
38-end of season 1

Derek got out of his ford mustang with a frown on his face, he wore his black jacket with a pair of dark jeans. He hadn't had the tiniest bit of interest in attending prom as a chaperone. He regretted that now, he should have gone at least to make sure everyone was safe.

Entering the manor he walked towards the front room, he immediately noticed Elias standing in the corner. He hadn't looked at Derek but he was sure he knew he was there. Lydia laid out on the couch as Marin looked over her. Stiles sat in a chair not too far away from the couch biting his nails. The atmosphere was tense.

"Peter bit Lydia," Elias's voice drew Derek back to him.

"How?" Even if he wasn't at the school Elias should have been able to keep everyone safe.

"He had his nurse set up a shield in the gym, I wasn't able to hear anything beyond the gym doors." Derek could see the blame Elias was currently placing on himself.

"It's not your fault," Derek said, hoping to console Elias. Sure Elias may have been stronger than him but he was still just a teenager.

"I know, this is Peter's fault. That's why this will end tonight. I need your help, Derek, I need to know every place your uncle would use as a hideout. A place that would hide his scent."

Derek took a second to think, it took a minute but eventually, there was only one place he could think of. "Our family vault, it's the perfect place."


Elias smiled hearing that answer. "Good we'll leave as soon as Scott gets here."

Looking over at Stiles he was half tempted to leave him behind, right now he would surely rather be with Lydia.

"Stiles, we have a good idea of where Peter is hiding out. If you want you can stay here and watch over Lydia." Elias kneeled down next to his friend.

"No," Stiles turned to look Elias in the eyes and Elias noticed something he hadn't seen within them before. Hatred.

"I want to watch him die, I understand that Derek has to be the one to kill him but I want to be there." Elias nodded and internally he was grateful. It wouldn't have been insane for Stiles to want to kill Peter himself. But to go along with Elias' plan he had put aside his hatred and settled for watching him die.

"When Scott gets here we're leaving," Elias said, getting a nod from Stiles.

Next was Marin, Tonight was supposed to be her night but Peter had ruined that. Taking a knee next to her he grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry that tonight hasn't gone as planned, I'm gonna take care of Peter once and for all."

"Go, I'll stay here and watch over Lydia," Marin said, not even turning to look at Elias.

"You won't be alone, Allison is on her way." Placing a kiss on her head he turned and walked back over to Stiles who had now joined Derek.

"Peter Hale dies tonight."

"What about Jackson?" Stiles asked with disgust written all over his face.

"I think it's time to release that video," Elias said looking at Stiles.

"Is that enough, don't you think he deserves worse. For Lydia, for stiles?" Derek asked.

"Your uncle is an expert manipulator, Jackson didn't stand a chance. The worst we can do right now is ruin his reputation. He thinks becoming a werewolf will cement his position as the number one jock in the school. What he wants more is attention so we'll give it to him only it'll be negative attention." As Elias spoke even Stiles seemed to nod. Elias would do what needed to be done if Lydia didn't survive the bite.

15 minutes later

Allison entered the room with panic on her face, "Where is she?" Pointing towards the couch Elias watched as she walked over taking a seat next to Marin.

Scott entered with an equally panicked face only it wasn't completely because of Lydia.

"We have a problem, Peter Hale was at my house."

"What did he say?" Elias asked while making sure to listen to Scott's heartbeat. They had just had a conversation about how manipulative Peter Hale could be.

"He wanted me to join his pack, He was trying to use Allison against me. He thinks being an omega here is a waste of my talent. He talked about your family," Scott took a look at Elias.

"He said the Mikaelson's are heartless, cunning beast. They only see the value in how well the people around them can be used. He said you'll never make me a beta."

"And what do you think Scott?" Elias asked still leaning against the wall.

"I think you'll keep your word, it took me a while to realize it but you've only been trying to help since you arrived. If being an omega is the highest I'll go who cares. I won't be betraying my friends to a psycho murdering Alpha."

"Good because we're taking care of Peter tonight," Elias smiled before patting Scott on the back. His heart was relaxed that whole time, maybe there was a chance for Scott after all.

"I'm glad you're finally seeing things our way, Derek said, patting Scott on the back as well.

"Scott you won't always be an omega, just show Elias that he can trust you and I promise you'll be a beta in no time."

"You guys are going after Peter?" Allison walked over gripping her hands tightly.

"Allison," Scott made to speak but was interrupted.

"I know you're a werewolf Scott," Allison looked at Stiles and Derek before stopping on Elias.

"You all are. I know I can't help but he hurt Lydia."

"We'll take care of it," Elias interrupted.

"He'll get his," Stiles said as his eyes flashed a hint of yellow.

"Good," Allison said nodding her head.


"Scott we'll talk later," stepping towards Scott Allison placed a kiss on Scott's lips. "I want you to know that nothing has changed. I still love you."

"You do?" Scott asked with a smile appearing on his face.

"I do."

Derek taped the wheel of his car as he drove down the road, behind him was Stiles Jeep with a very serious-looking Stiles in the front seat. Today was the day that they would finally rid beacon hills of its biggest problem. His uncle Peter Hale.

For Derek it was more than that, not only would he be rid of his uncle he would have the chance to avenge his sister. The Hale Pack has been torn to pieces ever since the night of that fire and just when his sister was about to revive it she was stabbed in the back by her own blood. Thinking about it made Derek's eyes grow a fiery blue, tonight.

Pulling into the school parking lot he got out of the car walking to the trunk, he leaned against it watching as Stiles pulled in behind him.

Getting out of the car confusion appeared on Stiles' face, "Your family vault is in beacon hills?"

Derek only shook his head before another voice spoke. "It's beneath it," Elias got out of Stiles' Jeep, closing the door behind him.

"So he's literally been under our noses this entire time," Stiles shook his head wondering how they had missed this for so long.

"This is how they set up the spells and even got to Lydia without any of us noticing," Derek said leading the way to the entrance of the vault. "Once I open this there's no turning back, we kill Peter tonight."

"Open it," Elias's eyes flashed red as he spoke.

Derek nodded as his eyes glowed blue his nails became claw-like, inserting them into the keyhole he watched as the mechanism sounded off. They waited as the door to the vault opened.

Inside Peter Hale sat in a wooden chair with a book in his hand and a pair of reading glasses on his face.

"Scott, Stiles, block the door we'll handle him," Elias's voice was like a whisper before he vanished from view. Next thing Derek knew he was standing in front of Peter Hale with his hand wrapped around his neck.

"My, my, my, have none of you been taught proper manners. You enter my home without knocking I mean at least take off your shoes, Hahaha-" Peters laugh was cut short as Elias tightened his grip.

"Derek, come let's finish this now before his nurse shows up."

Derek hurried over, looking his uncle in the eyes not seeing fear as he had expected.

"Oh she won't be showing up tonight she's predisposed. Taking care of business," Peter said in a tight voice. "Sadly it seems like I won't be seeing her again. It's unfortunate that you found me tonight."

Derek frowned at his words. Something was off but he couldn't tell what. This wasn't his uncle in this sort of situation surely he would have been doing anything he could to buy himself time. But he seems to have accepted his fate.

"Derek!" Elias' voice shook him from his thoughts. Stepping forwards his eyes flashed blue as he dug his claws into Peter's heart.

"I'll be back, this is only the beginning Derek." Peter's voice was a whisper but they all heard it clearly.

Derek felt a sense of relief wash over himself as he saw the light leave Peter's eyes. Before he could dive into that feeling another one overtook him. Happiness, he had avenged his sister but this was only the beginning. With the help of Elias, he would revive the Hale Pack back to its peak.

Power. He could feel it seeping into his bones like the blood that dripped from his hands. Curiosity overtook him as he felt power wash over his entire being. A burning sensation appeared in his eyes but he could tell this was only the beginning. In the next few weeks, his body would continue evolving until he finally became a full alpha.

"I'll bury him with the rest of the family, I'd like to believe he was doing all of this for them. The fire changed him into a monster with no sense of morality, he didn't even see his own family as a family anymore. My mother would be angry but even she would bury him with the rest of the family." Derek looked down at his uncle with his now glowing red eyes. He was simply glad it was over. He took his uncle's last words as the last words of a dying desperate psychopath. They weren't worth wasting his time thinking over.

"We should get back to Lydia and the girls," Elias Said patting Derek on the shoulder. He wasn't sure he himself would have been able to do it. Killing his own uncle.


Next Morning

Niklaus stood over an unconscious Kate Argent. Standing next to him was a beautiful brunette-haired nurse. She waved her hand back and forth as she spoke in Latin, in her other hand was the root of a tree.

Once she finished she turned and looked at Niklaus a frown on her face. "It's possible but you'll need the bite. Unfortunately, it will have no effect on the part of you that's already been locked away. Although they seem to be the same thing they're inherently different. Doing so would likely only add to your problems."

Hearing her Niklaus shook his head. "Well thank you for your time, Nurse Jennifer. I'm sure everything went according to you and Peter's plans tonight?" Niklaus smirked as he ran his hand through Kate's hair.

"Of course they have. They think he's dead, when he returns they'll realize how wrong they are." Jennifer said with a lovely smile on her face.

"Well it won't matter in the end, he doesn't stand a chance against my nephew. Him biding his time only gives the Young Elias a chance to grow, he won't stand a chance. Well, you should be leaving you know, going into hiding and whatnot. I have a werejaguar to get rid of."

Once Jennifer was gone Niklaus stopped the machines keeping Kate sedated. Grabbing a syringe he inserted it into her arm. "5,4,3,2, and."

Kate shot forward taking a couple of breaths as she looked around before finally spotting Niklaus.

"You're awake," He grinned as he looked at her. Stepping forward he gripped her neck staring into her eyes.

"You will head back to beacon hills, you'll forget any of the horrible things I did to you while remembering us being friends. You now understand that your father is the bad guy, the things he's made you do have scarred you. You wish to make up for your mistakes, how you do so is up to you. Goodbye, Kate Argent." Letting his compulsion kick in Niklaus bopped her on the forehead watching as she fainted.

15 minutes Later

Kate Argent woke up in the front seat of her car, sitting up she looked over grabbing her phone. Powering it on she frowned seeing the amount of missed calls she had. Placing the phone to her ear she started the car and began her ride back to Beacon Hills.

Niklaus watched her pull off with a smirk on his face. He had hoped these new and interesting werewolves could help him unlock his other half but that didn't seem to be the case. Fortunately, he had his fingers in plenty of cookie jars, and one had just paid off. The Doppelganger has been found and his plan could finally come to fruition.

And it's over. Last Chapter Peter Hale mentioned a plan... I wonder if that plan has anything to do with him dying so easily. You may or may not ever find out, but with this chapter comes the conclusion of season 1. I actually don't know if people will like this Chapter. I wrote this chapter before I posted the last one.

MrGodlyGod01creators' thoughts
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