

"Help! Anyone there... please help me... Heeeeeeelp!!!!"

But no one responded to her desperate plea.

No one was there to save the poor little lass trapped inside the burning room. Mu Lingxi kept on shouting for help. A futile attempt to save her own dear life. But the street ahead was dead silent. Only the occasional flickering of the streetlight could be seen in the empty road as she tried to push herself away from the toxic air. The only door in her room suddenly fell and then there was a sudden burst of flame.

" I'm doomed..." she said dolefully to herself as she looked back to her window where there was no sign of life since it was in the middle of the night. Then back to her room as the fire kept on spreading so fast and soon to consume her entire room.

"Don't lose hope Lingxi, there's gonna be a way out of this... don't get scared... it's okay..." she said to herself as she tried to look out from the window down to the road and immediately lost her courage as her legs wobbled.

She was renting a room in a 13th story building and since she doesn't have that much money she was currently residing on the very last floor.

" Is this really my end?? Oh geez, I haven't got a chance to had a boyfriend yet!" she lamented.

" I thought there supposed to be the so-called adrenaline rush for this kind of desperate situation. Am I an exception of the rule?!" She wanted to cry for her misfortune.

"Well, I guess it's better to fall for death rather than to die roasted isn't? haha!" Mu Lingxi tried to humor herself as she laughed mirthlessly.

She grabbed her black cat Janus then mustered all her courage before she prepared herself from jumping out of her window. Hugging her cat as if she was afraid to be separated from it.

Her only friend. Her only companion on this miserable life. A black cat that was believed to be a black omen just like her. In this life no one loved her. She was treated like a jinx. A plague that needs to be avoided at any cost.

Her parent died from an accident while she was still a baby and so she was raised by her aunt who treated her no better than a servant. The only family left that she had did not even treat her like their own blood. Since her mother was a disgrace for her family after she eloped with her dad and bare a child out of wedlock.

A story that her aunt never failed to tell her every single day. She never experienced how it felt to be a child. She had no recollection of playing or receiving any treats during her birthdays or even Christmas.

She always needed to work hard from dusk until dawn. She must answer all the beck and calls of her aunts and satisfy their needs or else there will be no ration of food for her on that day. During those times, she will just hug herself coiled like a fetus and slept with her hunger.

That was why when she finally reached the legal age she immediately moved out. Working most of the time. Living from paycheck to paycheck. Mu Lingxi has nothing, have no one aside from her little black cat that she saved from some street children when they tried to drown it in a creek one day while she was on her way home back from one of her sidelines.

"I won't let you get roasted here little Janus." she consoled her cat as it stirred from her embrace.

It got scared of her sudden movement as she grabbed it away from a falling log. She stepped on her windowsill and closed her eyes tightly. Calming her nerves, she inhaled deeply but soon regretted doing so since the room was already engulfed by a cloud of smoke the was filled with danger.

"Cough, cough! what the heck!!! I was trying to internalized by demise here!" she exclaimed.

"I wish I could live a different life. I wish I could have everything I never had in this life. A doting family and lively childhood. Extravagant lifestyle and more adventurous. And I wish I can still have Janus if there is an afterlife." She candidly wished with all of her heart as she looked at her cat resting in her arms.

"Ohh! and a lover as well!" She added. Poor Mu Lingxi really yearned for love.

Soon after she kept on hesitating to take a leap from her window. The ceiling of her room fell abruptly and that led her to lose her balance and she started falling.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she screamed at the top of her lungs .

As she descended on a free fall and fell from her death she tried to reminisce about her life. But she soon realized that there was nothing worth remembering on her miserable life.

Contrary to what she expected, the anticipated fall did not come after a long time of falling. She still felt like falling but more than that, there was something that felt like tugging.

She shut her eyes tightly afraid to open it even once. She waited to feel the pain from falling but nothing came. Instead, the tugging began to intensify. The tugging continued and it started to bother her. While her eyes still shut, she wondered to herself.

"I supposed to fall for my death, where does the tugging feeling come from? I don't get it!" she decided to open her eyes after a long hesitation but before she could do so the tugging suddenly stop.

She heaved a sigh relief but before she could recover from the tugging,.. something started to suck her. The sudden sucking sensation hurts. It was like something was trying to pull her out of her body. She started to feel the pain. It was so excruciating. Mu Lingxi can't explain how it feels. The sucking continued as it becomes more forceful than the previous one. The pain makes her head fuzzy. She wanted to open her eyes desperately this time to see what was happening but she soon found out that she could not even open them. Even her limbs felt heavy and the gnawing pain made her feel like crying but she did not have a tear to shed.

"Is this how it feels to die? It's really awful." She said before losing consciousness.


[ I got you.. ]


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Please also add my other books:

Married to the Queen of Darkness

My Master is a Boy-Witch

The Killing at District 12

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts
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