
Issei's life ( Part 2 )

Two youths were marching along a park's walkway. This place was none other than Kuoh town's central park. Aside from having various sections for kids to play, the greenery in sight brought about a rejuvenating atmosphere. The park itself was a huge plot of land and the further in you went the more natural life you'd find, that is, plenty of trees.

Of the two youths, one was Issei Hyoudo, previously he couldn't stop staring at his phone but now he was sharing some stories about his favorite idol. The other youth that was listening was Sesa Purusa. Sesa was also sharing his own opinions, the exchange of the two was mainly frivolous. Another conversation was also going on at the same time between Sesa and his double.

S.Sesa: ( Whoever's stalking us isn't remaining stationary, we should also use our other techniques to. )

Sesa: ( Yeah! )



Sesa: ( This way we will, at minimum, be overlooked. )

S.Sesa: ( Don't forget, that guy somehow always escaped every time we approached. )

Sesa: ( I didn't forget. What's the plan? )

S.Sesa: ( At first I was thinking of ditching Issei and back peddle then seek out the stalker but I changed my mind. )

Sesa: ( Agreed, sneaking never worked even though you went in your illusory form. )

S.Sesa: ( ....Yeah... Then... I guess we use Issei as bait. )

Sesa: ( WHAT!! He's one of the few friends we made in this world, we ca- )

S.Sesa: ( We're creating our own team, or be king of our own peerage. Sometimes we have to make some hard decisions. )

Sesa: ( ... )

S.Sesa: ( We're on then. )

Sesa: ( Urgh! Don't approve but fine, lets move )

Sesa back peddled, Issei had no clue that the person beside him was a doppelganger. The real Sesa went out of sight but not to far out, he wanted to stay close enough so he can pull out Necroussary Abyss if his friend ended up in a tough situation. This worlds fate already got screwed with his presence, at least he could improve it but if couldn't increase his strength to the ultimatum then letting this worlds saviour meet his end will be a very bad thing. Sesa put all his strength in being alert to the slightest change.

After walking for some time, Sesa finally got to see some change. The stranger had started moving in a different pattern, it looked like he was taking initiative from what Sesa could sense. The stranger was heading forward, he was going to block the path that Issei lead. Was he going to confront Issei? Sesa readied himself for anything.

Not long after a figure could be seen, it was male body who's age didnt appear much different from Issei or Sesa. He was wearing casual attire, jeans and t-shirt, and the guys hair was a bright yellow. It would be a bit hard to consider him blonde. The killing intent that this person was giving off was pretty intense, both Sesa knew this after receiving feedback from the Mask of Deception. More surprising than his intent to kill was the thing on his left arm....

S.Sesa: That shit

Issei: Huh!!?

S.Sesa: Why does he have- Damn it Issei run.

Issei: R-Run?


Issei: M-Me, why me?

Before S.Sesa could reply, the stranger made his move. On his left arm was a gauntlet that Sesa and Second Sesa was all to familiar with, That red gauntlet had a green jewel that occasionally flickered with green light then suddenly a word resounded from that gear.


Like that a hostile force agitated the environment and the guy's aura became disturbed, strong power was emanating from the stranger's body. "HAHAHA", that youth laughed, he directed his left hand and pointed his gauntlet at Issei specifically. At the centre of that palm a tiny orb began to form, it was no bigger than the smallest existing marble.


S.Sesa: Who are you?



The arm that had the tiny glowing orb, cocked back after the stranger yelled some weird stuff, he flung his that arm forward and that tiny orb grew with bright light shot out like a lazer beam. It's target was none other than Issei Hyoudo.


Sesa was dashing towards Issei, at first he hesitated because he saw the sacred gear that stalker had. When he saw that guy power himself up he sprinted, Sesa was in his devil constitution and had his bat-like wings spread. He needed to hurry. Running alone wasn't fast enough and neither was just flying, both legs and wings were utilized to increase momentum faster than his max speed. Sesa was propelling himself leaving a bee-line behind.

At the front, the blast came hurtling, Issei was scared seeing such terrifying energy. He was frozen stiff, no one knew what he was thinking but it was okay. Sesa was close enough, with a thought he drew out Necroussary Abyss. The casket manifested, horizontal, and the cover flew off. The coffin's inside faced Sesa's direction and with another thought he made the abyss spit out something, it was the hilt. The hilt was the thing that Sesa took from the higher ranked exorcists. It was a light attribute sword, by manifesting the blade, it exhibits holy power... Immediately Sesa caught the weapon.

Sesa willed the blue box to flip over, he intended for the beam of energy to face the entrance to the dark dimension. Exactly on point Necroussary Abyss was swallowing the blast. "The old geezer made this coffin from strong material", Second Sesa analyzed. However, the blast was much wider than expected leaving residual power to pass around it. Sesa was standing next to Issei now, seeing the residual power come his way he activated a spell.

The spell that Sesa was thinking of using was a barrier spell, it was something that was witnessed when he went to save Momo Hanakai. Sesa tapped into his gear's ability, Impersonate > unique list > Momo Hanakai constitution, he was hoping that impersonating her would increase the proficiency of his barrier spell.

Whether his idea worked or not, he had no clue. The barrier that was erected received the attack, it was still standing as the offense began subsiding after the assault . "Lets take cover", called S.Sesa to Issei. Second Sesa lead the way running then disappearing behind a tree, seeing that Issei desperately followed suit.

As S.Sesa lead Issei to safety Sesa moved to counterattack, He called back the blue coffin and made it disappear. Right when that happened he immediately felt the increase in demonic power. 'Inverter', a unique ability of the Satan arms in Sesa's possession. Any power that gets eaten by the gear will be turned into demonic power. Sesa held a holy sword in one hand and with the other thrust forward he invoked a magic circle that shone in blue light.


That spell? It too was something that Sesa had gained that night he saved Momo. Sona had used it against him but now he was making use of it thanks to Mimicry. An intense spear of water in the shape of a snake blasted out, it's aim was the one that was after Issei's life. Defeating that guy was the only option, it was the only way to get answers from the villain.

Actually Sesa wouldn't have mind talking it out with the guy but since he attacked first, naturally, fighting back was the best option to use against someone who has come with the intention to kill.

The water attack targeted the stranger precisely, however, the enemy stumbled out of the serpents way. Sesa had seen it clearly, rolling on the ground the stranger swore. It was the first time Sesa had used this spell, if he had been more proficient in using it them perhaps he could make the water serpent more life-like. Twisting and turning, the liquid snake could've pursued the target but alas, skill to use this spell wasn't sufficient and the serpent splattered all over wetting the ground.

"BOOST!!! "

Abruptly, the guy who escaped the water lash, got to his feet. With wisp of will, Necroussary Abyss manifested again beside Sesa, it had appeared without it's cover and the gateway to darkness faced him. Sesa stretched out his free hand to the abyss, what was he doing? In the next instant a gun was spat out from the black dimension, the coffin box disappeared from sight and the gun was caught in hand. Thia gun wasn't an ordinary gun, it was an excorcists long range weapon.


The gun was brought out, exactly, to fire it, bullets flew at the one who was wielding the Boosted gear. Sesa didn't shoot to take his life, he didn't aim for any vitality points. Making this guy yield was the goal. Astonishingly, with the gauntlet only, the opposition managed to deflect the bullets. Astounded, Sesa shot two more bullets in succession. This too was stopped.


The stranger spoke. Sesa remained silent, he felt it better to not answer the question. If that guy had his own assumptions then maybe he'd surrender or run away out of fear of the Sitri name but Sesa was wrong, that guy didn't care


????: !


Sesa: ..?

????: ( Your arm will be lost permanently)


Sesa: ...?

????: ( You have eight seconds )



Hearing that Sesa was dumbfounded, before his eyes the stranger gave off an incredible aura. The stranger shone in reddish light, manifesting on his person was armory. Amazingly, it was worse than Issei's incomplete balance breaker. The helmet didn't even cover the yellow haired head of his even the the arms from the elbow to the shoulder was exposed and the guy's thighs wasn't covered either. Definitely worse than Issei, unfortunately that power was still real.


What was going on? To many questions were filling Sesa's mind. 'Take my arm', 'Akeno suck me off'. Sesa already started remembering the original anime, 'weren't those terms too familiar.' Just now he heard the number 'Seven'. "Is it possible that we both are from the same world and not part of this world?" Sesa thought of the possibility.

Unfortunately these two otherworlders were not on the same side, Sesa used the excorcist gun and fired away. The red armored guy dashed forward having his body propelled by rocket power, with his gauntlets he hit away the oncoming bullets.


'He's too fast', Sesa witnessed the speed, he immediately shifted to the side as much as possible. Still, it wasn't enough to avoid contact. A barrier spell was cast. The barrier wasn't there to stop the collision, on the contrary, the barrier was summoned at an angle.

It was too late to break and the red armor bashed against the barrier.


The barrier cracked? But the damage was slight since the barrier wasn't directly in front of the attack, even more appalling was the momentum of the attacker didn't lessen in the slightest. Instead, when the red armor hit the barrier, the direction in which that person moved got displaced. The stranger lost all balance and crashed onto the ground, he bounced a number of times before stopping.


Sesa didn't wait, as soon as he saw the opponent bounce of the ground, he followed after. He heard the countdown but didn't care, he knew that once the count reached zero the host of the Boosted gear will be finished. Sesa raced to meet the incomplete dragon emperor, he began firing the excorcist gun when the villain started to pick himself of the ground.


"He can still stand?"

Second Sesa was astounded. The stranger even now could still fend off bullets. "BASTARD!!" The guy jumped up and activated the jetpack, was he escaping? How could Sesa let that happen when he was winning? But then he Detected extreme hostility.

????: FUCK YOU!!!


Sesa: Oh shit!

The stranger wasn't running away. It looked like he was planning to blow up this whole area. Two gauntlets came together and at the centre of both palms an orb had formed. It kept growing bigger and bigger.


The host of the Boosted gear didn't respond to Sesa's shout, when the orb grew large, he raised his arms. As if he were doing a slam dunk, the stranger threw ball of energy.

Sesa was really scared right now, the only thing that he could think about right now was 'Necroussary Abyss'. Could it absorb all that? He flew up, at farthest distance from himself, Sesa manifested the Satan arms to meet the death orb that was coming down. Necroussary Abyss was summoned without it's cover and the dark dimension faced the giant orb, silently the blue box met the ball of power.

The Abyss was really sucking in the energy, unfortunately, it couldn't hold up the orb. Both were silently descending to earth. Sesa was too weak, his strength couldn't help Necroussary Abyss push back the gigantic orb. Soon, he was able to see that the coffin was receiving damage. There was nothing that could be done, with his current strength the only thing Sesa could do was escape. He activated a teleportation spell, drew back the coffin and disappeared...


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