
Chapter 53

"You are correct, Everyone deserves second a chance to correct their mistakes and normally, I too would have supported you. But, current circumstances are anything but normal. I am sure everyone here knows that wizarding England is on the brink of war, as Dark Lord has returned and has already started to gather his forces. Even though he is currently hiding, it is but a matter of time when he shows himself in public. Using stunners and non-lethal spells on death eaters now will be utter foolishness. Besides, they already had their second chance, when they bribed their way out of Wizangaomot after last war."

"Aiden, my boy, I am afraid you are going dark. Violence is not the solution, I am sure they can still be saved and brought back to the path of righteousness. We need to show everyone that we can still prevail over evil without resorting to violence."

Wow, and here I thought he already reached the Pinnacle of the language of bullshiting, but then he goes and reached even higher heights. Truly, his ability to bullshit knows no bounds.

I am going dark? Yeah, right, as if I would ever use dark magic and risk corrupting my mind. Here I was all polite and stuff, but then he goes, throwing accusations at me (not that I personally care, but I have a reputation to maintain), just because I disagree with his point of view. Yeah, Fu*k him and Fu*k politeness. He needs to know that I am not someone who he can push around and whom he can walk all over.

I flared my magic to its limits and said in a deep voice, "Those are some serious accusations you are throwing around, Dumbledore. You better have some evidence to support your claims of me going dark. If you have any evidence, then take it out otherwise, I am going to challenge you for an honour Duel."

I am going to point it out again that the sheer amount of magic my crystal core contains is no joke. Everyone, including Dumbledore, is under pressure. This effect is even more pronounced on weaker members, who are visibly struggling to even sit straight. Not to mention, my eyes are now glowing intensely with blue light. But I didn't just stop here, I shattered some of the glasses, with my wandless Magic, just for dramatic visual effect, to convey the fact that I am very pissed at the moment (yeah, I am not above a little theatrics to achieve my goals).

No, before you ask, I am not throwing such childish tantrum because I am truly angry. I am just doing so to remind them of my power and convey the fact that I am not some henchman of Dumbledore, who he can push around.

"Now now, my boy, no need to get angry. We are just having a conversation ---"

Dumbledore started to speak but I cut him off. I need to show that I am not going to take any more of his bullshit.

"I believe my anger is rather justified. I have never used so much as a single dark spell in my life, but you are still accusing me of going dark, without any rhyme, reason or evidence. There are only two ways here on out. Either you apologize for falsely accusing me or I duel you for my honour (even though I hate most of ass backwards wizarding customs, I totally love a few of them like honour Duel. I, as a respected pureblood and head of my family, can just whip anyone's ass for falsely (or even accurately) accusing me or mine without evidence and no one can say shit about it)."

Dumbledore went silent after that as he knew he was in a disadvantageous state, either way. We stared at each other for some time. No, one made any sound and just waited for the situation to play out between the two us.

At last, it was professor McGonagall who broke the silence and told Dumbledore, "I believe Mr Canis is right Albus, you had no right to accuse him of going dark, with no evidence at that. He is justified to defend himself from such accusations."

Wow, did McGonagall just defend me against Dumbledore? I certainly didn't expect her to do so, and from the look on his face, Dumbledore didn't either.

After McGonagall, some of the other members too spoke on my behalf like Sirius Black, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Tonks of course, with Tonks being the most vocal amongst them.

Seeing the situation play out against him, Dumbledore, being a veteran politician that he is, changed his tactics and apologized, " I am sorry for my thoughtless implications my boy, I admit I lost myself in the arguments. But I would still say that violence is not the way to go here."

I gotta admit, it was a rather nice save on his part. And since he already apologized, if I was to remain childishly stubborn, it would reflect rather badly on me. Besides I have already proven my point and shown my strength, I would gain nothing from continued to remain stubborn.

Besides, it serves me better to move on and accept his apologies as my goal is to remain on acceptable terms with Order or even form an alliance. By doing so I will maintain my good reputation with the future winning side of the war.

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