
Yoongi and I

Author: Kisarah_Moon
Music & Bands
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  • 10 Chs
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Yoongi and kisara are in bliss. Will it last when his childhood friend shows up to stir up trouble?

Chapter 1Yoongi, My Love

It had been another long night; these world tours took their toll on me. I changed into my favorite pajamas, a simple combo of boy shorts and one of the biggest shirts my boyfriend owned. Not that many people knew he was my boyfriend. People weren't supposed to know. Now normally, I understand that this would be unacceptable... However, my boyfriend is very famous. I would be the target of all kinds of hate if the public were to find out.

Due to this, he had given me the title "personal assistant" so that I could travel with him. This had turned out to be a more difficult job than I thought, so he let me get an assistant. Bless him! It wasn't that he was difficult to deal with (though believe me, he had his moments). It was more of the fact that since he and his group were so popular, there was a lot of demand for him, a lot of upkeep, and just so many details that went into his everyday life. I still didn't quite see how I managed to fit into his life or how I even ended up with him in the first place. It was all a blur, really.

Don't get me wrong, though. I believe that I'm the happiest girl in the world. He has made so many of my dreams come true. It's just still so new and wondrous to me that my life often doesn't feel like reality. Tomorrow, we'll finally get a week-long break from the tour. I'm going to use that time to finally relax in the hot tub and catch up on some much-needed sleep. We both like to sleep a lot.

I turned on the air conditioner before crawling into bed and lying on top of the covers. I closed my eyes, trying to relax. My flame was at a meeting with his group members, so there was no telling if he'd be back in five minutes or in a couple hours. I let out a loud sigh as I released all the tension that was built up in my body. I tended to hold onto things, and it took its toll on me physically. My boyfriend was trying to help me overcome that, though. I missed him. I wondered what mood he would be in when he came back.

Suddenly, I heard the door close and heard the sound of footsteps coming over to me. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep while waiting for him; I felt bad. Yoongi stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed next to me. He pulled me close, sliding his arms around me, and kissed my forehead. "I'm tired... but it was a great show. I missed you, though. With everything going on, I wasn't able to talk to you for six hours," I whispered to him. I didn't have to look at him to know that there was a smirk on his face.

"Of course, you did. I missed you, too, sweetheart," he chimed back at me.

Every so often, we'd stay up talking for hours or even spend our time creating melodies for new songs, but I could tell that he was exhausted, which meant we would spend the night sleeping and cuddling with each other. And trust me, that was more than fine with me. Sleeping was actually one of our favorite pastimes to do together. Whenever we had to be away for some reason, neither one us really slept well. We always cherished the times when we could travel together. It was the little things that counted for us.

"You did great tonightโ€ฆ I can't tell you how much you mesmerize me every time you are out on that stage," I mumbled as I snuggled into my sweet lover. While I waited for his chuckle of a response, I breathed in deeply and basked in his natural aroma. Since he showered before his meeting, the scent of his cologne was washed away. Instead it was replaced with his natural essence of lemongrass and patchouli, which I absolutely loved. To me, this was the most welcoming scent in the world.

As I anticipated, he let out a low chuckle and squeezed me gently against him in response. "You never get tired of saying that do you?"

I shook my head in response and pressed my lips against his chest. He kissed the top of my head. I wanted to talk more, but I could tell he was ready for bed. "Goodnight, my Min Suga," I teased him with a popular nickname given to him by his fans. He playfully growled at me before kissing the top of my head.

"Goodnight my moon," he whispered into my hair. I smiled and closed my eyes. I was his moon, and he was my sun. Even when things seemed dark, I always shone his bright reflection back at him... And heโ€ฆ Yoongi, lit up my entire existence.

I woke up on my own. No alarms, no phones ringing, nobody knocking on the door to rush Yoongi off to one place or another. I smiled as I opened my eyes. Yoongi was still asleep. Watching him, I was so content. He looked so peaceful; I knew he was getting some well-deserved rest. I watched him for a few minutes, watched the rise and fall of his chest, and felt one of his arms still around me. I was thirsty, but I didn't want to wake up. I began to inch slowly away from him, but every time I moved a bit, he would just pull me closer. I was getting frustrated when he burst out laughing.

I blushed crimson at being caught. "How long have you been awake?" I exclaimed, pretending to huff and pout as if I were upset with him. He poked my cheek and smiled that gummy smile that I cherished so much before responding. "I woke up before you. A little birdie told me that you like watching me sleep. I guess it was true." I playfully pushed him away as he continued laughing at me. I was more embarrassed than anything. He loved teasing me, so I let him get his fill as I crawled out of bed and went over to the mini fridge in the room where I had put my purple water bottle.

Yoongi constantly teased me about this glass bottle because it was BTS-themed... but hey! People didn't know we were dating, after all. It'd be weird if I stopped being an ARMY out of nowhere. Talk about suspicious. I sipped on the cold water before walking over and offering Yoongi some. He gave me this look of half disbelief that I was offering him to use that bottle, but he took it and drank some, anyway.

"Yoongi-ah. Wanna hit the hot tub with me? I really want to go and relax! I'm sure you need it, too, after all the traveling and shows you've been doing," I half-pouted and half-begged. I knew that he didn't really like to move much during his breaks and preferred to rest, but I really didn't want to go by myself. Yoongi stared at me with an unreadable face for a few moments; I was sure he was going to say no. To my surprise, he just nodded his head once. "Sure. I'm sure the hot water will help relax my muscles and will make me nap better later," he stated. I squealed in delight as I ran over to hug him.

He hugged me gently with one arm before swatting me on my bottom. "Go get your swimsuit on," he warned me. This meant we weren't going if I didn't hurry. I giggled and went to my suitcase. I grabbed my Sailor Moon bathing suit that I adored. Yoongi thought it was cute on me, but he couldn't take me seriously because of the time that Namjoon dressed as Sailor Moon. I quickly changed as Yoongi did the same.

This is how we spent most of our break: hot tub, eating, writing music, and lots of sleeping. Before we knew it, our break was over, and BTS continued their tour, this time going to Germany. They would stop in five cities there and perform twice at each place. I knew this would be a lot of work for Yoongi and the other guys, but they all seemed to be well rested from the break, so I wasn't really worried.

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Daydreamz107 ยท Music & Bands
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