
Training spiderman

After school the next day, I waited for peter at the school gates before walking with him to my house, we talked about science of course, but then again I love science, and so does peter.

when we got to the front of the gate to my house peter was stunned, but then again who wouldn't be. My house is a huge mansion with a huge garden and pool, and beautiful hedges. It looks absolutely beautiful, Above the gate was a sign with a name. It said "Garden of Eden".

"Wow ben you never told me you were rich." Peter

"Of course I didn't, I don't like to buy my friends. Plus If I told you, somebody would eventually figure it out then I have a bunch of other people hanging around me just for my money. It was just easier to hide it." Ben

"Yeah I can see where your coming from." Peter

We walked up through the path to the front door and it was beautiful, it was dark wood and dark windows but it strangely matched the gardens, thought I even have a strange rose bed. It was an experiment, I created alot of roses of different colors and smells, I even have a black and silver rose that smells like pizza.

I pressed the omnitrix to the door and then a strange clicking sound went off and the door opened up.

"That's a strange way to unlock a door." Peter

"Yeah nobody can steal your keys if your wearing it the whole time." Ben

I walked down the hall, through two giant rooms and into a third room. it was basically just a dinning room with a grandfather clock and no windows. I stopped in front of the grandfather clock with Peter still looking confused.

"Voice Recognition, Tennyson 12, Initiate procedure check and Authorize access"

Small green rays were made visible as they turned on scanning the vicinity of the room and Me and peter. After a few more seconds, they turned off, a positive beep sounding after.

"User Ben Tennyson Recognized, Proceeding."

The grandfather clock then slid open to reveal a hallway made of white metal leading to an elevator.

"you have a secret door, so cool, but if you have to say that and get the door to scan you everytime dosent that take a while and maybe get borring." Peter said excited

"Not really, when Im home alone it just opens with the word "open" but when someone else is in the house that the system dosent recognize then it locks down until I grant access. I didn't want anybody finding my secret base too easily." Ben

We road the elevator down then we came out into a cave and the whole base was suspended above water. It looked like the scene came out of a comic book. There where doors everywhere with words atop them to tell you what is inside each. One door led to my labs, another led to the garage, one led to the training room deeper down, another is for storage, then there's also the teleporting room. In the center of the platform is a huge supercomputer with multiple screens for multitasking and since Alfred is attached he can do hundreds of things at once so I needed alot of computing power for him.

"woah, this is awesome." Peter

"Glade you like it peter because your going to be coming here from now on for training. Come this way, I have a gift for you." Ben said leading peter into a lab

once in the lab I lead him to a pedestal to the side that has a black ring on it with a red hourglass. I grabbed it and handed it to peter, of course he was confused.

"well put it on." Ben

Peter put on the ring looking confused, though I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Voice Recognition, user transfer." Ben

The hourglass on the ring glowed a tiny bit before red lines could be seen going up Peters arm then into his whole body. He kinda freaked out at first but when it connected with his brain all the information from the ring was sent into his head.

The ring has a instruction manual for how to use it and everything the suit has. It also has knowledge, it's has all fighting styles imprinted into the brain, though he gets the fighting styles he still need to train in them to get them in his muscle memory. It also has all knowledge he may need as a superhero, medical knowledge, hacking, stealth, and even science that would make tony stark look stupid, it upgraded peter I.Q. It even has knowledge of new York, all gangs and crimlords in the city's, where there drug rings and operations are at. locations of secret tunnels I built under the city that can take you anywhere.

The ring is also linked to Alfred so he can send information directly into Peters head. The A.I in the suit for example could ask for information to be sent to peter on a certain subject he dosent know.

After the ring was Done it checked Peters blood for any differences then cataloged them before injecting peter with my own super serum.

I knocked out peter before taking him to the training room, I didnt want him to suffer from the pain of the serum. while he was knocked out the serum started working on his body, it strangely worked and bonded well with his spider DNA, then again I did use the spider DNA as a refrence.

-Time Skip-

we spent the next month training peter, working on science together, and doing superheroing at night.

Because the ring and serum upgraded Peters I.Q. I've been working with him on stuff, getting him caught up to my level of tech and knowhow. Plus since the serumalso gave peter photographic memory it didnt take him long. Me and him are planning to take our G.E.D test tomarrow, we want to graduate early and go to collage. I've already hired peter at my company so he's been making a few thousand dollars a day. He rich now and he's been helping his uncle ben pay the bills.

As for the serum, it worked wonderfully. Because peter was already stronger because of the spider bite he only got stronger. He look like me now with swimmer muscles, not overly bulky. And while the serum didn't upgrade Peters I.Q. like the ring did, it did upgrade his calculating abilites and multitasking, he can now think of three things at once like me, and with his smarts that basically did upgrade his thinking compatibility, Plus the photographic memory.

As for his strength, since he's been working out and with his martial arts knowledge on how best to use that strength, he can lift 25 tons and run 120 MPH, but what's really impressive, is his senses and reaction time that went up.

Peter can now hear things like Matt, aka daredevil. Peters senses have been supercharge while his spider sense is almost like seeing the future. He seems to know when and where an attack or treat will arrive before it does. I've shot a machine turret filled with rubber bullets at him and his dodged every bullet without moving more that five steps.

Peter has also changed his spiderman looks, He still has the look of spiderman but he changed his colors, he looks like the red and blue spiderman but with a huge white spider on his chest and white on his hands.

I would say this spiderman is alot more capable. Now it's only for my G.E.D test tomarrow and then me and spiderman's official team up.

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