

I'm planning on graduating early, maybe go to collage and get a degree, then start to run my company while also doing the whole superhero thing.

I have been Running the company but I haven't shown up if that makes any since. Since I haven't graduated highschool, much less collage I didn't want to be the face of the company like Tony stark does because nobody would take me seriously. so I've been sending my robots, though they are using my I.D. masks to look human and there all run my Alfred. Though because I named my company Tennyson industries and my last name is Tennyson I bet sheild already knows that I'm the CEO.

I've also made some progress, I've used the skeleton keys for reference and I created a portal generator, it's really small to, only the size of a house key. It can open portals to any world, parallel world, time line, or even different dimension with more worlds within, like a dimension with the naruto world. Though I have no plan on using this so far.

And on a recent note, I developed my spark, the anodite spark to be precise. I don't know how, it might be because the super serum I used on myself but I don't really know. I don't even know my grandparents within this universe, so I don't know if my grandma was an anodite like she was in the ben 10 show.

I have been training it though. I haven't really used any spells because we'll I think you need a spell book to learn them and maybe different Languages But I have been training the basic stuff. Things I watched Gwen do in ben 10. I can step in the air on platforms, I can create energy beams and constructs and use them pretty well. I've even been using anime moves like Kamehameha, and destructo disk. though my energy looks a bit different, it's green not pink. I don't know if anodite's in this reality use green energy or maybe the omnitrix has something to do with it.

Though the new anodite powers have been a huge help, because I can use mana constructs I can safely work with the corrodium. I was able to figure out how to stabilize it and even use it as a energy source. I turned the corrodium power plant into a corrodium arc reactor facility. The new corrodium arc reactor glows purple and is five time more powerful than the kormite arc reactor. It has enough energy to power all of new York with clean energy for 10 years. Though I'm not giving it to new York, I might work with stark later with it though.

I've also be doing the heroing thing alot, I got out at night when the streets are the most dangerous to save people, then during the day I go to school then go home, get an hour of rest then get to work on some projects.

Though it's only been a month so far since I've started this hero thing. I haven't seen Felicia yet but then again she's slippery, she always manages to get away and that's if she caught, she's a master in stealth so it's hard to catch her in the first place.

As for the accual superheroing I've saved alot of people, I've already been in the newspaper. I haven't been seen yet by any phone of camera so I don't have a picture in the paper but then again I work at night, and my costume is black and green so I kinda blend into the shadows.

I'm pretty sure iron man is about to come out. Tony stark has already come back from the kidnapping and has started on his suit.

Speaking of suit, I've upgraded mine once more, I created nanotechnology. I've been using it to store my suit inside of a ring that is connected to me, with a thought I can suit up.

Though the nanotechnology was just a minor success into the nanite project. The nanotechnology works just like tony starks but it's not what I wanted, I need something that can store it's self within me, in my bloodstream and stuff.

If I have upgraded nanites in my blood I could save myself alot of trouble, if any blood leaves my body, like when I'm injured I could order the nanites to destroy the blood so nobody could know who I am or how I'm strong.

Though I have been using the nanotechnology for alot more now, I've been using them to build things, and make components to things I need, to create upgraded medical equipment. I plan of using the nanotechnology to create thing to sell from my company.

I've also upgraded the spiderman suit I've been working on. I created it based on the same design as my suit with nanotechnology, I've created it into a ring and peter and mine are the once voices to get the suit to work. You just have say or think deploy and the suit will come on line, and because it's nanotechnology the suit can change shape, design, and colors with but a thought. plus it has its own A.I that's the same level as Jarvis and it has all the cool gadgets too.

-Time Skip-

Right now I'm once again ontop of the Empire state building, it's been my favorite place to over look the city.

I keep watch over the beautiful city until I see somthing from the corner of my eye, a person in a red and blue suit, swinging to something. It seems important.

I tap the omnitrix and bring up the alien selection and spin until I have my alien, I then slap down the dial snd start changing.

I grow taller, my arms and legs thiner, I grow wings, but I also get stronger and colder. strangely the cold dosent bother me now, but most importantly I feel as if I'm here but not here, it's weird.


I unfold my wings and start to fly after spiderman, though I did turn invisible. I don't want people seeing a giant blue moth flying around. I follow spiderman and it seems like he's fighting a small gang in a alley, I land on top of the building before changing back then sitting on the edge of the building, watching as he beats them up.

He's really good, thought that's only really because of his spider sense telling him when to dodge. I could maybe train him in certain martial arts.

He finishes pretty quickly, then starts to wrap them up, it looks like he was about to swing away when I call him out.

"You know, your not very good." Azrael

He gets startled then starts to look around, then finally sees me up on the room. he shoots a Web up top and pulls him self up real fast then lands not but ten feet away.

"I'm not very good, I just took out like over ten people." Spiderman asked confused.

"Yes you did, but only really because you can sense when they are attacking and were to dodge right, you can't really fight worth shit, I doubt you ever really learned, then again you never really did go to a dojo peter." Azrael

spiderman looked stunned by what I said and started to analyze what I said, and he realized I was right then he finally got what I said.

"How do you know who I am." spiderman asked taking off his mask.

"Well its not that hard really peter, you got bitten on our school field trip by a spider from oscorp then suddenly out of no where here comes spiderman." Azrael said then his hood and visor retract down into the rest of the suit.

"Ben" Peter asked stunned.

"Yes peter, how about you come to my house after school, I have something for you. Plus i could tell you how I became a superhero and maybe start to teach you some martial arts." Ben

Peter thought about it for a bit then relized he could probably use this opportunity.

"sure, that sounds great. I be sure to tell aunt may about it." Peter said putting his mask on again.

"Ok then I'll see you again spiderman."Ben

My visor and hood reassembled onto my head then I started to float then fly off back to my house with my active cloaking on.

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