
You're No Hitler

"Touch me again and they won't find your body," Derek Nails eased into the back of Jackson's neck. Pausing Derek looked like his hand realizing he was losing control of his werewolf side. Releasing his Jackson he turned around heading down the hallway.

Jackson leaned against the school locker looking at Derek like he was a maniac, reaching to the back of the neck he hissed in pain, looking at his hand he noticed the blood.

Derek continued making his way down the halls peaking his head into the window of each classroom door doing his best to find Scott or Stiles. Looking in he found Stiles messing around with his pencil completely ignoring the teacher, standing to the side he waited.

Once the school bell rang he waited for Stiles to exit the classroom before following him. Stiles squeaked as Derek pulled him into an empty janitor closet.

"Derek what the freak is wrong with you." Stiles's heart was beating fast he looked ready to attack.

"I've been shot call Elias and Scott."

Looking at Derek Stiles immediately noticed his sickly complexion and the smell of blood that lingered on his body. Pulling out his phone he immediately sent Elias and Scott a text.

"Come on we're going to the boy's locker room we don't have practice today so it should be empty." Stiles opened the door leading Derek to the locker room.

Entering they found Scott already in the locker room waiting, Elias entered shortly after.

"Why aren't you healing," Scott said as he noticed the blood dripping from Derek's hand.

"Wolfsbane, the bullet I was shot with was laced with wolfsbane." Derek leaned against the locker short of breath it was getting worse. "I need one of the bullets she shot me with."

"Who shot you?" Elias asked eyeing Derek.

"Kate, Kate Argent."

Scott paused hearing that as everyone turned to look at him. "Did Allison mention anything about a family member coming to visit." Scott nodded seeing no reason to lie. "She said her Aunt came to visit from out of town."

"Wait can't your blood heal him," Stiles asked.

"I can heal him but it won't get rid of the wolfsbane, he'll eventually die from wolfsbane poisoning. We need one of those bullets."

"I'm going to Allison's right after school if the bullets are there I'll find one."

Elias nodded to Scott before turning back to Derek, biting into his arm he offered it to Derek. Derek grabbed onto his arm taking in the vampire blood allowing his complexion to return to normal.

"Scott we'll meet you at my house call if anything goes wrong. Scott nodded leaving the Locker room Elias turned to Stiles, "Let's get him to my house."

While Derek looked like he was better the truth was his blood could only heal him so much, it wouldn't take long for the wolfsbane to spread throughout the rest of his body once it reached his heart he would die.

Scott immediately headed to Allison's knocking on the door he was glad when the one to answer was Allison. "Scott come in." Scott walked in with a smile on his face.

"We're alone?"

"Yeah, my parents won't be back for a couple of hours."

"What about you Aunt, didn't she just arrive last night?"

Allison opened her room door letting Scott enter before closing and locking the door behind her. "My Aunt won't be back till late tonight, I think she had a boyfriend or something," Scott nodded quickly telling Allison he needed to make a call.

Exiting her room he walked towards the room right next to hers, it was the guest room where he believed Kate would be staying. He quickly searched the room, not finding anything he quickly walked out entering the restroom pulling out his phone he called Stiles.

"Stiles she's not here and neither are the bullets, Allison said she won't be back till late tonight."

Stiles frowned hearing that turning to Elias "How long do you think we have?"

"A couple of hours at most," Elias frowned looking at Derek when he heard the sound of a door closing he focused his hearing realizing his Uncle had come back and he brought a guest. "I'll be right back Stiles." Elias made his way upstairs finding Niklaus making a cup of scotch while a woman with blonde hair watched from the side.

"Elias come let me introduce you this is a friend of mine, Kate Argent."

"It's nice to meet you, Kate." Elias smiled.

"It's nice to meet you as well, you go to beacon hills high right?" Kate asked with a smile on her face, seeing Elias nod her eyes brightened. "I don't know if you've met her but my niece Allison goes there."

"Allison is actually a friend of mine, you look far too young to be her Aunt."

Kate Laughed hearing that and Elias excused himself quickly running back downstairs.

"Stiles I found her."

"What, How?"

"She's upstairs, the only problem is she's with my Uncle, I can find out where the bullet but I'll need you to distract my uncle while I compel her to tell me where the bullets are."

Stiles froze hearing that, Elias had already brought him up to date on Niklaus, that was one person he wished to stay away from. "How am I supposed to distract, a 1000-year-old vampire, what if he's listening right now?" Stiles asked with a frown on his face he was starting to panic.

"He's not listening."

"How do you know?"

"Because he's planning something he doesn't have time to focus on us, his attention is on Kate. I need 30 seconds at the most, You can distract him for at least 30 seconds, Stiles thought about it for a second and he didn't really have a choice Derek was dying right before their eyes."



Niklaus was currently talking to Kate about her family, he already knew of her Brother. He was more interested in her father, from what he could tell Kate practically followed his every order.

"I forgot my phone in the car, I'll be right back." Kate smiled as she grabbed her car keys exiting the house.

Niklaus turned to see his nephew and another teenage boy enter the room. "Uncle Klaus this is my friend Stiles."

Stiles looked at Niklaus as his heartbeat got faster, he was nervous, Niklaus was the most dangerous person he had met in his entire life.

As Stiles just stared at Niklaus Elias turned to the kitchen exiting through the back door he disappeared appearing behind the unsuspecting Kate. Kate turned around and jumped in surprise, "Elias you scared me," Elias looked into her eyes and began to talk as her pupils dilated. "Where are the Wolfsbane bullets you used when you shot Derek Hale."

In the house

"So how did you and Elias become friends?" Niklaus asked as he sipped his scotch.

"He Bit me," Stiles stated dryly.

"He Bit you?"

"Yeah, he bit me turning me into a werewolf."

"You don't hate him for that, he changed your entire life?" Niklaus searched Stiles's face for even a bit of resentment finding none.

"Nah it was for the best, I didn't really fit in before I became a Werewolf I had one friend now I have at least 5." Stiles smiled thinking about how his life had changed in the last couple of weeks.

Niklaus nodded seeing no reason to kill Stiles he took another sip of his Scotch beginning to worry what was taking Kate so long.

"How many people have you killed."

Niklaus turned his head to Stiles surprised to hear such a question. "Some say close to 1 million, though the highest I've counted is 200'000 after that keeping count seemed redundant."

"Well, you're no Hitler."

"Hitler caused the death of nearly 11 million people, yet his own hands remained clean, he was a monster among monsters. I would have killed him myself if I didn't have my own monsters to worry about."

Stiles nodded before he finally thought about the thing that had been disturbing him since he had first killed.

"I killed someone recently, I expected to feel something, guilt, remorse but all I could feel was relief."

"And now you're wondering if you've become a monster," Stiles nodded causing Niklaus to smirk. "For what reason did you kill this unlucky fellow."

"He threatened to do things to someone I hold dear."

"Then I see no problem in him dying when someone threatens family and loved ones you end there very existence. "

Elias entered at that moment holding a couple of soda's in his hand, Stiles breathed a sigh of relief not only because it worked but because he could finally stop wondering.

"I got it." Elias said once they finally made it downstairs, "They were in her trunk, she won't even remember the conversation so we have no need to worry."

"Give it to me," Derek said as his eyes glowed blue grabbing the bullet he broke it in half with his teeth. pouring the wolfsbane laced gunpowder on a table he pulled out a lighter setting it aflame. They watched as the gunpowder turned into blue smoke before Derek pulled the leftover powder into his hand digging into his wound.

His wound began to blow blue and Derek fell to the ground in pain, he shook before the wound finally healed disappearing completely.

"That was Awesome," Stiles said causing Elias to agree and Derek to stare at them like idiots.

"Go ahead and tell Scott Derek's fine though I think that's the last thing on his mind right now."

"Why do you think that?" Stiles raised an eyebrow pulling out his phone.

"Because I don't think there's much studying going on at Allison's house."

Stiles thought about it for a second before a smile grew on his face, "Scotts finally becoming man, that just leaves you and me, Elias."

"Yeah but in case your forgot I actually have a girlfriend Stiles, you and Lydia are barely friends." Elias laughed.

I wish season 3 was next season...

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