
Kissing his cheeks

Sky didn't see any movements from Andy for a long time hence she waved her hand and called him out twice. Still no response.

She went to another side of the table and shook him. He stood up frantically, frightened Sky took a step back.

"Sorry, Sorry Chipmunk, I was lost in thoughts. Are you ok?"

Sky was astounded by how he addressed. She guessed what he was thinking but she didn't ask.

Sky regained her composure, "I'm okay. Are you sure you are fine? I think you should rest." She went back to her seat and sat down.

"I'm alright Chip... Ms.Sky." He realized how he addressed her and corrected himself.

"Finish your breakfast, we have a long way to go."

"Yes." Andy looked at her to check if she was angry because of the nickname.

She had no expression on her face and kept sipping her coffee. He was kind of disappointed.

After breakfast, both left the restaurant. Out of old habit, Sky went and sat on the front passenger seat.

Old habits die hard.

Andy didn't say anything even though he was astonished by her actions. He sat, started the engine and left.

Sky was enjoying her ride looking out at the scenario when she looked towards another side to see the lake, she saw Andy's side profile.

A few images of her past hit her.

He was driving, She was on passenger's seat. She moved, One hand holding the driver seat to pull herself near him, the other hand holding his chin and kissed his cheeks. And an alluring smile appeared on his smile. She slumped back on her seat.

Her heart thumped rapidly. Her breath quickened. Before he can notice the changes, Sky spoke, "Stop the car."

Startled Andy, Halted the car at the side and looked at her. "What happened, Ms.Sky?"

She shook her head and got off. She moved forward and started to take deep breaths to calm herself. She was shaking her head again and again to remove her thoughts.

Seeing her getting off, Andy got off quickly and ran behind her. Sky just waved her hand to say wait there. He stopped and went back to the car.

Sky stopped taking some steps and calmed down and stood there itself. Both were looking at the lake and mountains next to it. It looked beautiful.

After some time, Sky started moving towards the car. Seeing her coming, he drove the car near her. She boarded the car but this time she sat on the back seat.

"Andy, please catch up on the time. We have to reach for lunch. I will take a nap. Wake me up when we reach. Thank you for your hard work." After saying, She closed her eyes showing as if she would sleep.

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