
Stuck between a broody Alpha and a green Lizard-man?

Derek, Stiles, and Isaac entered the Gym Pool heading straight for the trophy case.

"My dad decided to put it there so every time someone climbed out of the pool they would see it," Isaac said, somehow sounding proud. Stiles remembered him mentioning that his dad wasn't always the bad guy.

Before Stiles and Derek could react the Kanima dropped from the ceiling swinging his arm toward Isaac sending him flying towards the cement walls, knocking him out. seeing the lizard-like creature again Stiles made the most appropriate choice. He took a step back, effectively hiding behind Derek, there was no way he himself could beat the Kanima. One touch of the Venom and he'd be paralyzed but Derek was an alpha. He hoped that meant something.

Stiles watched as Derek's eyes glowed red as a roar left his mouth. It was as if an enemy predator had invaded his territory. The Kanima responded in kind only a hiss left its mouth as it swung its claws at Derek's head. With a quick duck, Derek sent a claw-filled upper cut towards the Kanima's head sending it rolling back as it hissed in defiance.

It landed on all fours, rolling its neck before once again hissing at Derek. This time the Kanima didn't simply charge in, it focused on Derek looking for a flaw. Remember his own semi-tussle with the thing Stiles decided to warn Derek.

"Watch out for its tail," Stiles Yelled gaining Derek's attention.

"Its Tail?" Looking at its tail Derek frowned in confusion before focusing on the battle at hand.

The Kanima stood at full height before charging Derek swinging its arms wildly forcing Derek to catch its scaly right wrist. Holding it tightly Derek wanted to break it when its other hand swung towards his face forcing him to grab that one as well. Derek watched on as its tail wrapped around his neck, paralytic venom began affecting him as he felt his legs go weak.

"Derek!" His instincts told him to run, being paralyzed was a harrowing experience, one he hoped to never feel again. But he fought those feeling, Instead, he dashed towards the distracted Kanima throwing a punch with all of his might. Seeing the Kanima fly into the wall Stiles quickly picked up Derek and began walking towards the only other exit in the pool gym.

"Don't worry I'll call Scott, that thing can't beat the four of us," Reaching into his pocket Stiles pulled out his phone before looking back at the Kanima. His eyes went wide as he realized it was no longer there. "Derek it's not there."

"Just call Scott," Derek said.

Stiles looked down at his phone before hearing the hiss of the Kanima, looking around he frowned as he kept pulling Derek as he walked forward. "Where is it?" Stiles was getting nervous, suddenly he remembered what it felt like to be a regular person, powerless. He couldn't fight the kanima, not even Derek who was an Alpha could stand up to it. Where was Elias when you needed him most?

"Stiles, it's right there."

"Where?" Stiles asked dropping his phone, just ahead of him blocking the exit was the Kanima. Looking back at his phone he frowned, He still needed to call Scott, he only hoped he would pick up. With Derek being Paralyzed it would take at least 2 hours for him to be moving again and who knew how long it would take Isaac to wake up. He didn't have much of a choice, letting go of Derek he ignored the frown he was sure was on his face and picked up his phone.



Swiping through his phone he quick dialed Scott, looking at the water he counted the seconds. "This is Scott-"

"Scott we're at the-"

"and I can't come to the phone right now-" Stiles shut his mouth dropping the phone and diving into the water. He had just thrown Derek into a pool while paralyzed to call they're only hope, maybe he jinxed himself he wasn't sure. He could see the anger in Derek's eyes as he swam down towards him. Reaching for his waist he wrapped his arm around him before swimming for the surface.

They both gasped for air as they broke through the water's surface Derek glared at Stiles who did his best to ignore his glare opting to look at his phone instead.

"Scott better be on his way," Derek heaved for air through his words.

"Yeah Scott's not coming," Stiles said no more.

The Kanima was no longer standing in front of the exit, it had inched closer and closer to the Pool. Like an ape inching closer to its reflection in the mirror.

"We have to get that phone," Stiles said.

"Not with that thing right there," Derek replied.

Turning to the Kanima, they watched as the Kanima inched closer to the water, they held their breath as it opted to place one claw in the water first.


Almost as if the water burned it the Kanima backed up before hissing in the direction of Derek and Stiles.

"Looks like we're safe," Stiles said laughing in victory.

"For now," Derek said in annoyance.


"Stiles, how long does the paralysis last?"

Stiles thought about it for a second before replying. "It took around 2 hours but you're an alpha doesn't that mean everything is better for you?"

"Maybe if this was wolfsbane but this is different," Derek took a deep breath, Stiles was the only reason he was still alive. Without Stiles holding him up he would be a dead fish in water.

"Derek, Isaac's waking up," Stiles said, looking over at Isaac who was slowly beginning to move.

"Isaac!" Derek called out.

"Why are you calling his name? Do you want to alert that things attention to him?" Stiles asked, looking at Derek in confusion. It was obvious that Isaac would be no help against the kanima, he had been knocked out before they had even noticed it before.

"No, I want him to get out of here and go get help," Hearing his reply Stiles immediately began to do the same thing.

"Isaac!" They both called out in unison as the Drowsy Isaac sat up confused about his surroundings.

"Run, Isaac Run!" Derek yelled.

"Go get help," Stiles said as they both watched Isaac immediately turn serious before dashing out of the building. They both sighed in relief but suddenly Stiles had a thought: who would Isaac go to for help? His father wouldn't be of much help in this situation not to mention he wanted him nowhere near such things. Boyd and Erica were the same as Isaac, inexperienced as werewolves.

"Derek, who's he gonna call?"

"Doesn't matter as long as he got away, we just have to stay afloat for a little bit longer and the paralysis should wear off. When it does I'd rather not have to worry about Isaac's safety."

Stiles frowned internally as he heard Derek's response. Derek hadn't put up much of a fight against the Kanima; they needed help. On the edge of the pull, he saw their salvation.

Stiles looked at his phone, it seemed so close and far away at the same time. Derek's weight was beginning to affect him. They needed to call someone before they were forced to either fight that thing or drown.

"Stiles whatever it is you're thinking stop," Derek's voice forced Stiles to roll his eyes.

"We need to call someone, if only Elias was back."

"Elias is back, he's been back for the past 2 days," Derek said causing Stiles to almost drop him.

"He's back and he tells you?"

"I was going to meet him in Mystic Falls but he decided to head back instead, family problems or something, he didn't go into detail. He only said he needed some time for her."

Stiles nodded and thanks to Derek he had made a decision.

"I'm going for it," Stiles said causing Derek to frown.

"No you're not, I'm in charge while Elias is away. I'm the alpha you're not going for that phone Stiles."

"You just said Elias was back," Stiles said with a smirk.

"I'm still- Stiles!!"

Focusing on his phone, Stiles dropped Derek before swimming towards his phone, grabbing it he quickly sent a text to Elias. He made sure to mention their location and SOS before dropping his phone and diving into the water to save Derek.

Dragging Derek from the deep end Stiles smile in satisfaction as he held up the exhausted Derek.

"I swear to God Stiles,"

"Don't worry I got him."


Elias looked down at his phone a bit of annoyance appearing on his forehead, to his right Bonnie continued looking at the tv. She had a comforter wrapped around her as she every so often reached down to reach into the bowl of popcorn to her left.

They were currently watching a movie called Beastly and he could immediately tell why Bonnie had chosen it. A teenage love story, it was definitely the kind of movie she would have chosen if her life hadn't suddenly upped and changed a year and a half ago.

Picking up his phone he looked at his notification seeing it was a message from Stiles. He hadn't told him he was back in town yet so he figured it couldn't be too important. Looking back at the Tv he frowned. This really wasn't his kind of movie, looking back at his phone he quickly picked it up reading the message.

[SOS Gym Pool]

A simple message but it was all Elias needed to escape from this movie, "I'll be back," Elias said causing Bonnie to look his way.

"But the movies just getting good, should I pause it?" Elias almost groaned at the thought, having to sit through the rest of this movie would end him.

"Nah, I'll be back before you know it," Standing from the couch he speed walked out of the house not even looking back. Vamp speeding away he quickly headed into town.

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