
Max Ammo

Gym Pool

Walking into the gym pool Elias found Stiles and Derek floating in the deep end only both of them seemed to be on their last leg. Their heads were barely above water and Stiles was constantly spitting water out of his mouth.

"Am I interrupting something here?" Elias asked as he drew their attention.

"I told you I got to him," Stiles said looking at Derek.

"Your texting skills haven't exactly been proven especially not after you drown me just to send off a text. What if he had been asleep or away from his phone?" Derek asked, annoyed.

"Guys," Elias called out, "Are you going to stay in the water and bicker or did you actually call me here for a reason?"

"Grab my phone," Stiles said pointing his head in the direction of his phone.

Sighing Elias picked up the wet phone before waving it at Stiles, "Now what?"

"Unlock it, the passcode is 0519," Stiles said with a smile on his face.

"Lydia's birthday?" Elias asked surprising Stiles.

"The greatest day in history, how'd you know?"

"Marin might come back for it, now what?" Elias said, bringing their attention back to the phone.

"Go to my gallery it should be the first picture," Doing as Stiles said Elias frowned upon seeing it. Who didn't have some kind of fear of snakes, only snakes in the wild never intentionally target human beings. They only do what they have to do to survive, but this thing was some kind of human shapeshifter.

"That thing has been killing people in Beacon hills, it uses its venom to paralyze its victims. Hence the reason I'm currently holding Derek up." Stiles said, sending Derek a look of disappointment. " I was under the impression that being an Alpha meant something but Derek went down just as easily as I did."

"Yeah well, how was I supposed to know that its tail also held venom?" Derek asked with a deadpan expression.

"I kind of warned you," Stiles replied.

Shaking his head Elias walked over to the edge of the pool. He wasn't afraid, he could already tell that the Kanima was long gone. "Well luckily for you guys it's gone, the only question is why didn't it attack you in the water?"

Dragging Derek along with him Stiles swam towards the edge of the pool. "It tried to."

"It was almost like the water burned it," Derek said looking up at Elias.

Nodding his head Elias reached down gripping both Stiles and Derek by their shirts before pulling them out of the water.

"Well good luck with the lizard thing, I have a self-sacrificing sister to deal with," Elias waved behind him as he walked towards the exit. "Derek's still in charge," Elias said causing Stiles to freeze.


Isaac stood alongside Erica and Boyd as they thought over their options.

"Should we go in?" Erica asked with a frown on her face.

"We don't stand a chance, if Derek was taken out what do you think that thing will do to us?" Boyd asked.

"We can't just leave him, he's our alpha," Isaac said while biting his nails.

The gym doors opened and Elias walked out surprising the three betas, he didn't hear their conversation and he wasn't interested. Ignoring the looks of confusion they gave him he kept walking until they rushed past him and into the gym. With one final look back he vanished.


Stiles stood up from the ground, his clothes soaked as water continued to drip off of him. "Well I'm going home, we'll meet up at Elias' tomorrow."

"Stiles you can't leave me," Derek reached out his hand unaware that the paralysis was beginning to fade.

"Judging by your hand I think you'll be fine," Stiles said, causing Derek to look down at his hand. Stiles walked out of the gym surprised to see Isaac but not stopping to chat.

Isaac rushed in followed by Boyd and Erica, he sighed in relief when he saw Derek leaning against the wall.

"I'm back," Isaac called out.

Derek was surprised to see him considering that he didn't think he would actually return. "Great but the Kanima's already gone," Derek replied as he tightened his fist. The feeling in his body was finally returning which meant the Paralysis was wearing off.

"Who was that guy that just left?" Isaac asked and Derek could see he wasn't the only one that was interested.

"That was the leader of my pack," Derek didn't know how else to explain it. Was Elias truly an alpha? No, he was something better than that but he didn't know what word to use. The best way to describe him would have to be the leader, he was above Derek who was an alpha.

"I thought you were the alpha?" Boyd crossed his arms in confusion as he asked.

"I am the alpha and you three are my Betas, but he's different, he's the reason I'm an Alpha."

Next Day

The Mikaelson home was quite calm, if anything there was an eerie presence to the home. In the living room on the couch, Bonnie and Elias sat tensely with their eyes glued to the tv. Sinister music could be heard on the Tv as suddenly an ominous voice was heard.

"Max Ammo," Both Bonnie and Elias managed to smile as they continued to focus on the game Call of Duty World at War, Zombies. Elias had been surprised when after long consideration Bonnie had finally decided to play alongside him. What surprised him, even more, was that she was a natural at the game.


Elias frowned hearing the sound of the door being knocked on, he was currently using every sense he had to keep him and Bonnie alive.

"What?" Bonnie asked, not looking from the tv.

"Someone's at the door, hopefully, they decide to go away," Elias returned his attention to the tv ignoring the constant knocking at the door. It was only about a minute later that the knocking stopped and the front door was opened.

Elias only shook his head when he realized who it was, he had spent plenty of days training alongside Stiles. If he couldn't recognize him by the way he smelled or walked, what kind of Lycan would he be?

"You know it's not that hard to get up and open the door," Stiles said as he entered the room.

"Yeah, we're kind of in the middle of something," Elias said as his character reloaded his gun.

"Oh you're playing zombies," Stiles was excited for a second before he realized, "Zombies are more important than opening the door for me?"

"Who is this guy?" Bonnie asked with a laugh.

"This is one of my closest friends and pack member, Stiles, Stiles this is my sister Bonnie," Elias introduced the two without looking from the tv.

"Oh your sister Bonnie, that's why you, I get it," Stiles said coming to a realization, he remembered Derek saying that Elias needed some time for her. He had thought that he was talking about Marin but Bonnie made more sense. "It's nice to meet you, Bonnie," Stiles said, reaching out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well Stiles, Grab that!" Bonnie ignored Stiles' hand as the ominous voice returned.

"INSTA-KILL," Zombies died left and right as Stiles lowered his hand and looked at the Tv.

"You guys are on level 50?"

"Yep," Elias replied as his character began to board up windows.

"We're going for level a hundred can't wait to kick Hitler's ass," Bonnie laughed as her character used the ray gun to slay zombies.

"Hitler's at level a hundred?" Stiles took a seat in a chair obviously intrigued.

The game went on for another couple of minutes before both Bonnie and Elias died. Seeing the game over screen Elias frowned.

"Hitler's not in this game," He wasn't just saying that because he was angry that they had died.

"You didn't make it to level a hundred so how do you know?" Stiles asked.

"That's precisely why Stiles If I can't make it there with all of my enhanced senses then how would a regular person. I'm practically cheating and the best I could do was level 52." Turning to Stiles Elias changed the subject.

"Why exactly are you here Stiles?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We need your help, I know you said Derek was still in charge but even he doesn't stand a chance against this thing."

"I don't know Stiles, right now we're supposed to be on vacation. Going up against a human-sized Lizard isn't exactly relaxing." Of course, Elias was interested but he wanted Bonnie to relax, her life had been full of stress since he left Mystic Falls. Sure his life hadn't been easier but he had never been worried about dying. Bonnie had taken it one step further and convinced herself that it would be okay as long as her friends lived. He couldn't live with that, he wasn't sure how Elena and Caroline would be able to either.

"Did you just say human-sized lizard?" Bonnie asked, interrupting the conversation.

"Yes he did," Stiles said, quickly pulling out his phone and showing Bonnie the picture of the Kanima. "It's called a Kanima."

"Wow, I've dealt with werewolves, vampires, and crazy witches but I've never seen anything like this. What did it do?" Bonnie asked clearly interested.

"It's already killed two people, I'm pretty sure Derek and I would be dead if it wasn't afraid of water. Not to mention Elias did scare it off last night." Stiles said, causing Bonnie to look at her brother.

"We're not getting involved," Sure she was older but right now he was in charge. He couldn't trust Bonnie with her own decisions when they always led to her trying to kill herself.

"Come on Baby bro, this is exactly what I need to relax, compared to your uncle this thing is a walk in the park. We're gonna be like Scooby-Doo and the gang only. I'm obviously Velma which makes you Scoobs," Bonnie laughed at her own joke ignoring Elias' deadpan look.

"More like Scrappy on steroids," Stiles said, causing Bonnie to laugh even louder. "I think I'd make a very good Fred," Stiles said as he stroked his chin.

"More like shaggy," Elias said as he began to walk towards the door, it had been a minute since he had a good laugh. He had forgotten how relaxing it was to be around his friends and family. That didn't include the rest of his family as being around them tended to bring the worst out in him.

"I guess we're going after a Lizard," Elias said as he opened the front door. Bonnie and Stiles both cheered before following him outside.

"So what's the plan?" Elias asked as Stiles caught up to him.

"I thought you had a plan? Making such a dramatic exit and you don't even have a plan?" Stiles shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm not exactly caught up on all the information about this thing. You on the other hand have been investigating, you know more about it. You make the plan." Elias only knew a couple of things, one, it was either afraid or weak to water. Two, it was able to beat Derek even though he was an alpha, a new alpha but an alpha nonetheless. Three, it released a paralytic venom that as implied paralyzes its victims upon contact with their skin. Stiles on the other hand had come face to face with the thing he no doubt knew more and had already formed a plan in his head.

"I'll catch you both up on the way," Stiles said as he started up the engine of his jeep.

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