
14 Crowns of Humanity : Path of the Witch

*Female Lead* “I am an Acolyte of Mune. I pledged to give sanctuary and protection to all good souls from the great evils of this world. I will not fall so easily.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A foreign world, few memories, a lone witch. One day, Aki found herself transmigrated into a world vastly different to her own. A world called Tsar'jar where transmigrators, reincarnators, and even monsters are known as "Otherworlders" appear like clockwork every 300 years in an event known as the Storm of Arrival. To combat the dangers, radicals called the Old Guard blame all otherworlders and seek to hunt every one of them down in hopes of stopping the Storms and preventing the consequences of something known as the "Grand Narrative" born from a select few otherworlders. Called so because every Narrative has the final result be a complete reshaping of Tsar'jar, most directly by culling the population either on purpose or as collateral damage. At least, that is all it was meant to be. Nearly a year after the Storm that brings Aki to Tsar'jar, a second Storm occurs and shakes the very foundations of the world. In this strange world of magic, monsters, and an oddly game-like interface more dangerous than even the natives know, follow Aki to see how she survives danger, grows stronger, and becomes a hero known the world over. ++

Cyndronix · Fantasy
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56 Chs

(19.2) Gashadokuro

Bucket turns his head to Aki. Though his expression is a mystery, Aki can feel his concern beneath the helmet. She nods and motions to bring Winter back into the plaza.

The four walk past the defences toward the centre of the plaza where a couple of makeshift tables had been set up next to the broken fountain. Other guardsmen and the remaining members of Silver Sword rush around them, cleaning their weapons or organising supplies in preparation for more fighting.

Needles offers Winter to sit down on the fountain's edge but he doesn't seem to notice even when Needles waves a hand in front of his face. Scarf puts a hand on Needles' shoulder and shakes their head.

"The parallel worlds thing…" Winter begins suddenly. " She isn't the Kokone I know. Whatever you have to do, I can't argue. She is Vira, the Witch of Disaster, and has even more power than she did in Carnia."

Winters holds a black and white wand with a white knuckle grip so tight, his nails draw blood.

Aki feels a flood of sadness and rage swirl within Winter. The sensation grows stronger as she places a hand on his shoulder. As soon as she touches him, she can feel a dull ache coming from his arm and realises the dark mark is actually burned flesh that had been partially peeled off.

Her eyes widen, and she quickly pulls out her amulet to heal him. She does it carefully, allowing the mana to cascade in waves as she slowly regenerates the damaged flesh and muscles.

"I'm sorry," Aki tells him.

A sudden unsettling chill crawls down Aki's spine. Seconds later, the echoing screeches of a monstrous Dead ring out from the direction of the sea. The sound of creaking bones cut through the fiery air.

Following such an ominous sound comes a massive, skeletal figure surrounded by brilliant green flames and backlit by the evening sun. Its form rises taller and taller far above the rooftops of this broken city, making even the cloudy sky appear threatening with its mere presence.

Winter staggers next to her, his knees shaking as he tries to keep himself standing. Looking around, Aki sees a great many of the plaza's defenders are shaking. Some have fallen to their knees while others, including Silver Sword have their weapons raised, though none appear sure what exactly they can do against it.

It's likely also resistant to magic just like all the other Dead that Vira has under her control, Aki concludes. However, she can't recall what kind of creature this is, nor does she remember seeing it in the notes Shur left for her.

"...gashadokuro…" Winter mutters fearfully.

Aki raises a brow, half-wondering if he'd read her mind and answered but accepts it regardless.

This new Dead -- the gashadokuro -- stands no less than 50 metres in height, although the wreath of flames and the crown of green fire it wears makes it look bigger and all the more threatening.

It raises a leg and steps toward them. Followed by another and another. With only a few lumbering steps, the gashadokuro has cleared the distance to Polaris Plaza and towers over them.

On its head, Aki can now see that the crown of flames is actually Vira, humorlessly cackling with a mana infused laughter that rings unnaturally loud out across the city. Her fiery aura flares outward, appearing like a green sun in this darkened environment.

"In the face of raw power, nothing will save you. Die in agony!" Her voice booms out.

An overwhelming force emanates from her declaration, forcing everyone to the ground. Everyone except Aki.

"Wha-?" She looks around herself.

Everyone was either on their knees or flat on the ground. Their wide eyes stare blankly up at the sky, their jaws open wide in a silent scream.

The familiar sensation of an illusion hits Aki. Looking back at Vira and the gashadokuro, she notices the faint distortion surrounding them. The gashadokuro draws its fist back and a larger distortion forms around its arm.

"I don't think so." A thick, bisected mist of mana escapes from Aki's lips.

The immediate release of power temporarily pushes back at the oppressive force on her body, allowing Aki to stand properly. She takes a step forward, echoing the first release of mana with an aftershock.

She stares at the gashadokuro with a defiant gaze. Just standing up straight is exhausting and she can feel it growing harder as the oppressive force tries to push her down. Even so, she doesn't back down. Instead, she unties the magic pouch from what remains of her bag, and tosses the bag away to lighten her load.

Aki raises the magic pouch high and points it at the gashadokuro.

"I am Aki, an Acolyte of Mune. I pledged to give sanctuary and protection to all the good souls from the great evils of this world."

Aki feels her body shudder as more pressure bears down on her the closer the fist gets, creating an ominous wind that whips her tattered cloak, threatening to rip it from her body. She balls her free hand into a fist, attempting to soothe her mind with her own words before she loses nerve.

"...and we will not fall so easily." Aki reassures herself.

She summons the Briarwood axe.

"I'll give 1 point," Aki swings the axe upward. "Do as I command."

Her hand is pierced, a light spray of blood escaping from the thin gap created when the thorns pierced flesh, and the wood of the axe wriggles as if alive.

A single bramble spirals out from the axe at the gashadokuro, striking the fist to no effect. However, the spiralling movement causes the bramble to firmly wrap itself around the hand.

Immediately, Aki follows up by turning and swinging the axe to the side, away from the plaza in one rapid movement.

"Four more points." She grits her teeth.

Several more brambles shoot up, reinforcing the first and follow Aki's movement as she slams the axe into the ground, causing the bramble to forcefully yank the gashudokuro's fist harmlessly into the ruined buildings away from the plaza.

Ash and embers scatter everywhere from the impact, creating a smoky cloud where the fist impacted. The gashadokuro's balance is off put from having its right arm forcefully yanked to the left. Green flames flare in surprise as the gashadokuro attempts to catch itself while also preventing its rider from falling off its head.

Unable to do both, it loses balance and slams its knee down, crushing several ruined buildings just outside of the plaza's defences. Its eyes bulge out even more, creating an even more off-putting visage contrasted with its completely skeletal appearance.

"YOU!" Vira's fire flares angrily in tune with her booming voice. "So you're here too, illusionist? Good! I'll be able to crush you all together."

Coincidentally, I had my hand pierced by thorns doing some yardwork. Did not realise how much it sucked when I was writing her abilities at first. Aki's durability and pain management is insane.

~ Cyndra

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