
Chapter 9: GREENGARDEN Part 2 (AURORA )

On that very day, Aurora had understood what had been meant by Snow using his contact lens. Upon arriving to his room the passage could only reverberate the feedback noise made from a knock to a door.

'Hey snow, it's me open up'

She said, waiting extra few seconds before knocking again the door soon came wide open before been crash upon again by her finger.

She stood in surprise staring at snow who had looked as if he wasnt sobering in the first place, he was standing beside white who had clench her tiny fingers around his, his eyes now been covered with contact lens were like that of his dads.

'Oh you must be Aurora, our guest'

He said as if meeting her for the first time, Aurora could only stand in shock while her brain process all that has transpired.

Apparently snows contact lens had some magical affinity that suppress snow abilities and sometimes interfere with his memories. The contact lens doesnt just suppress his abilities but makes him more human like, and as of which could possibly die if let be in such a state during a fatal injury.

'Hey snow, what happened to you? You are acting strange'

Aurora said trying to get answers out of him while being ignore by him, she had followed behind him before standing beside the table snow had sat and going about his sculpture which was being held by the front of the window, while white had hopped on to the bed.

'You are too noisy, dont spike my headaches'

He said as he paid more attention to the mini human figurine on his hand as he polish it more with an iron file. AURORA slammed her hand on the table which had the ring upon it in anger as she called for his attention

'C'mon dont act like you've forgotten everything that just happened minutes ago'

'I dont know what you are talking about'

He said, trying to look at this lousy girl who was interrupting his work, his eyes soon caught up with the ring before calmly reviewing her face.

'I see you have Aurora, well then, i guess something did happen minutes ago'

He said and stood up while offering a hand shake

'Well my name is snow, and try not to get way over your head'

Upon his words came a sudden hug that enveloped the top of his shoulder, he stood in dismay as he could only try to embrace her out of pity.

Apparently upon seeing Aurora he had knew something bad awaits her in the future which gave him the reason to be more flexible with her.


Aurora life had started having meaning ever since the day he had met snow and his sister, they both gave her purpose to live and endure, her time in the dungeon became harder and harder and eventually she started showing symptoms of the zephroid sickness while hiding it from everyone as she didnt want to bother anyone with worries.

Not letting this hold her back she kept smiling and paying snow a visit when ever she was free, well this relationship was vise versa as snow was also constantly paying Aurora a visit.

Everyone knew what was coming, everyone but Aurora and White, they knew it was only a matter of time before things goes bad.

And just as her sickness hit second stage it was far beyond the curing process, Aurora had soon lost the privileged to play and was placed on house arrest or rather was restricted from leaving the building.

On a snowy day came her birthday, she had stayed up in her room staring at the snow flakes at the other side of the closed window, her face was devoided of life. A knock brought her consciousness back to reality as she instantly turned to stare at door.

It came open just to have snow standing infront of the door with a small backpack alongside her dad, her running footsteps could be head as the rug tried to absorb it noise, both had hugged like long lost lovers who had just gotten reunited after a long term trip.

'Snow will be spending a few weeks here with you, i and your mother is going on a dungeon hunt for about that same period and Snows father had gone on a trip and will be back a week earlier than us'

He said and smiled while his face was been stared at by Aurora who could never let go of snow

'Ones again darling, happy birthday, i will get you what you want when we get back, so be a good girl and take care of the house for me'

'Thanks dad'

She said while dragging snow inside her room and holding the door by it handle.

'Oh, white is with the maid, you guys should have fun okay?'

He said and waved before exiting the passage

'Sure dad'

Only the door that came shut had notify the room of her father having left the passage. She had excitedly dragged snow to the bed and had him sit very close to her.

'Are you still keeping it a secret from your parent?'

Snow had said, he had grown an age over the pass months as he was now 6 year and aurora 8 in age

'Well, yes, i thought i would tell them when they get back'

She had said in hopes as she discarded the rest of thoughts behind her.

A minute came by after an abrupt silent between them, both staring at each other as if to have a kiss but she had felt it wasnt proper and her age isnt giving her the right to act on her emotions.

'Before i forget, Happy birthday, Aurora Greengarden'

Snow said upon bringing out a small wrapped box out from his backpack, he offered it to Aurora for her to open as he smiled happily for her.

She was nervous at first of snow always getting her present which mostly were hand made as she couldnt predict what could be in this one, her excitement soon took control of her body and in haste she unwrapped it, to her surprise it was a white wooden box which could be mistaken as a ring box for it was quite unique in design, like taking permission before opening it she stare at snow who had smiled cutely at her as if telling her to go ahead.

She stared for minutes as she couldn't suppress how she had felt before letting out a waterfall of tears down her face. Snow who had saw her sudden burst of silent tears ponder in worries

'Did you not like it?'

His words for concern had spiked his guilty feeling for he had thought Aurora would like the present for sure.

'I could always get you something else if you dont like it'

He said ones more trying to persuade her from crying, he really do hate it when he sees someone crying before him, it would feel like his world had gone upside down and would feel sad trying to find ways to amend the situation.

'It is not like that, i do love it, i just couldn't stop thinking about how you keep getting me presents and i have yet to even give you one'

She said staring at snow, her tears had dropped down to her gown as it was quickly absorbed by it thickness while living a wet trademark upon it surface.

Snow smiled, his right hand soon covered his right eye as if twitching from aches, he giggled a little and kept his right hand stuck to his eye

'Dont be like that, you can get me whatever you want whenever you want but for now just be that spoilt little princess for me, okay?'

He said, letting go of his right hand his right eye glowed, he had taken off the contact lens of his right eye off.

While he sat and stared at her she smiled in a naughty manner, her voice came to an abrupt halt from a soar throat, a sudden cough it was and it lasted for about a minute, each coughed sounded dry and harsh, snow seeing this had instantly touched her by the hand.

His veins could be seen moved as it glowed slightly as if absorbing something but in reality he had only ease her pain by taking them all into his own body since he had taken off one of his eye contact lens which had now granted him half of his ones sealed abilities.

'You are too over excited Aurora, i can barely imagine what it would feel like when you actually start feeling sexually arouse'

He said and made mockery off of her state

'For a kid you are quite spoilt than i had imagined'

'Says the girl thats trying her purest best not to rape me'

He retorted as if to try and make a silly joke which actually made aurora laugh her fill before realizing what was in her hand in the first place

'It is beautiful, say did you get this Crystal from the dungeon?'

Her question came in as a surprise as she knew snow wasnt bold enough to venture into the dungeons with his dad, her eyes could barely stare away from the hand made crystal pendant for it was well polished as it real beauty could be seen in an up close view.

'In a sense yes but it was gotten from a plant my mother use to take care of, it glitters only at night and it sometimes looks like a regular dungeon crystal '

Snow responded to her question, he picked up the necklace with black rope and went behind AURORA's while he set aside her long white hair and knot age ropes end behind her back leaving the dazzling crystal laying upon her chest.

'It is really beautiful Snow'

She held the pendant by her right fingers while being mesmerized by the crystal beauty, the pendant fell to her chest as she was tickled by snow warmth kiss by her neck.

'Are you trying to cross the line?'

Snow smiled upon her silly question, she aggressively pushed snow on the bed and climbed on him.

'Now let me ask you that same question, are you trying to cross the line'

'No, but i am going to make sure you wish you want to'

Snow took off his second eye contact after been pushed to the bed, he had offered to place the two containers of it to the table beside the bed, just as it made contact to the table his hands was instantly pinned down with pressure from her as he could no longer move.

'Is this your way of indirect rape'

He said as he mocked her all the same, AURORA pouted with her face all red as she had no idea what she was going to be doing anyway.

Like hitting the nail on the head snow gave a mockery laugh, her sudden push to the bed made the bed bounce aggressively as the bed holders made a deep squeak at each end as if giving a sigh of relieve.

'For now this would suffice'

His words came out of his mouth after having Aurora lay her head on his chest with her right hand cross above his belly and her right leg above his.

'Say, what would happen between us in the future'

She asked in a worry tone, searching her voice you would find fright as it locks in every of her statements, she said as if knowing something bad could happen.

'For now i cant say, but i assure you that, you will be fine'

He said while patting her head slowly.

Both had stayed on the bed like that for hours, they both enjoyed every moment spent together, their eyes soon got heavy as sleep came over to lay waste to their bodies.

Days flew by with fun moments for this three, white had taken a liking to Aurora and Snows relationship as she supported them in her own unique way.

A month came and Aurora had been admitted to a hospital owned by a friend of theirs who was actually both a scientist and a doctor.

She spent her days in her ward room mostly alone for her parent who had returned had instantly been assigned to investigate the NECTAL REGION, everyon called the region Nectal because it is one of the region that specializes in dungeons related experiments.

Words came flying to her about her parents death, as if being struck by lightning her voice could be heard through out the hospital after having the news broke to her by a nurse who had been sent by a doctor.

Days came by like a running stream, shocking news came to her one after the other, the first was about her losing their house which came to her by the head maid of the house, and the other were some shaddy people in white claiming the right to her fathers guild and thus freezing her parent assets.

What hit her most was her losing the right to be treated as her hunter license was taken away from her, as if being waiting for the third stage of the zephroid illness she soon lost her will to speak.

The door to her hospital room soon made few noises notifying her of someone entrance as her eyes tried to look who it was while being seated closely to the window with transparent tube plug into her nose and drip connected to her right hand which gives nutrient as she had lost the will to eat often.

'Am sorry Aurora, i am so sorry i just had the time to come see you'

The doctor had apologized she was in a pink turtle neck sweater and a black skirt, with an high heels not so high but moderate, she had a stethoscope placed around her neck as her face was a mystery.

'I have informed my cousin about the situation and he had paid the necessary amount for your treatment, he said he was on his way to clarify the surgery'

She had said as she sat closer to aurora who had just sat and stared lifelessly.

'For now we are going around with the rumors of your illness being in the third stage, but I promise to do my best to cure you'

She had assured her as a smile came upon the doctors pink lips

'Afterall, my cousin would kill me if i let anything happen to you'

Snow who had half heartedly paid attention to her had roam her head through various thought, which mostly were painful thoughts of how she was going to die.

Wishing to have snow beside her soon knock her head back to reality

'Did you say Mr. Parker was coming?'

Her words had halted the advanced movement of the Doctor who had almost left the room.

'Oh yes, he is, but please promise to keep everything you know a secret alright, and as a reward you will get to meet your future husband'

The doctor jokingly said while making fun at her sudden response, after all it almost 8 month since she had been admitted and she had lost everything within that period.

The next day came a rainy one as the door to Aurora opened as if being push with haste or force, hitting the end it clapped while waking the sleeping princess, snow had hastenly rush towards the bed trying to know if she was alright while White followed his footsteps and ignoring the man who had brought them along.

They all had thick jackets as if coming from the northpole, the rain was heavy in the city but the cold was chilly at the city snow he and his family where when they left in urgency, they all dressed as if it was a snowy season for them.

Upon seeing snow for a long time her face soon became lively, she hastily sat properly to hug snow while having white seat on the bed beside her.

'We came here as quickly as possible when we got words about everything?'

Snow father said, he walked closer and pat her head slowly while she had now held on to mr parker with a heartfelt tears after a short hug with snow.

She cried her fill while being consoled by mr parker, like being expecting Mr. PARKER the door slide open with a nurse standing in front of the entrance which got everyone attention as she was been stared upon.

'Excuse me, uhm, Mr. WEINSTEIN?'

'Yes, thats me'

'The doctor would like to have a word with you'

'Very well, i shall be with you shortly '

He responded to the nurse request why trying to excuse himself from the room.

'I will be back soon, you two should  stay here with Aura'

He said and pat Aurora head ones more before leaving the room. The shuttering noise made by the wooden doors clap at the strike of another wood announcing the exit of both the nurse and Mr. Parker.

White now clenching tight to Aurora while both smiling and rubbing their cheek on one another had their moment with just snow sitting and staring.

'Is it hard for you?'

He asked, Aurora whose attention had now been called by snows sudden words came to an abrupt as she pat white head slowly

'To be honest, it is, i wish everything hard not gone this far'

She said with sad smile trying to commemorate her experience filled with unexplainable tragedy.

'But, i, i made a promise, a promise to be your wife, and at this rate i, i cant even fulfill that promise'

Trying to suppress a sudden outburst of tears her voice shivered as if she would burst a dam open. Wiping her eyes from the tears that could be called leakages a sniff came after, she smiled in response to acting brave.

'Dont worry about me snow, i will be fine'

She tried persuading snow to let go of his worries, her smiled became brighter and her eyes had regained it colours.

'I see, well we will be staying in a nearby hotel, so i will come here everyday if i am not allowed to sleep in here with you'

Snow said trying to ease her troubled mind, he smiled as well and played with her hand that had been connected with a syring to a drip.

Snow had remember white had gotten a present for aurora at their way to the clinic in the city, he forgot to get one or rather his mind was occupied with worries that he couldn't even remember to get one for her even when his attention had been called to it by his father.

'White, what happened to the present you got for Aura?'

Snow had asked indirectly wanting the shy white to give the present to Aurora, as he teased white a little.

'You're such a meanie'

She said trying to retort her elder brother who had teased her

She brought out a tiny wrapped box that fit perfectly well on top of her palm from her thick jacket pocket, aurora giggled at her cuteness, she had loved the adorable packaged that had been given to her.

Upon opening it she found an hair pin in red colour which she had picked up and asked White to help use it pin her hair at her left side she had seated on, she had felt embarrassed by the gift giving to her by white, her expectations had failed  her as she never expected to be given a present by white in the first place.

'Do you like it?'

White asked, she smiled, she played with Aurora white hair.

'I do love it white, i will cherish it forever'

She said and hugged her tight fro the waist.

'Sorry I didn't get you anything, i was so occupied thinking about you that i caredless about what i should have gotten you'

Trying to make an excuse he had his lips sealed by Aurora fingers, she shook her head and smiled.

'You have given me more than i can think about, you are more than any jewel can buy to me snow, in all honesty i should probably get you one in return'

She said with a smile while she had aimed to bring out the necklace that was hiding behind her hospital cloth as she played with it only to be remembered by her rose ring that got her attention.

'You see? I got this two precious gems from you, i should actually get you one, but honestly i dont know how good my handmade gift would be nor if it would please you'

She made mockery out of her self claim promise as she smiled.

Snow had giggled in a naughty manner trying to have a fill at his memories at the one time she attempted to make a wooden sculpture that went wrong and having her injure her pinky finger.

'Snow, i think i now understand how a big meanie you are'

She said knowing fully well why snow had giggled over her state of imperfection.

White also joined in the fray as this two kept aurora company before his father returned. They had discussed about their journey to various city and even down to a country ruled by a king that werent even recorded on the map nor history.

They even spoke about how they rushed down to rose city when they heard about the news from their fathers cousin, who apparently was having Aurora in her care.

They had a lot of time, lots of time until snow father walked in with a doctor, upon Arriving in, snows father had told snow and white to excuse them which they did and instantly shut the door after them.

The room had now contain a doctor, Mr. Parker and AURORA, Aurora had thought bad a little at their sudden face of seriousness that made her heart jump a beat while she gulp a mouth full of saliva before any word was made.

'Aura, we believe you fully understood what has been happening, you and your family had been a target for Elimination by Yggdrasil'

He spoke and with surprise Aurora had understood everything so far because she knew what her parent had been into the most as she shook her head in response to Mr. Parker confirming his claim.

'Then i am sure you are aware that your turn is near,  following the death of your parent that is'

She nodded conforming his claim.

'Then i guess you now have the right to understand that all this outcome, are thanks to Snow'

'W-what do you mean?'

She asked in confusion trying to understand what Mr. Parker was getting at.

'Do you remember the first tim you came to my home and we spoke a little about Snow origin with your parent?'

'Of course, h-hold on are you...'

Her words came to a halt from a harsh cough that lasted as it came but luckily she had covered her mouth to prevent what would have spill all over the matras if she hadnt. Mr. Parker had worried a little at the sight of her now coughing blood.

'Dont worry about me, i am fine, back to your question, are you referring to what you said about snow changing reality for my sake'

'I see you remembered'

He said and had to sit close to Aurora using the chair that was ones used by snow.

'Well yes, this is that changed reality, according snow, he had said you and your parent death were fixed the moment you had left our home'

Her face was not moved she was nervous but was at the same time calm. The back of her ears wear soaking wet as each explanation given to her in details surprised her soul. She could barely respond as to what surprised her was the next words from Mr. Parker.

'In this rewritten reality, a cure has been found just for you, and since it hard never been tested before there would be side effect which we arent sure what they are, well for now it is'

Mr. Parker had announced a break through that could be said to be a double edge sword, it was a surgery, 50 50 chance of survival surgery it was.

'We have two options foe you to pick on aurora, one is to wait for a year before the surgery is perfected and i doubt you have that long'

Aurora had waited patiently to hear what her second option was, each words sent chills down her spine as she knew surviving would mean dying.

'The second option is taking the surgery but it is a 50% chance of survival and the most logic conclusion to the side effect is that, you might loose some of your memories which might both be fatal or not'

'In other words we cant really say what would happen without actually undergoing the surgery'

Aurora had smiled as if mocking her delema.

'Well my cousin here believes, it would be a great medium to spread the rumors of your death and making everyone and Yggdrasil believe you had died while undergoing the surgery while giving you the chance to live a new life in a new city if all went well'

Upon hearing the doctor explanation so far she was surprise about the mention of another city as she had thought she would live with Mr. Parker and his children if all went well

'In a new city? What would happen with snow and white?

She had asked while staring at Mr. Parker

'Snow is upset, he had taken up hunter duties more seriously and i am sure he will be broken upon the false news about your death which is why i have until then to train Snow before i am finally gone'

Her heart skipped a beat, she knew Mr. Parker had been finding it miraculously to survive, but for him to speak in such a manner means it just a matter of time.

'Listen Aura, i know you will want to take the surgery now and that is why we hasten it down to just 2 days'

He said while knowing fully well what Aurora had thought

'you have just 2 days with snow before the surgery, i dont know how to say this, but i came here while on the run and we wont be staying for long as well, i came here to make sure you survive this storm'

He said while holding aurora Hand, in between her hand and mr parker's lies a small flat object.

'Keep this, it is vital for you and snow to rebuild in the future, if you ever come across white and Snow, give it to him, he will understand it usefulness'

'Lastly, snow must not know of this, should he know about all of it, things might not go as he had rewritten it to be'

Mr parker had said all he had bottled up till now, he knew Aurora would definitely do as he say, he had loved Aurora as his own daughter and aurora had respected and love Mr. Parker as her father.

Mr. Parker had stood up with a smile,playing with her head with a smile

'Sorry i wont be there to witness your wedding  and other parental stuff that comes after'

'C'mon, dont joke around with stuff like that'

Her whimsical art made mr. Parker more happy staring at her flushed reddish face.

'I will send those two in, so try to make sure you dont let them know what we had discussed aside from the surgery okay?'

He said and in response she nodded her head with a bright smile.

Both adult left in exchange with snow and white, they both spent their time discussing about things they would do after a successful surgery.

Two days came by like a blink of an eye, snow and white had been present, it was almost time for the surgery with just snow, white and AURORA in the ward, she had sat on the bed with snow in front of her.

Both lean their forehead upon each other as if saying goodbyes, she had brought out a hand made bracelet and wore it around snows wrist. Apparently she had asked the doctor to get the materials for her while she made them in secrecy without snow awareness. Well even though she was assisted most of the time by white who was now just sitting and eating up on her snacks.

'You sure did got me a hand made present'

Snow smiled and chuckle slightly as if being surprised a little.

'Did you not like it?'

She asked

'I loved the design, did you ask white for my colour preferences'

He asked while trying to investigate

'You could say that'

She giggled and smiled afterwards

'Say i would like you to keep wearing it so that i will remember you in case i loose my memories'

She had said in hopes of it actually happening, she knew very well that luck is rare in her circumstances and just had to believe in whatever she had to.

'I will'

Snow smiled and moved his head backwards a little trying to stare at her dazzling red eyes.

'Lastly snow'

She had took off the rose ring from her finger and place it at snows right palm

'Keep this for me okay, when we meet after the surgery you can then return it'

She smiled

'Right now i only need a goodluck wish and not two, so keep that till after the surgery okay?'

'If that is what you want, then i wouldn't argue, but make sure you keep to your promise alright?'

Snow had said as both tried to cheer each other up with the little courage they had for the moment.

She smiled and stared at her necklace, it beauty made her feel excited the more.

'Remember, am always with you, okay?'

Snow had said trying to cheer her on. Her so called bravery had died a little as she had now been embraced with eembarrassment her face all red like chilly pepper.

'S-S-Say, snow, i- i want you t-to kiss me'

She flustered while asking, her eyes blended well with her flushed cheek, white had clapped and cheer them on, snow couldnt back down as he had no choice but to actually act on emotion even when he had always wanted to kiss her.

Both lips smooch each other in a short moment that felt like a blink of an eye but aurora had felt less satisfied by it and in that instant drew snow closer and gave him her heartfelt bottle up kiss.

'I still wonder what it would feel like if you intend to loose your chastity'

Snow toyed with his lips using his right fingers trying to savour what it had felt like upon staring at Aurora reddish face.

'Would you like to find out after the surgery '

She gave a naughty look with a mischievous smile

'Oh please, am still underage, dont go around soiling my mind with your sexual atrocities'

He retorted trying to defend herself and what called upon their attention was the door that came open notifying them of someone's present.

'It is time, Miss, Greengarden'

She said and stood, Aurora gave a warm hug to both snow and white before being escorted by the nurse to a private surgery room arranged by the doctor and Mr. Parker

Upon her arrival to the room there were 5 people in total, Mr. Parker who had wanted to witness everything, his cousin who would perform the surgery and few other doctors who where expertise when it comes to surgery.

'She was taken to a sanitizing room where she was bath with high pressure air that flooded the room from all sides of the room, she was given a surgery attire which to change into before entering into the singular chamber surrounded by glass as she was made to lay on the bed prepare for her.

The nurse in her care had guided her through all the process required as she was tied tightly to the bed to prevent movement during the surgery while having various pipes, syringe and heart rate monitor attach to her body.

Mr parker stood outside of the room or rather chamber while his cousin and other doctors went in after showering in the sanizer and changing their clothes.

They had hand gloves, medical mask and their hair were very well covered.

'This process will be very painful and you might die at the process, i will do my best to ensure your survival but you will have to endure whatever happens, okay?'

Mr parker cousin had said to her making her understand what was at stake, even her appearance had still been a mystery to Aurora even though she had heard a lot about her.

She know the doctor was her mother very good friend and had always helped when she was needed but aside from now and other moment she had been in the clinic she had never seen her before.

She knows the doctor name and well under stand her vital role in todays advance technology and medicine, some say she was the best there was.

People called her various name but the one that stick out among those name was the Duo Scientists, a single person that is both a doctor in one field and a scientist in another.

Some claim to know her to be a maniac who loves things related to dungeon.

While other fear the mention of her name, Aurora recall to her name was RIVET, RIVET just RIVET was how she knew her, most of her personal information are mystery, only those who are close and acquainted to her either know her or just a little bit about her.

And now that so called mad scientist was about to explore her body, Aurora had thought with a smile and shook her head in response to the doctor.

As if preparing her mind for it she laid firm and gnash her teeth but her bravery came down with just  wailing voice that reverberate through the sound proof glass as Mr. Parker who stood and watch could only grip a tight fist filled with blood.

Hours came and the heart rate monitor went flat indicating she had died leaving a devastating shock to every witness in the room.


Chapter end


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