
Finding Survivors

There we are, me along side a bunch of other guys. I don't know the people in this group of ours but the hunters that I do know seemed to be far more experienced that the others. Especially Bradley, it looks to me that he's the leader of this party.

Leading us further into the forest, Bradley along with us follower the hunters that had gone out to scout previously. We treaded slowly although everyone was eager to hunt those predators, nothing wrong with that. The reason why we're moving slowly is because those of us who use magic need to recover our mana.

I'm doing very good actually, my mana is recovering fairly fast. This mana of mine is not originating from my body technically, it is actually the demonic power that's coming from Necroussary Abyss.

"Not bad!"

I mutter under my breath, then again the only spells I've been working with are barrier spells. Not much exertion on my part other than holding up the defense. Still, even though my mana is not a problem... my stamina is. There is a little exhaustion on my part.

Another reason why we moving at a much slower pace is because the path we following has no path. We're literally walking up a hill and the numerous trees are obstacles we have to trek around of. With that being the case, we act much more cautiously as to not be ambushed and the like. None of us want to become beast chow.

I pull out my phone to check the time, it's quite late now. Just after midnight. After slipping my phone back into my pocket I can see light piercing through the leaves of the trees, Moonlight is frequently brightening our current position. I think we're going to breakthrough and exit the forest soon.

Our leader, Bradley, has also noticed the moonlight. Quite a number of time right now I've seen him peer at the light of the moon. He seems to be attracted to it, somewhat.

After 15 minutes have passed we're still in the forest.

"I was wrong, it's going to take a longer while to get out of the forest and towards the beasts lair."

I say that mainly to comfort myself. As we walked up to find the beasts lair, a vicious oder invaded my nostrils causing severe damages... maybe it isn't as bad as it looks?

"No, it's totally bad."

Tommy: Argh! Fuck... we have to find another way around.

Everyone agrees with Tommy's suggestion, myself included. With the smell stinking up the place and the sight of shit everywhere, the damage to my nose and eyes is beyond severe.

I don't want to think anymore, I'm going to be traumatized. Nausea is going to overwhelm me, I feel my supper wants to exit as well. I'm pretty sure that the others are feeling the same.

Bradley: Let's detour. Quickly, let's move everybody.

Everyone starts move, we even run away from the area. We'll go to the beasts lair from another route....

????: Sshhh!

We just got alerted to quiet down. After leaving the previous shit hole, we came to another area. Here we can see bones, rotten flesh and blood staining the ground. It's awful. Human corpses seem to be covering the area. Not only that, there's a few beast creatures up ahead.

Tommy: Fuck this, they using us food...

Terrance: Everyone of them should die.

"I'll handle this. I'll take of those beasts there."

That's what I suggested. It's simple for me to go. With the Mask of Deception I can conceal myself and be camouflaged as well.

I'll take care of these carnivores up ahead. When that's done we'll be able to get into the lair. It is funny though, had this place been cleared of corpses then those creatures would've probably got wind our scents. But now, this awful decaying smell polluting the air will cause them their demise.

Bradley: Alright Sesa, can you handle them yourself?

"No problem!"

Leaving the crew behind I head out. I don't directly go to pack of monsters, if I did that that will be asking for trouble. Instead, I go to them from a different angle, I take the path that will be their blind spot.

I swiftly approach them. Being well prepared, I brought out my light attribute exorcist blade. Bringing these few down in one fell swoop is my plan.

"Here I come."

I say that within my mind. I can see that they don't notice anything. My only fear in confronting them with a sneak attack, they will be able to smell my presence but to good fortune this place is polluted by the decay of blood and flesh.


One... two... three... four.

Without any resistance the blade in my hand swipes through the necks of the creatures like a card machine.

Four bodies fall on the ground. Rotating the sword in my hand in a cool way I make awesome pose. At the same time I sense out my surroundings. No response from 'Detect'. No enemies closely around, I send a signal to my hunting party and we move forward from there.

We walk further on. It has become a hilly terrain, the trees are left behind. Although we are walking, we are being very cautious. For the time being there are no enemies.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I think up the question but I know they're out there somewhere. I can sense a multitude of lifeforms at the distance.

????: Grrrrr....

That's not the beasts, it Bradley?! I can see him changing, hair is covering his exposed skin and his face is transforming to likes of a dog.

"Whats with him?" I ask. I look to the others but they have no reaction, it's like they were expecting it.

Tommy: No need to worry, Bradley's from the werewolf clan. He's here investigating on behalf of his family.

"Sure, no problem."

Looking for the entrance to the lair, we head over. Bradley got this wicked deep voice and he instructed to divided into two groups. I'm not in his group, however, in his group I see he has friends like himself, having the ability to shape shift. They want to takedown all enemies on the outside.

As for the team I'm in. I'm grouped with Tommy and Terrance and others. Once we find the lair we must check for survivors then blow the place up.


While we make our search my cursed gear mask is worn, nobody notices it but more importantly, since Bradley and others decided to go all out then it means I can't lag behind either. I start to stack my boosts.

Along the way I can tell where a small group of lifeforms are gathered by using 'Detect' and now somehow lead the team there. No one sees anything, not even myself. However, it's clear that I can sense the presence of lifeforms.


We start our search for the entrance and in a little while someone finds it. It's as I thought. The life signatures that I sensed are here but inside the lair. We all are cautiously making our way to the entrance but something doesn't feel right. In the area, there are no hostilities that I can detect.

"It's extremely strange indeed."

Our team decides to split further. Some will stay outside to keep watch and some of us will scout inside. I'm on the team going inside. Tommy and Terrance are with me as well. It's more like they willing to check things out.

The cave we're in doesn't appear to go deep. In no time we reached in and what we found startled us.

"There are people here... no it's only women!"

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Phantom Instinct

2) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD (fan fiction )

3) Another Kind of Evil

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Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts
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