
Chapter 3: 5th Birthday (1)


I wake up to my System screaming for me to wake up, it couldn't be any better, could it? but it seems like I have 1 night left before my 5th birthday and the lottery ticket.

But wait I have not opened my starter pack as of yet, I should get straight to that.

System please open my Beginners Pack and save the lottery ticket for later, that would be much appreciated.

{YES host, I shall open the Beginner Package and we will use the lottery ticket tomorrow}



1) Fire Affinity, Wind Affinity and Earth Affinity

2) 10,000 NP(Naruto Points)


For me, that was typical as any MC from novels would get that but, what surprised me the most was that I unlocked shops. And from my knowledge I know you need to do a few more missions before I unlock this so this moment should be very good, must be around the Rare to Epic or even mythic Chances of getting this.

{HOST, this is a Rare item you have gotten, use it wisely }

So the system does this mean I have the earth as well as a fire? But wouldn't that be even more powerful because wood entices fire to grow bigger? This is a very lucky thing, I can also use Wind Affinity to fly around and stuff or make things move like telekinesis.

I know from this that most people have 1-2 affinities so having three should also be rare, I should hide it from that old man Third, Some uncultured swine. And Danzo for all heaven, not that guy he is too insane.

I should wake up from my slumber now, what would my parents think, Hey system how long have I been out for?

{ Host you have been out for 5 Years and now 2 Minutes, do you want to wake up?]

yes, system please start the rehabilitation process so I can start in this world and make things fun for the Higher Being, He wouldn't want me to start a slow and uncanny show.

Mother: Aww look, honey, our son is waking up now we should introduce him to our family should we not?

Father: Yes, that would be great. Let us start with us my name is Echizen Uchiha and this is your Mother Inori Hyuga. But your name is Gin Uchiha, when you are older your mother will be Inori Uchiha for now because if she is found then THEY will come for her.

@@@ Thank you for reading, Hoped you like it, Add me on discord: G.Smarkzy#0182 @@@

@@@ Leave some suggestions for Tonight's chapter and what I should do @@@

@@@ I'm in a rush because I have a flight to Dubai in 2 days and ill write there @@@

@@@ I hope that was longer because I had a comment saying it was short and I wanted to make it longer @@@

Hope it was longer for you all, what should I do for my next chapter? its all your choices best choice gets put into the next chapter. Thanks again Ta Ta.,.,

Sparkz2Scriptzcreators' thoughts