
Are you pigheaded?

Sky got down with her laptop and handbag. Both went in and took a table.

A waitress arrived to take the order. "Hello! What would you like to eat?"

Sky replied, "One Americano and" she looked towards Andy for him to order.

Andy was quite, Waitress asked again, "Sir, your order?"

Seeing his expression blank out, Sky ordered for him, "Pancake and Hot chocolate for him. Thank you."


Andy was lost in thoughts.

"I didn't have breakfast yet Chipmunk."

Chipmunk was Sky's name from Andy.

"Are you pigheaded? Do know the time? Go and have your breakfast now. Else I will beat the shit out of you when I meet you. hmmp."

Sky always cared about him but her way of expressing was different or weird would be the perfect word.

He laughed "Chipmunk, Can't you be gentle like other girls? Nobody will like you if you behave like this."

"Who cares. Now you shut up and eat."

"Okay, okay Chipmunk, I'm going to eat. Happy? I will call you back then." Even though he tried to sound irritated, he had a huge smile on his face.

She was not pretentious and never cared about being demure. He liked her as she was.


"Andy, Andy, what's wrong?"

"Sorry it's nothing." he waved his both hands and bent his head.

'She is still the same domineering girl but kept everybody at distant.' He thought to himself.

After a moment of silence, Sky asked, "Why didn't you have Breakfast?"

"Lilly asked me to reach early and she didn't mention time, so I reached your place at 6." He tousled his hair and replied.

She shook her head and continued her work.

Their orders were served. Andy started his breakfast and looked at Sky who was immersed in her work.

Andy hesitated for a few minutes, "Ms.Sky, You encourage your employees to have a good life with family and friends but you even work on weekends. Shouldn't you also enjoy your weekend?"

Sky glanced at him and continued typing, as she finished, she closed her laptop and took a sip of her coffee, "I don't have any such close friends. And dad, he should enjoy his life now instead of accompanying me every weekend."

Subconsciously Andy felt depressed. Even he doesn't have friends. He used to have many friends. He also valued each and every one.

But Karma is a bitch, You get what you give.

He ignored Sky for his personal reasons. Then he lost everybody later.

He knew that Sky had very few friends and he was her best friend. But he thought after going back to her father, she would have many friends in high social circles.

Truth to be told, he wasn't happy when he got to know Sky is heiress of Harley. The Barton family and the Gill family are of the same social status. But Harley has a very high social status.

Next chapter