

Sartaj Singh a policeman was staring at a dead body. Katekar who was his best friend and also a police constable who worked under Sartaj was trying to control the panicked crowd. Katekar then heads towards Sartaj.

Katekar: It was a gruesome murder.(Pause) Must have been an expensive watch.

Sartaj: Expensive enough to get him killed.

Sartaj starts walking away from the dead body

Sartaj: Any witnesses?

Katekar: None

They both carry the dead body in their Police van. While going back to the Police station.

Katekar: Sir it's time for your hearing. If we reach late then Parulkar will get angry. Just say what Parulkar wants you to.

They reach the court (Police Court)

Judge: Petition Number 6147 Bengali Bura encounter case. Mr Advocate please call your client forward to give his statement.

Majid: Junaid had a weapon, a homemade gun. We gave him a warning to surrender. But he answered by firing the gun towards constable Rawat. Constable Rawat got hurt by the bullet and fell down on the ground. The boy ran after that so DCP Parulkar ran behind him. We had sealed the area so he had no chance of running from there. He pointed the weapon towards Parulkar Sir.

Sartaj who was sitting behind Majid changed his emotions because he knew that Majid was not telling the truth.

Majid: Parulkar Sir immediately warned him to keep the gun down and surrender. But his fingers went towards the trigger. But before he was able to shoot the gun.....

Sartaj stands up and walks out of the court room full of rage. Everyone was staring towards Sartaj while he was going out of the room. After he went out of the room Majid continued.

Majid: Before he could shoot any bullet Parulkar sir shot 3 bullets.

Sartaj went to the washroom there he took some white coloured pills. He stared at the roof for 2 seconds. Then kept on staring at the mirror in front of him. Majid and a police hawaldar came running inside the washroom and started hitting Sartaj.

Majid punched Sartaj in the stomach and Sartaj started coughing.

Majid: What were you doing? Forgot what was explained to you last time? Do you want to put all of us behind the bars.

Parulkar enters

Parulkar: What's going on here? Majid?

Parulkar helps Sartaj stand up

Sartaj: He was just eighteen years old.

Parulkar: Theres no minimum age of becoming a terrorist.

Sartaj: We could have arrested him.

Parulkar looks towards Majid

Parulkar: Is he new?

Then he again looks towards Sartaj

Sartaj: He was surrendering.

Parulkar: There is so much filth in this city, Sartaj. We cant daily follow procedure......

Sartaj: Can you tell this to his father?

Majid: Have you even solved a single case? You will become the next Inspector Ramakant Jadav. Google him he also tried to....

Parulkar: Majid.....

Parulkar to Sartaj: Go see a doctor we'll talk tomorrow.

Majid heads out with the Hawaldar.

Parulkar stares at Sartaj

Parulkar: Ok dont come but in tomorrow's report you will be the murderer of Junaid. Megha left you at the correct time of her life.

Parulkar leaves.


Katekar drives the car and Sartaj is sitting beside him. Katekar stops the car in front of Megha's house. Megha is hugging a guy.

Sartaj: He plays tennis. Have you ever played tennis?

Katekar answers no

Katekar: Megha madam is looking towards us should we leave?

They both enter a bar near Megha's house. The song playing in the background is called as

'ME NA BHULUNGA' this is a popular Bollywood song. It's a sad song commonly listened by people with broken hearts.

Sartaj: Once

The next chapter is gonna be???

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