive, you should give thanks to those who died making sure your have a better future'

RIVET said before picking up the little spoon between three fingers and stir her coffee in circles, SHELLEY had felt a bit emotional to the words that had been spoken to her.

'I will cherish this new life of mine...'

'Darling dont go around saying sentimental things and making promises, i have told you everything you need to know, your life hence forth is yours to live as you want it to be, but remember, what ever you do, keep your identity a secret'

RIVET had retorted towards her childish act of trying to start making promises that she zero doesnt care about.

'And as long as you do that i will be able to keep supporting you in every way i can'

She said and smiled before picking the cup of coffee and taking a sip from it as it warmth was suiting to the cold weather.

'I thank you for everything you have done for me, i promise to stay safe and not get unnecessary attention '

SHELLEY said in deep appreciation while sitting and staring at her parfait with a smile

'That aside, arent you going to start eating what you had ordered?'

SHELLEY lack of interest was questioned as she just kept staring at the parfait.

'Am so sorry, i wish i hadnt ordered this'

She said while pushing the cup of parfait forward a little leaving a scrub noise that could be heard by just them both.

'You can always order for something else, if you have a change of preference'

'No this will do, just dont worry about what i want'

She had dissuade RIVET from getting worried unnecessary as she sat peacefully beside the glass wall while staring at the passersby.

Both had sat there and talked a little more before deciding to leave for somewhere else.

SHELLEY was a smart girl, she knows things you possibly think she doesn't know, she had spent a year in a capsule yet she had instantly understood the reason she had been brought to another city.

She was well aware that a lot of secret conspiracies are long since schemed for either her safety or her elimination and the only person capable of stopping this was someone she would cross path with in the city she had no memories of and not to mention in an unpredictable future no one knows.

Knowing all she had understood she also deviced her own plan, a plan for her to become strong, stronger than any hunter or human or organization that threatens her state of living.

Her first target was to apply to a guild, train as hard as possible and throw her self at monsters that are 10 times stronger than her and when she is strong enough she would walk freely without the fear of been killed or assassinated.

Well her thought of plans were not shabby, in fact if she was given a record she would rank higher than those on the list.

On her last day with Rivet before their final goodbyes, RIVET had spent her night in SHELLEY new apartment as she had held her traveling box in her right hand and held a hand bang around her shoulders.

It was a sunny day with some aspect of the balcony of the entrance shrouded in snow, apparently the apartment was bought and now owned by SHELLEY, it was a well built apartment with a story building which had a balcony at the top of the building.

After a short hug that felt like a long lasting one filled with emotions Rivet had smiled, patting SHELLEY hair the last time she walked towards the awaiting transport vehicle.

'I gave you my emergency number, only use it when you are seriously in need of my help, i will send you monthly allowance till you've made a name for yourself  until then stay safe'

Her words ended as SHELLEY could smile at her

'I will keep that in mind'

SHELLEY said with sincerity, she waved at RIVET who had now gotten into the vehicle and shut the door and just like that the vehicle had driven off into the far distance without a second thought.

Feeling anxious SHELLEY scrubs both arms to warm her body as she had wore a bra top and tight pant outside of her newly owned apartment.

She hastily walked back into her apartment before she catches a cold with a clap of door shutting close behind her.


Morning came with the sun casting it light upon the city scape leaving behind geometrical shadow shades, people walked by here and there. SHELLEY had wore a thick brown jacket, black round neck shirt, a short black skirt, tigh high black socks and an outing black leather shoe.

Standing opposite a tall building which could be described as a sky scrapper SHELLEY rubbed her palms together to get warm up before crossing the road and make her entrance.

Upon entering the building eyes rolled over her as she had a unique style of hair, those that saw the mixture of hair had thought she had dyed just the part of her hair white.

Her approach to the attendant over the counter who  was dumbfounded by her SHELLEY beauty was brought back to reality by the tap on the table made by SHELLEY as she wasnt fond of having strangers stare at her that much.

'Welcome, and how may i help you miss?'

The lady had spoken to her politely in any manner possible as she had been trained in this service, to her appearance the lady was or could just be a regular human.

'I sent a membership letter to the guild in regards of joining the guild, i was told to come back today'

SHELLEY spoke in regards to what had happen in the previous day.

'Oh very well, give me a minute'

The attendant told her to be patient as she stood for about few minutes

'Hello sir, a lady is here regarding her summit'

She had spoken as if interacting with someone but in reality she had a Bluetooth earphone attached to her ears for easy communication.

'Okay sir, very well sir'

Her manner of words were as polite as it could be well after all she was speaking with the guild leader over the phone and dare not go beyond what was expected of her.

'Very well miss, head upstairs, there you will be taken to meet the guild master who shall attend to you'

The lady instructed while gesturing towards the gigantic spacious stairs that led straight up to both first and second floor of the building, it was wide in size that even with the excessive crowd moving about their ways there were still space for more crowd.


SHELLEY thanked the attendant and walked away, approaching the stairs she realized how enormous it was and how spacious this whole building was, walking the entire stares a male walked forward to approach her in regards to her summit.

They call it the SUMMIT because it is the process an applicant had to go through in other to become a guild member. During the SUMMIT, an applicant is called upon to the midst of both the guild leader and the highest ranking guild members in the guild, there she will be questioned, evaluated and lastly given a test which requires an applicant to participate in a dungeon raid no matter the rank of such dungeon which will be supervised by those in the SUMMIT.

SHELLEY was soon escorted into a private elevator used by people heading towards the guild master office.

Announcing it arrival with a mechanical tone, the elevator gave way for SHELLEY and the man to walk out from, both stood in a passageway with both ends a deadend leaving just a single door at the middle of the next wall in front of them.

The man had opened the door inwards and bowed to apologize for his interuption before taking his leave after SHELLEY had walked in and left behind with a sudden clap made by the door that sent nervousness down her spines.

Not knowing what else to do her eyes met with everyone who had sat and stare at her. They were 6 in total including the Grandmaster.

Aside from the guild master every other person present were the squad leader of the guild, they were known as the WHITE TIGERS because they were the strongest among the strong Hunter in the guild.

Her eyes twitch in surprise upon staring at a kid quite younger than her whom was present at the round table before her. She could have sworn the kid was probably the guild master son as he was too young to be sitting among the rest.

'Come forward'

A man seated at the center of the round table which shape was in a U shape manner, he had sat in a most important seat since he was the Guild master, unlike the others in their captain uniforms, the guild master was in a flower design kimono, she walked forward as order and she stood after taking a deep breathe without arousing any notice.

The sun strike the room but could barely hit them where they had sat as the glass wall had revealed the city scape which were mostly covered in snow, she wondered what was going to happen as this was her first time in an awkward situation.

SHELLEY nervousness skyrocketed as the pressure on her were overwhelming, if she wasnt scared then she was pretty much doing a good job to subdue her body from quivering. Aiming for her jacket pocket her hand went deep into them to hide as she stood with false boldness and forced her self to get over her nervousness.

'I received your application miss SHELLEY, but I believe that there is something we are not clear about'

The guild master said trying to get explanation from her.

'Pardon, what do you mean?'

She questioned for better understanding

'We usually do a background research on people before accepting their applications, you see, what we found in your case was astonishing'

He said and proceeded in pressing the remote with a single button on the table which brought out a holographic screen of information in front of SHELLEY.

'SHELLEY GREENGARDEN, is the name of a woman who passed away along side her husband PHILIP GREENGARDEN, your age and identity doesn't match that personality'

He had said and in that short interval of silent the hologram had changed with an information base on A girl with a name (AURORA GREENGARDEN) written beside her photograph.

'This is the identity that fits you better, or rather do i call you, AURORA GREENGARDEN, a girl supposedly announced dead in a terrorist attack at the clinic she was undergoing treatment'

he had said in further conclusion while staring at the not so surprised girl who had cared less about what had been tendered to her present.

'It will be of your own good not to call me By someone else's name, and i see you have really done your homework well, it is true i am the same person but i do not have memories of my past, i came here a year ago to start over but i realize i cant really relax unless i flex some muscles'

Aurora had said with no emotions but was nonchalantly suppressing her anger, she stared at the guild master as if to send shiver down his spine but was just a bluff.

'Very well, we shall address you by SHELLEY during this SUMMIT'

He said with a smile trying to ease SHELLEY hostility even though she had thought to suppress her emotions but it couldnt get pass the guild leader eyes as he was more vast in understanding and reading people ever since he could remember.

'We do know the necessary information, your previous guild you had been a HUNTER was GREENGARDEN GUILD, and you had been a B-Rank Hunter at a young age before you went ill and was admitted'

He had said after pushing a button on the remote to turn of the hologram. Everyone who had sat had been forced not to speak yet as it wasnt time for them to make a move.

'I see you do have potentials and for you to come straight here for a guild licence instead of heading to the HUNTER WELFARE ASSOCIATION Building means there is a reason for that'

The man proceeded and folded his arms while leaning backwards to relax on his chair.

'But before we can accept you into the guild, you must have to fulfill a nerve wrecking task'

He said trying to scare her but knowing SHELLEY who she was even if she had no memories still gave her no reason to fret whatsoever as she knows of one thing, never back out from what you had started.

'Does it require me to solo a dungeon? Or does it require me to join a raid team? Or rather are you going to just run some simulations?'

She had said in disapproval to his threat while making fun of it in a polite manner as possible.

'O-oh you sure talk big, hope you can handle it'

The kid who had been playing with his tablet all along and pretending not to pay attention had finally broke the ice that surprised even the guild master himself

'Very well, letting you solo a dungeon all by yourself is total cruelty, which is why your trial will be sending you into an S-Rank dungeon along side C-D rank hunters'

Siri had said as if it had been decided, it is true this guild have a standard way of making their hunters strong, some ways require lower rank hunters to clear a high ranking dungeon while other methods require lower rank hunter soloing a high rank dungeon boss. And one of the most cruel one is the one SIRI had just suggested.

Because he believed the dead should remain as the dead that is why he intended to send SHELLEY out in this manner.

'I do understand how you feel, and i am sure everyone here feel the same way, but i am the one to make the decision'

The guild master had said after debating with everyone debating stares and reprimanding Siri choice of action.

'SHELLEY, how would you like your identity be preserved before and after revaluation'

The guild master asked in concern to his worries, he knew something isnt right and there are questions he wanted to ask but he needed to keep his emotions in check, he knows a lot about the greengarden family and he had ones visited their home on an occasion so he knew very well something fishy had been going on.

'I do not like attention, i  prefer my private space, i'd rather be a hunter known by few than multitudes'

She said while staring at the Guild master.

'I shall give an exception for your SUMMIT, which is why there wont be a trial for you, but instead, you shall be a member of this guild and your ranking evaluation and class evaluation will be re-determined after a year of proper supervision'

Upon his words everyone became surprised aside from SHELLEY as if to ask why their eyes widened and would pop if you threw a needle at it like a dart.

'Lastly, i shall personally take upon your responsibilities and see to it that you have the proper need to be a hunter and in return you shall be assigned to no squad which gives you the right to form a squad of your own should you feel the need to'

'That is equivalent to telling me to solo rank dungeons as long as you are there to back me up'

SHELLEY said and smiled at the man as if accepting his deal

'Very well, bring it on'

SHELLEY words echoed louder to the ears of the guild master for he had love the girl bravery altitude towards his motif to scare her away, he respects the greengarden family a lot because they had also supported him at the time he had needed a fund to buy up the guild new headquarters that is used presently.

After concluding, SHELLEY had been told to resume her hunter duties the following day and had issues a temporary hunter license to her which entails just her name, age, guild name with logo and her identity passport.

She had left the room and instantly collapsed to her feet outside of the room before using the elevator again. She shivered as if havent caught a cold. Leaning by the elevator wall she gave a sigh of relief  as she gave a fist pump of victory in her mind.

The captains that had respected the decision made by the guild master had walked out of the room after a short debriefing the rest stood behind to question the guild master, the guild master had ignored them and later dismissed them after deciding he had needed a reminiscing moment of the past.


To be Continued...


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