

Dageer clenched his fists slightly, easing them before someone noticed. As a commander, he couldn't show his emotions easily. However, he couldn't help but think of Berro and Captain Hilix. Ventress had killed them both, cruelly. He could still remember the nightmares that she forced into his mind, and the wounds she infringed on him. His shoulder and face ached.

"Where is Commander Wolffe, Master Plo? We can't let a youngling fall in the hands of a person like her. She and Count Dooku would train him to be a monster like them."

"Calm down, young Aayla. Commander Bly, set course to Korriban. It was where I was being held before, and Wolffe is probably still there."

"Right away, general."

"As for you, Commander Dageer, I need your squad ready. Korriban is currently Separatist ground, and it won't be easy to rescue Wolffe."

Dageer nodded, and ordered Tech to bring him a map of Korriban. The planet was filled with swamps and marshes, so it was difficult to use any heavy vehicles. It didn't really matter in their case, because they didn't have any vehicles aside from a few BARC speeders.

While he was analyzing the fortress that General Plo Koon told him was the place where Commander Wolffe was being held, Dageer suddenly remembered something. Glancing at Commander Bly, who was next to him, Dageer zoomed out of the map, showing the system where Korriban was located.

"Bly, isn't Korriban one of the targets on our latest battle plans?"

Commander Bly stood quiet for a moment, presumably thinking about it. Dageer was right. They were set to attack Korriban, not now, but in a few months. It was a Separatist planet, and, albeit not a very important one, there were some resources there that would come in handy for the Republic. If the clone remembered correctly, the 41st Elite Corps would be in charge of it. They had experience in fighting in planets like Korriban.

"Maybe we could start the attack. Bly, Commander Dageer, if we use this chance to not only rescue Commander Wolffe, but also take a Separatist fortress on the planet, how long would it take to reinforcements arrive?"

General Secura actually looked quite interested in starting the battle for the planet. If Dageer had to guess, she probably wanted to prove herself, since she had just recently become a fully-fledged Jedi.

He, however, wasn't so anxious. Even if they could receive support from another legion, it would take time, and he doubted twenty clones could capture and hold an entire fortress on their own. Not only that, but he thought somberly that they wouldn't have twenty clones by the end of their mission.

"That is too risky, Aayla. We should call for reinforcements, and maybe even start the battle on Korriban, but we can only rescue Wolffe. We don't have enough firepower to capture the entire fortress, whatsoever hold it."

Commander Bly and Dageer nodded. They looked at the Separatist base in the hologram. It was just a rough design, because they couldn't get the entire architectural plans of it, but it probably was similar to other seppie bases around the galaxy.

"General Plo Koon is right, General Secura. There should be between two to three hundred clanckers in a fortress like that, not to mention that they know we will come for them. That means they will be prepared. Also, we will have to deal with commando droids. You saw them on the platform. They are dangerous. The only good thing about this whole operation is that Korriban isn't exactly an important planet, so we won't face a lot of resistance to get into the atmosphere."

Both Jedis went deep in thought after Commander Bly said that. The clone had perfectly analyzed the situation, and, even though he didn't include Ventress, they knew they would have to deal with her.

Dageer frowned, and his scar became scarlet because of it. In the last months, he had rarely smiled, and his forehead was creased. Unfortunately, he knew what to do to get into the fortress, after all, Hell Squad had done it dozens of times.

"Getting in won't be difficult. Brain and Tech can rig the gates, and blow it. Finding Wolffe also shouldn't be a problem. If this base is similar to the others, and there is no reason not to be, the holding cells are on the bottom floor. The real problem will be getting out."

General Plo Koon raised an eyebrow. What Dageer said was a bold declaration. However, when he remembered what he heard about Hell Squad, and how Dageer had survived more than one encounter against a Sith, he thought that maybe they had the ability to back up his statement. After all, clones didn't usually brag, because failing to live up to the standards set for them meant death most of the time.

"All right then. Commander Dageer, contact the Republic, and request for a legion to be sent to aid us. Aayla, you and I shall talk to the Council. It is important to let them know about the child."

"Understood, general."

"Yes, Master Plo."


"That is our current situation, General Unduli. We are currently in dire need of reinforcements, otherwise we won't be able to escape Korriban after rescuing Commander Wolffe."

Dageer faced the projection of a green-skinned Mirialan, and reported General Plo Koon's request.

Luminara Unduli was an old Jedi Master, and wasn't nearly as hot-headed as General Secura. Upon hearing Dageer, she didn't immediately agree, but went deep in thought.

"This child cannot be left for the Separatist, otherwise they will train him to be a Sith like that woman you spoke of and her master. Commander Dageer, tell Master Plo Koon that we will assist him. However, you will need to rescue Commander Wolffe by yourselves."

"I understand, general. I will tell him that. Dageer out."

After turning off the hologram, Dageer looked out of the window. The white lines of hyperspace were a familiar sight. Sighing, he realized he was tired. Although he was born and trained for war, after months of endless fighting, even he was tired. Too much had happened, too many have died.

Putting on his helmet, Dageer went to find General Plo Koon. Their plan of attack was quite simple, but it wouldn't do any harm to go over it again.


"Commander Bly, leave seven of your men in the ship. We don't want to come back and discover it surrounded by droids. Commander Dageer, are you sure your men can break open the gate?"

"Yes, general. Either Tech opens it or Brain blows it up."

The Jedi glanced at Dageer, once again surprised by how confident in his men the clone was. He didn't even hesitate to answer, despite knowing that a mishap could cause their deaths.

"All right then. We have no time to waste. In two hours, we will come out of hyperspace above Korriban. There is no blockade around the planet, so we should be able to land safely. Once we are on the ground, we gotta move fast. Master Plo, are you sure you don't want to stay on the ship? Your leg is obviously still hurt."

"Don't worry about me, Aayla. What is important is that we find out where the youngling is. We can't let the Separatist get their hands on him."

Hello, everyone! I hope you are doing okay, and being careful, and, above all else, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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