
By Day Break

"Ad Caelum Profundumque"

-        Genshin Impact

In the end of the meeting the Bey of Levant even offered Abdullah to stay over night so that he can engage in a longer and more meaningful discussion with the later but was politely rejected by Abdullah. 

Hussein and Abdullah wasted no more time after leaving the place and hurried to the next estate, the bey governing over Asyut and expressed the same wishes getting him to promise his support too. Over the night the two men went around almost the entire city of Cairo paying visits to one after another noble and lords waking them up from their sleeps and discussing about this issue. They burnt the entire night with a seemingly never ending amount of energy, even their horses became tired and refused to move their hooves after a few hours and slept there right on the stop, forcing them to borrow horses from a lord.