
The simplicity of removing a soul from an artifact

Harry put the book back inside his bag and left the room after all the other students had left.

He had no motivation to chat and mingle with the other kids so he always strove to leave either before everyone else or after everyone else had already left and since he since sat in the last seat and the door was near the front seat, he went out after everyone else had already left.

As he walked out of the room, he realized that it was lunch time and everyone else had already left for the great hall. He would have done the same but he didn't felt like going to a place where he would once again come under the scrutiny of so many people.

The episode with the Prophet declaring him a Dark-lord-in-the-making for his liberal use of Parseltongue was still fresh in his mind. So, while the rest of his classmates went to the great hall to the right, he instead took the left and with the intention of going to the Hogwarts kitchen instead.

But as he started walking down the halls, Selena raised her head and swiped the air a few times with her tongue before hissing at him.

"Harry. There's four magical signature up ahead at the next corner hiding behind the wall." She said and gazed at the next intersection warily.

Harry stopped walking abruptly and took out his wand and Marauder's map at once.

"Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Theodore Nott." He murmured with disdain at the four names in the map before he put it back in his bag, used the Shroud of Concealment to it's full effect and sneaked behind the four Slytherins who were waiting to ambush him at the intersection.

"…need to pay the halfblood filth for being so presumptuous." Draco said with disgust and Crabbe and Goyle nodded their heads like the perfect minions while Theodore frowned at them.

"Are you sure about this Draco?" Theodore asked with concern which only made Draco even angry. He didn't liked to be questioned in front of his subordinates.

"Yes I'm sure. And it's not like we're going to kill him or something. Just stun him, take all of his clothes and stick him to a wall." Draco said with a grin and Harry raised an eyebrow at that. Seems like he didn't scare the blonde ponce as much as he intended to.

Or maybe Draco was just a retarded child who didn't understood the concept of not playing with fire.

"Yes yes. I've already heard the plan a thousand times before but what I don't understand is why are you so hell bent on humiliating him. It's not like he's ever done anything to you. In fact, I've not even seen him talk with anyone so far." Theodore said. It seemed like the story of Draco's first meeting with Harry didn't get out for some reason. What a surprise.

Draco went beet red at his words and Harry could tell that he was reliving the memory of lying still under his feet for hours on end.

In truth, he had expected the headmaster and Snape to call him to the office right after they arrived at hogwarts but then he realized that Draco would never go about telling other kids that he was bested by a halfblood in such a humiliating manner.

Hermione was never one to gossip nor did she had any friends to do it with and the three Hufflepuffs probably didn't want to get under Draco's radar so they chose to remain silent as well.

Hmm… That would explain it.

He smirked as he saw the four of them whispering to each other and waiting for 'him' to arrive so that they could ambush him with their superior numbers.

'Oh well, I guess I'll forgive Theodore this time since he didn't seem all that interested in harming me.' With that thought, he raised his wand and fired off four stunners in quick successions and before they could fall to the ground, he pushed them to the wall and used a sticking charm to stick them to the wall.

To was not hard to remove their clothes from Crabbe's and Goyle's bodies, which left them with only their underwear. Of added effect he filled their underwear with pink teddybears on a white background.

He left Theodore alone but then he moved to Draco and a mischievous glint shone in his eyes.

That day students of Hogwarts would find Draco Malfoy stuck to a wall while wearing a cute white girly dress with 'Priness of Slytherin' written above his head. A name that would stick to him for years to come.


"Where were you last night?" Terry Boot asked as Harry entered the room to pick up some books and clothes for later.

"None of your business." Harry said and started packing his bag. He never truly planned to share the room with Terry but since the other boy stayed here every night, he might become a problem if he went to the teachers and told them about his absence from the room every night.

"It is my business. You're my roommate and you were not here last night. Tell me where you were or I'll tell Professor Flitwick about your absence."

Harry stopped what he was doing at one and turned to stare at the 11 year old boy with an odd look.

Did the boy really just blackmailed him.

How did someone as stupid as him entered Ravenclaw house.

He grinned a bit and let out some of his power and willed it to pressure the boy from all sides for a few seconds until the boy literally crumbled under the pressure and fell to the ground while looking at him fearfully.

"You do that and I'll become your enemy. And you don't want an enemy sleeping in the same room as you, do you? Keep your mouth shut and we'll both get along just fine. Do you understand, room mate?"

The boy whimpered in fear and nodded his head so with the barest of nods, Harry removed the pressure from him.

A foolish boy but just a boy nonetheless. No need to be too hard on him.

And he still needed to read the book regarding soul and possession and the faster he did it, the better it'll be for him.

He did felt like a dick for terrorizing his fellow roommate considering how the boy was only 11 years old. But he also knew that if he didn't nip this problem in the bud then it would only come back to bite him in the ass in the future.


Creating Horcrux was one of the most obscure form of dark arts. So obscure in fact that only a few people in the whole Britain knew about it. All the books and tomes that contained knowledge regarding Horcrux had been removed from the world by people who were afraid of his art and considering how this knowledge could give people like Voldemort a form of immortality, they would not be considered wrong in taking such precautions.

So when you ask someone to remove the soul from an object, usually people would think that it would be a really hard thing to do. And only that someone who has mastery over Soul arts would be able to perform such a task.

The truth couldn't be more different than that.

A ritual circle created from human blood and a very simple potion created from ingredients found in the Potion master's room and another object to house the soul after it had been banished from it's original place.

These were all the ingredients required for the ritual.

The procedure was quite simple as well.

Make the object that's housing the soul so uncomfortable that the soul would want to transfer away from the object.

In essence, it was no different than annoying a child so much that he would rather get up and sit in the next bench away from you then remain in the same bench.

The potion was dripped on top of the diadem and it's healing effects worsened the condition of the soul inside it.

The runic circle helped the soul go from the diadem another object that Harry had selected randomly from the Room of Requirements. A silver mirror in this case.

And by the time the whole potion had been dripped down on top of the diadem, the soul transferred from it to the silver mirror, leaving the diadem in pristine condition just like how it was before it was possessed.

Harry pocketed the newly cleansed Diadem and kept the Silver mirror inside the Room of All Things so that he could destroy it in the future.

He knew that he was a far more powerful than any of his classmates but he also knew that he was not strong enough to control the Fiendfyre otherwise he would have already destroyed the Silver mirror.

He had seen the consequences of casting Fiendfyre without being able to control it in the movies so he knew the dangers of performing that spell. The Silver mirror will have to wait until he becomes powerful enough to cast Fiendfyre or until he gained some Basilisk venom for himself.

Well, at least he had finally gotten his hands of Lady Rowena Ravenclaw's precious Diadem.

That ought to call for a celebration.

Not that he had any friends to celebrate with. But still.

Things were looking good.

Wow! You guys have been really supportive toward this series.

Thank you :)

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