
Life of Max

After the birth of Max many things changed and many did not.

As he grew he found himself as more of a loner than with a huge group of friends.

If he had friends they were mostly female.

During his first 6 years of life his father found a new girlfriend. She found out about his child and made him spent time with Max.

Because Jackson had no idea how to handle the child he just sat Max next to himself and started gaming and watching TV. They saw each other only on the weekends but at the time span of 6 years Max got used to it and gradually came to like the games as he grew old enough to understand the basics of what was happening.

When he turned 4 he got his own GameBoy Advanced with the latest Pokémon game, the Gold edition . He wished for it because he always saw the anime on Television. He also wanted to have these cute Pokémon and play with them. What strengthened his interest was when he saw his father often playing Pokémon and enjoying the show.

This state of happiness did not last long as Jackson broke up with his girlfriend when Max was 6 years old following which Jackson decided not to care anymore and only minded himself.

Max was from then on only left with his mother and grandmother that always took care of him and the only habit he had left from his father was playing games and watching TV.

His 6th birthday was the beginning of what could be described as a tragic life. He got into school and found few friends. Although he was very good nearly no one wanted to befriend him.

As others found out that he had no dad they even began mobbing him. Even the so called friends turned their backs on him because they did not want to ne associated with him to give up a bad image.

The only thing during this hard time that never betrayed him were still the games and his shows.

When he turned 9 he had to go outside instead of enjoying his birthday because his grandmother had a stroke and is lying in hospital. This hit Max even harder as she was one of the two clostest persons to him. She was like a second mother because she helped to raise him.

2 weeks later she died because she could not hold on.

Everything he lived through caused him to mature early. His lonely mother had to do three jobs while still being a mother to keep them alive and fulfill small wishes that Max had.

At the age of 10 his mother collapsed at one of her jobs because of exhaustion and she had to stay there for a few weeks. During this time he was put into custody and kept save by the government until his mother was back on her feet.

Even during this time his father did not care and his mother had to do everything for him.

He swore to himself that he never wanted his mother to be in a hospital ever again which is why he started to help her with simple tasks at home like washing clothes, cleaning the dishes and sometimes massaging Lissys shoulders after a long day.

This held on until he was 18. There were no further incidents until then. In all this time he kept helping out at home and improved in everything. he started learning how to cook and how to do many other things to help out as much as possible.

He never neglected his school either as he was always above the average score. This wondered his mother because he never learned at home so they decided to test his IQ. It was an average of 135 which is above average. He is not a genius but it helps him achieve more with less work.

Another thing he did not neglect is his interest in Pokémon and the TV series. His interest grew stronger than ever over the past years as more and more games were produced. The only thing that started to trigger him was that the stupid Ash from the Anime always behaved like a child and literally never learned anything. It is as if his brain resets to zero every time he goes to a new region.

Just as he was about to start his favorite game Pokémon Platin with his 600 hours game file a call came in: " Hello, Max. Your mother just had a car accident. The cause is under investigation but please make your way to 2457 Hospital in Brambauer as fast as possible"*Peep* *Peep* *Peep*