
s101 Question and Answer portion

Hmmmmmm... so far,... Let me give you the answers for some questions bugging the curious brains out there.

1.) Where do you get the ideas for your story?

**** Well actually I've been an avid reader of Webnovel since when I was in college and every time I read those translated stories, I have this other side of my mind wherein I wish that the character will do this and that instead of this. Then there were this "what if the main character said this blah blah" instead.

Those all sorts of ideas came flooding in my mind and as they accumulated over time,... finally I decided to make my own story and put those ideas together.

After going through some hesitation and self-doubt, here I am starting my own novel now!!! LOL!

Never would I imagine that someone will get fond of reading this story. I thought that no one will notice my work and it will be left unnoticed just like that until it gets buried down to the sea of books out there.


2.) Who did you model the Main Character after?

***** No one????? HAHAHA HAHAHA! I honestly don't know exactly where did I get Mu Lingxi. She was a combination of the characters I'd love from different books that I've read. Well, let me just give you some of those books that I've read instead.

I loved Zhang Xuan from LIBRARY OF HEAVENS PATH...He was my first love. LOL! HAHAHAHAH actually, Janus's way of speaking maybe was an influence from reading that novel.

I also read that girl SHEN YANXIAO, I loved her character, I hope Mu Lingxi will grow strong just like her. She was from THE GOOD FOR NOTHING eme...I honestly forgot the title.. hehe...sarreh

And many many more transmigration stories. I basically love transmigration with a lot of face slapping. HAHAHAHA

(BTW: I've been on hiatus in web novel ever since I started my field study cause I've been too busy and I no longer have enough time for myself. Much more to have the luxury of time to leisurely read novels... and I guess it's been more than a year already I think???)

3.) Are you a cat lover?

****** Certainly! I'm a proud mother of four...

Four cats to be precise! LOL! HAHAHA HAHAHA

Their names were Janus, Bina, NJ, and Bran.

Yes! You've read it right. HAHAHAHHA

Janus is for real!!!! Albeit the Janus that I have here is a white ragdoll cat. But if he could speak???? I'm pretty sure that he will talk exactly just like Janus in our story.

What makes me think that way??? Well, his blue eyes told me so... HEHE

4.) Where can we see her cross-dressing and start learning magic????

****Since my story is just created last July 5, basically it was just almost a month old.

Right now I'm still developing it further and I want to show everything she had been through after she transmigrated. As you can see, from the title itself, it says LIFE AFTER DEATH... So right now, as much as possible I was planning to show you more on her life after the transmigration thing.

Also if you will pay notice to some of the scenes that I discreetly mention in the chapters, it will give you a glimpse of some details here and there that will eventually be useful throughout the story.

In the meantime, I would like to ask for your patience. HEHE

Pardon me if I can't just send Lingxi straight to Magus Academia and start learning magic right away.

But don't worry, rest assured that I will do my best not to disappoint you guys.

I promise that you will love SORCERESS 101. So just keep reading and stay calm.

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