
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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Even if Rosa isn't noble per say, she doesn't deal with issues these kids had dealt with. When she lived the modern life, she lived in a 1st world country despite being a commoner. Her family wasn't necessarily rich but she didn't have to encounter slavery first hand or being an orphan. I can understand why being called a Princess would be an insult to her. Wherher or not it has connection with Erik, I personally don't think she wants to be Lily, despite somehow being jealous of her sister, and Lily has a "princess like" character. Rosa wants to be a strong female character and most people don't associate peincesses with strength since they're always being saved.


I'm feeling bad of not read the comments before (begin on cap 60 aprox.) because i really like both you. i'm really like the story so far, the ideas, the background of many things. When the story finished i'll start over from the begin. Forgive my bad english, i'm better reading than writing, reason that i don't comment.

CCmei:I am both glad and disappointed that your comments&my replies to them aren't much more popular bc they're full of UT backstory, roots and most importantly of all SPOILERS. Thank you for putting up with my history nerd talk and diversity details. Thank you more for responding back (they're just so fun) Yep, most webnovels of this theme/genre have an originally Asian mc (makes sense given this genre originated out of Asian internet/otome game/shoujo culture )so I didn't break away there. We have a lot of Japanese- 'reborn as a villainous girl' novels out there- so I made 'Meng' Chinese, the majority of this site's translated novels, the bar she worked at is Korean owned (like that wasn't obvious enough), and the big city a true pot.

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"if and when this story ever finishes" - can we just change that to 'when this story finishes'? Haha. I'd love to see this book printed someday. Please don't ever drop this author. Take care of yourself, don't get terminally sick or abducted or hit by truck-kun or anything. ❤️

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There was this time when I asked my college friend why her name sounds different from her siblings' names and I joked, 'Heh, have you ever thought that your parents just picked you up somewhere and you were adopted?" I was just teasing her. And she said she really was adopted. Damn **** got awkward. From then on I started to be much more careful of what I tell or ask people, even as a joke. Lol. I love this chapter. From morning training to doughnuts to '****ty' talks on Phillipe to Rosa's blurting out random profound stuff to Amar's and Yuna's sad orphan background and more. Thanks for updating! ❤️

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I thought some people would know Amars birthday since some of the older troop members were close with his mother like Ronald and the Giloh. Unless she left the troop at that time when she had Amar... I can see we're getting a bit of the more serious plots lately with Philippe and now Amar's possible backstory as well as Yuna. Also it's still winter but approaching spring soon so Rosa going to be meeting the prince once again. Does Lily accompany her on these trips up North? Is Erik and Lily going to form a romance once again? They are too young atm. To an outsider who is reading Lily's love story it'll be the generic. Innocent, angelic, dense FL falling for her childhood friend who happens to be a prince.

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I also think its just beautiful.🍖🍖🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩 Its interesting how rosa realizes that many ppl view her as over privilaged and to some extent she knows it but its not until its clearly seen that too what extent it is.

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I like this chapter a lot. The theme felt very plot relevant. It feels like an arc.

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I swear the comments section is an adventure. I always have a treasure hunting session looking for author comments with hints *cough*somespoilers*cough* and I kid you not it takes me longer to do that than to read the actual chapter sometimes. At this point, my dad walked in and now I'm pretending to work by continuously typing in a vigorous manner. Let us all act as though nothing is amiss, Amar style. Innocent doe eyes, looking up in slight confusion as they are accused of ditraction and procrastination of sleep. I am most certainly at the top of my productivity game at this moment, Nothing strange here at all. Thank you for your participation

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lol at the munchkins bullying the ****. And Amar ya shifty little booger.

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Thanks for the chapter

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actually I read a lot of books here on this platform and not many authors interact with readers... so I never imagined there would be so many details I had been missing by not reading the comments. but now that am back and re reading the book at a slow pace to savor its flavors all over again, I happened to find the author dearest giving replies to many comments by accident. and am glad I did... I particularly like the pov of Alphonso in the comments about finding Rosa sleeping under a window and he noticed her hair to be red in the glow of sunlight. such small details is what making my reading experience all the more worth it. I never did much of rereading before, as I will already be aware of the plot I tend to avoid reading it. but not this book . so I hope the author never ever drops this book in middle. then I would be lost soul forever haunted by her favorite book without an end... and once again I wanna add on, my most favorite will always be daddy daughter fluff moments 😍🤩... and remaining all are my favorite..hehe


Every time I start to think i am board,a chapter like this comes.****


So everyone is ignoring the fact that Amar Knew Phillipe had fallen into the outhouse. That gets me especially when he could have made him fall easily with no one being the wiser.

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Thanks for the update! 🍩


This silence is getting a little too loud. Let's see if our bodies can speak a more interesting language... with a touch that ignites a fire that burns long after the last word is spoken.




Thanks for the chapter!!

