
Trust On Human

Outside the tent of the Grand Vizier, the pashas and beys of the Sultanate clustered together in a group hugging themselves in the cold environment after being rejected by the Janissaries from entrance.

"We cannot stagnate over here any longer." The official in charge of quarter masters and the storage stomped his foot in the damp soil and urged the other lords around him. "With only half of Rumelia and Bulgaria in our control we cannot be here feeding hundreds of thousands of people for too long, it will suffocate us after one month!"

Abbas Pasha lowered his head staring at the ground too, hiding his facial expression from the others, and turned to the Grand Vizier's son asking. "Candarli Ibrahim Pasha, do you know what is your father thinking? I believe that he must has some valid reason for us to disappear for so long."