
Chapter 54

I sigh dramatically and said, "Fine, I accept your apology. But that doesn't change the fact that we have different views on fighting against the dark lord's army. As I already said, if someone were to attack me or mine, I will not hesitate for a moment to retaliate ruthlessly, no matter who the attacker is and I will certainly not change my principles to join the order."

"*Sigh* My boy, even though I very much want you to join the order, it can't be done. As you said, we have different viewpoints and principles and I can't ask you to change yours, nor could I change mine."

Well, of course, he won't let me join after what just happened. In fact, I would be actually surprised if he would have let me join the order after I stood up against him and threatened him just now, in front of every member of the order no less. Letting me join and accepting my terms would have undermined his authority as the leader of the group. In fact, if I was in his place, I would have made the same decision as him, and wouldn't have let someone join, who started to question my every move. It would have been nothing but inviting unnecessary trouble.

"Well, even though we have different viewpoints on fighting, it doesn't mean that we don't have the same goals. I want dark lord gone as much as everyone present here( not really, again I don't really give a F*ck about Voldy, I can just beat his ass easily if he gets in my way) and even if I couldn't officially join the order, it doesn't mean we can't help each other."

"Hmm, got to say, I am intrigued, my boy. What are you proposing?"

"I am thinking of forming an alliance of sorts. Nothing hard and fast, just help each other when necessary to achieve our shared goal of defeating the dark lord. In fact, I have formed a similar arrangement with Madam Bones in helping her to prepare the Aurors for the fight against the dark lord's forces."

As I said so, Everyone was shocked including Dumbledore, well aside for Tonks, who already knew about it. That's right, if I had said the same thing about Fudge or any other ministry official, they could have accused me of bribing and conducting shady deals. But, as the one involved was Madam Bones, it was practically guaranteed that there was no bribing or shady under the table deals were involved. Involving Madam Bones practically means that everything was perfectly legal and by the books. Meaning, I was already on the side of government and correct authority in the upcoming war, unlike the vigilante cult they have going on here.

Even though I didn't gain anything tangential from my earlier deal with Madam Bones, I earned something much more important to me currently i.e credibility, which is the very same thing that I stand to gain from this alliance with the order. After the war ends, these deals will pay my share of dividends and I could say that I played a very important role in the war, well aside from directly fighting Voldemort, and sway the general sheep that is wizarding population, in my favour, and no one will be able to refute my claims. With Dumbledore dead by then, these deals will then help yours truly become the next light lord. By then I will be able to do whatever the hell I want, spewing bullshit like greater good and no one will be able to say anything against me.

Dumbledore made the sensible and logical choice and asked, "What would this alliance entail, my boy?"

"Like I stated earlier, both our goals of defeating dark lord coincide and I will provide the help necessary to achieve this goal and expect the same from the order. The only condition I have is that you share the relevant and necessary information with me without hiding anything( which is highly unlikely as Dumbledore keeps his cards close to his chest and have a compulsive need to keep the relevant information to himself)."

"A fair condition, my boy. In fact, the order can also use your expertise as a healer and warding master, as we don't have a dedicated healer for the order and even though young William here is a proficient curse breaker, he doesn't have as much expertise in warding as he does in destroying them. We can save many more lives if you were to lend your help."

"So, we have an accord then?"

"Yes, I am sure no one here any objections. Henceforth, Order will have an alliance with the Canis family." Said Dumbledore jovially as we shook hands.

As my work here was done, I didn't waste more of my time and said, "Right then, if you require my help, you can either send a Patronus or have Tonks call me using her two-way mirror."

As I said so I stood up and said my farewells and made my way out of there.

I really don't want to hang around the cult more than I have to. Besides, not like they are going to discuss anything other than to overtly or covertly stalking Harry in upcoming summer ( if books are any indication, they are not even going to do that right and let a dementor attack Harry and the round meatball he calls his cousin, and subsequently let him suffer through that farce of underage magic trial, which Umbitch concocted.)

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