
... Will Kill and Eat You

"No ways!"

Before my eyes, I see women, young and old. Some really scared and some that are dead inside. From what I tell, the girls that look scared, scared out of their wits appear to have arrived here recently. As for the others, they are too miserable to describe.

My heart strings are being pulled immensely just by looking at the situation at hand.

????: Maria, Maria it's me. What happened to you?

Aside from Terrance, Tommy and I, there were a few others who accompanied us in our group. A guy ahead of us had already approached a girl, he happened to know her but the girl made no response to him. She was almost in a blank state. Her clothing was torn up and stains of red spread on her skirt.

S.Sesa: I think I'm going to be sick just being here.

That girl was not the only one that was like that. Many of the other girls seemed to be in a similar condition, lying around all over the place. Some of the other hunters also tried to talk to the women of this jail but, merely, the girls that recently arrived were the only ones to make a reaction.

????: LEAVE ME! After... after I have his baby he'll let me go.

????: sniff... why is this happening to me, please god save me... sniff.

????: You can't escape, you can't escape. His here, his here

So many of these girls gave traumatic replies, They were so scared. what could've frightened them so much.

"I can't a sense any bad vibes like I usually do. Neither my demonic sense nor my 'Detect' abilities are finding any fault in the surroundings."

I again look around to find any clues to any danger but to no avail. Of the women who seem to be in a blank state, some of them even have well rounded bellies. The obvious word comes to mind, "Pregnant".

Terrance: I think we should leave this place as soon as possible.

Tommy: Alright guys, usher the girls out of here, Even if they don't want to come.

Ddraig: 'ey, Sesa! Keep on guard. Something is about to happen.


"Yeah, I can tell something ain't right. But what could it be?"

Everything seem to be quite sound. Continuously, I turned to find clues. I can see that many of the girls are reluctant to leave and the minority that do, appear to have found courage with our prese-

Like a jolt of lightning the Mask of Deception shocked me. Detect alerted me to a strong hostility. It was more murderous than killing intent, Appearing out of nowhere a shadow passed me as if I wasn't there and bolted to the person closest to me.

No one had time to react, not single person had the time to even freeze. Only I, Sesa Purusa, had a head start thanks to the gear.

The first mistake it made was that it missed me and the second mistake was not expecting me to react.


I stacked another multiplier power up as I spun around, facing the unknown entity.

S.Sesa: How can something so big move so fast?

"I don't know!"

A super beast like that of the ones we killed before threw out ghastly claws. The beast fur on the body was purely white, double six feet, possibly twelve could be it's height. The super beast was like a giant before us. It resembled nothing like a werewolf, more like a gorilla, big foot or yeti.

"A Wendigo perhaps!" I thought, trying to react to the arm of the beast slashing forth.

Who was under it's attack?

My vision was blocked by the huge body of this beast king. It must be either Terrance or Tommy.

Thrusting both my palms forward I invoked my defensive spell, barrier shield.

Unlike summoning it to face the clash head on, I bring forth the barrier at an extreme angle, enough to displace the attacker's momentum.

The barrier manifested like a dividing line, appearing on the monster's left and the hunter's right. The on coming claws made a forceful impact against the barrier, having the unexpected appearance of the barrier caused the white beast to lose balance. The super beast grazed the barrier then crashed to the floor.

The giant fur monster bounced of the ground and continuously tumbled over.


Bullets started to fly straight to the beast. I see Tommy was quick to react, blasting the beast with his firearms. If Tommy's here then the one who was under attack must've been Terrance.

"Terrance, you cool?"

No reply, I went ignored because that magician started invoking a spell with full concentration.

While that's going on, I invoke another barrier as the previous one cracked and started falling apart. I could've reinforced it but creating a new one seemed more practical.

????: GROOOOAAR!!!

The beast king kept on moving, ignoring the bullets that smashed against its body. It didn't care to dodge, again it went for Terrance. Luckily I brought forth another barrier to shield the mage but it was a terrible move.

In the next instant the barrier shattered, the barrier gave no resistance to the direct assault of the monster. The pressure on as Terrance was in danger once again.

"Water Serpent!"

I shouted, casting the only attack spell that I have in my arsenal. Combining with the power of 'Penetrate' I should be able to do some significant damage.

The water snake struck out, heading for the target. I also close in, just in case I have to pull the magician our of harms way.


The giant abandoned it's initial path of attack, choosing to escape my water snake. Instead this predator chose another route, I see it don't want to let up on Terrance.



While I'm approaching Terrance, I give him my boost power ups. He's doing something big if he's taking this long. Does he really trust his comrades so much that he can leave himself defenseless just like that?

I bring another barrier to slow down this gorilla, unfortunately it's useless against this brute beast.


More firing of arms start to take action by our allies, although it ain't effective as the monster completely ignores the bullets but it sure is more effective than my barrier spells. I can see the beast king receive injuries, in turn, the predator has slowed down although it is just a bit.

Without slacking myself, I dash to the beast. It may look like I'm being suicidal but I guarantee I'm not. The best way to slow down this giant monkey is to hit him hard.

It's possible that's what Terrance is planning also. But Terrance isn't the only one who can hit hard. Again I summon my 'Water Serpent' as I close in to the beast king.


I launch a rush of water like a speeding torpedo. At this close range, it must hit! The reason for coming closer to my victim is simply to increase my accuracy.




Ha, I hear the cry of the giant, as I had expected, strong damage was really required. The beast king certainly came to a halt, however, it wasn't enough to stop it. Although it became a wet bloodied mess it still had power to retaliate.


As if it was a quick and silent execution, a clawed hand flew to me. With little time to react my last resort to defend against the fatal blow was to put up a barrier, one... two...

That was the most I could do off hand. Two barriers. The beast claws broke through both barriers. The very last thing I could do was avoid the on coming impact as much as I could.

Just like how I had seen it in the many vids I had seen on U-tube I maneuvered. There not much hope in my skills at this point but was all I could do. Raising my hand I put up my last fort of defense.


immediately everything blurred, my body flew in the air then crashed on the ground. Sliding on the dirt floor, I couldn't think straight for a bit.

"Aaaaagh, fuck!"

I cried, my eyes became watery. The pain of being slashed neither the crash of hitting the ground was as painful as my bleeding arm. Mutilated, probably broken too but the burning sensation on the wounds were causing me suffering.

Terrance: DEPORTATION!!!

While trying to tolerate the pain I barely look up to see the situation at hand. Terrance cast his long awaited spell. Suddenly a black sphere came into being, it expanded further into a huge black hole floating in the air.

Almost something in terms of magnetism, the huge super beast kept being pulled by the hole like a vacuum drawing in dirt.

The monster had no chance to resist, being lifted of the ground and sucked in by the dark portal. It kicked and screamed. Right before being sucked into the Deportation spell it spoke in a horrible voice.

????: Ithaqua will kill and eat you!

Thanks for reading.

I will focus on COCD and bring it to greater development for the time being.

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Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts
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