
Issei's life ( Part 3 )

If you had to look up today, you would see that the sky looked lovely in clear blue. There was not a cloud in sight, just the clear sky. On the eastern direction, if you turned to look, there, you can see the sun still taking it's sweet time to reach the highest peak before setting. Better yet, don't look at the sun. Your eyes are likely to get damaged.

All of this scenery has been witnessed by me, Sesa Purusa. I had just appeared here after teleporting from the danger zone. In my chest, I can feel the pounding of my heart and more uncomfortable is the cold sweat that is dripping from my armpits. "Is the sweat gone cold because of my high altitude", I wondered but that was just a brief thought passing by. Truthfully I was scared out of my wits, having such a big blast coming just for me. I wasn't happy to receive so much attention.

When I warped to this place in the sky I came to the realization that something changed. My life's journey is no more in the third person perspective but now in the first person perspective, though I don't mind it I fear that anyone seeing my view point might think I'm naive (stupid).

No matter. I still have to push back my personal anxieties and focus on the matters at hand. The battle is still going on. When I teleported, escaping the danger was the goal but I had no intention of running away. Currently I'm here in the sky, thanks to the Mask of Deception I'm using the Devils constitution. My wings are spread out, preventing my person from descending any further.

Below me, when I look, I see the one who I had been clashing with. 'Is he like me, a person from another world?' I ponder on the thought. It would've been great to make a friend who is an 'otherworlder' like me, however, I can't accept the guy below me. He doesn't seem sane, in my opinion, from what I gathered he is a premeditated murderer. If I wasn't hear then Issei's life would be gone. 'What about Ddraig?' That is also something to think about.

How is Ddraig not with Issei? Why does this stranger have Boosted gear? Is there someone else working behind the scenes?

Even though I have these questions I've already determined that this maniac is going to die. As to the answers to my questions. I don't have to ask this wielder of the Boosted gear, I'll just ask the personality of the Sacred gear himself.


Below my opponent, the giant energy blast sent by him finally hits the ground and I can see everything in it's vicinity get devastated. The light of the blast hasn't yet subsided but I can guess what kind of destruction is down there. Some trees that were away from the explosion toppled over and I already know that ground itself has gone missing, leaving behind quite a deep ditch.



"HAHAHA!!" That's what I've been waiting for, I laugh out hearing the voice of the gear. Being a bit conversant with the Dxd world, I know a thing or two. I see below, the red armor that guy had been wearing all this time begin to break apart.

S.Sesa: This is our chance!

I hear Second Sesa in my head, I understand what he is getting at. It is time for our counterattack. I get into position to nose dive but I see a change below me. The stranger is not falling, him along with all the broken bits of the red armory are actually rising up. I finally understand what's happening as I can feel an invisible pressure pushing me back. It is the after force coming from the result of the explosion. Air pressure was pushing out everything that happened to be close to the explosion.

With a flap of my devil wings I go against the current, actually, I am going against the air current without much effort. Whats going on? Was that explosion really that weak? No, It is my demonic power. The power that is coming from the Necroussary Abyss, it's gotten way stronger than before. Trying to suck up that dragon power benefited me greatly, my frustration of being weak has eased up a bit.

I ready myself to take out this fake-ass dragon emperor.


I hear S.Sesa snicker, "Hehehe!" I do the same as well, the reason being is that I got noticed by the enemy. He can't see my snicker because my face is covered by the Mask of Deception but I can see his. He is frighteningly appalled. I think the concept of being done for is starting to creep into his heart and me, my left hand is itching. From the start of this fight I've got this mass produced holy sword in hand but haven't had the chance to use it. It's about time I end this!

In my right hand is the excorcist gun, it was my main weapon of attack. The gun, I tuck it in my pants behind my back. Swiftly, I dive. I'm going to split this 'muther' in two.



While I fly downwards S.Sesa shouts, I turn to look at what he wants. I see it. Amidst the rubble of red metal I can see a green jewel. I quickly glance at the stranger and see that Boosted gear is attached to his left arm, so that means the jewel is from the right arm. After determining that I switch the position of my body from the nose dive, instead I plant a foot on the face of Ddraig's host and use that to propell myself towards the green jewel.

Since my right hand is free I use it to catch hold of the green jewel... I missed. How did that happen? Observing the the jewel, it is no longer moving in the upward direction. Gravity is now taking it's course and pulling everything down. I kick out a foot to meet the round jewel, bouncing it off my shoe I get it in my hand, "I got it!" I yelled for no reason.

With the green jewel in hand, I knew exactly why Second Sesa pointed it out to me. The mask that was hiding my face opened at the mouth. The jaw dropped so much that it looked like it was something from a scary movie. Inside that mouth was a darkness that was similar to the abyss of my Satan arms but the Mask of Deception had a different function. I didn't wait anymore, I brought the remnant jewel of Boosted gear to my face and threw it into the dark hole.

Instantly the jaws of the mask closed and the six orbs on it began to shine in green light. My vision did indeed get affected by the green light, merely, that was the only thing it did. I wasn't blinded in the least. Now that this side quest has come to an end, it was time to get back to the main mission. I figured that since no force was pushing against me, that would mean the same for my enemy. Gravity was surely pulling him down so I let gravity pull me as well. The noticeable difference between us was that I have wings and he doesn't...


Below me, the one who wields Ddraig hits the grounds, I can make out that a lot of things broke in his body. I could have flown in to save him but why would I do such a thing for someone who wants to obliterate me.

I can still Detect the life force on the pitiful person.

S.Sesa: Seems like the heavens want you to take his life personally.

I have to agree with my doppelganger, after all, he is the personified form of my will. Descending, I land a few steps away from my enemy. He looks very putrid, an arm has twisted out of place and blood was staining him from the mouth. I see tears are flowing in a stream, I feel like I should show him mercy but I know I have to stick with my decision and finish him off.

"There is no point in letting him live, otherwise, he might not show the same kindness that you are thinking about."

S.Sesa says that to me, in the end that is the confirmation of my true feelings. In a step or two I come closer to the loser on the ground, I crouch where the sacred gear Boosted gear is and start to fiddle with the green jewel on it. This jewel is the core of the gear itself and place at which the dragon of dominance resides. After struggling for a bit, eventually, I had to use the lazer blade of my sword and force the Boosted gear's core out. "So you are the Heavenly dragon, Ddraig?" I stand up again and question the jewel I now hold in my hand.


Before I can finish my sentence a strong hostile will is picked up by the Mask of Deception. Unexpectedly the temperature around me begins to drop. It's getting cold and cold fast.

"You know me kid? Then let me do you a favor, if you want to live then you better kill that brat on the floor."

A deep voice resounds from the green core in my hand, I'm actually receiving instructions from the Red Dragon Emperor and it's for my benefit. When I look at the body on the ground I become flabbergasted. "What the fuck?" There's no other words I can say when shock is overwhelming me.

The body right next to me has a hue of blue, moreover, the body appears like it has been in a freezer for years. Blood and tears that should've been quite warm is now frozen solid. I can't understand the seen in front of my eyes, it's unbelievable.

Ddraig: Kill him..NOW!!

S.Sesa: Kill him Sesa, there's something wrong with him.

Ddraig is a dragon that's shown to be quite wise from what I remember from my past knowledge and Second Sesa is my trusted aid. There is no reason for me to refuse any one of them. 'Detect' was telling me that the hostility was coming from the cold body so with the sword in my hand, I swing the lazer blade across the neck of my victim, separating the head from the body.

Immediately after, the strong hostility started fading and even the temperature stopped dropping. I'd like to say that this event is over, but, it's not. I sense magic appearing in the vicinity and I can tell that people are approaching this place unafraid.

Yeah, with a blast so big, I knew that people of the factions will come hear. Escaping is of no consequence for me but two problems have come to mind. The first one is the jewel that is the core of the sacred gear and the second problem was Issei.

With regards to the first problem, the Boosted gear's core in my hand is becoming transparent. I realize that since the host of the sacred gear is dead then that means Ddraig will end up in God's sacred gear system again and the Boosted gear will appear in some random new born. Now that I think about it, the system of God. If it is a system then how can it place sacred gears in random people? I think that there is some intelligence going on here. Just look at the Heavenly Dragons. The previous hosts of Boosted gear had one thing in common, it was that they had taste in breasts and the previous hosts of Divine Dividing had taste for butts. When I think about it, it seems that the original reason why the Heavenly Dragons fought each other might possibly be that they couldn't accept the other's point of view. Which is better, breasts or butts? I feel like I've discovered an unspoken truth, no wonder they said they can't remember why they started fighting. I'd be embarrassed to reveal something ridiculous. No wonder the names breast/butt dragon emperor gave them such heavy mental breakdowns.


Sesa: Aaaaah! Sorry!

S.Sesa: Look! Ddraig is gonna disappear, summon the Abyss and throw the core inside.

Yeah, I snapped out of my train of thought hearing S.Sesa. I know what he wants me to do. We going to break Ddraig out of the sacred gear system. Like that, a coffin box appears before me. I gaze at the damages that appeared on it by sucking in the dragon blast but I'm relieved because visible regeneration can be seen on it. Necroussary Abyss opens up revealing the dark dimension and I throw Ddraig's core inside.


I hear a scream from the core but can't be bothered by it. I unsummon Necroussary Abyss then use both my Detect and demonic power to search for Issei.... I find his location then quickly head his way before anyone arrives here.



A certain person in front of me begins screaming like a girl. Partially, it is my fault. I rushed over to one of my pals, not like I have many, and abruptly appear in front of him. It wasn't just that, I had forgotten that my face was covered, thus the person I came to seek got scared witless. I can understand the circumstances, it's not like a bully was coming to steal my lunch money but some supernatural shit after my life. I'd be scared too if someone randomly throws a 'kamehameha' wave at me.

The one that got scared was Issei Hyoudou. Quietly I let my demonic power seep in the area around us, Issei and I. Having Concealment active, I have no fear in using my demonic power. Anything connected with me will be concealed as well. "Relax!" I say this word easily but there's a process thats going on in my head. Because Issei is hysterical at the moment I use a hypnosis techniques that a watched on U-tube. This is the power of 'suggestion'. That is, I just say a word and let the other's brain translate it, then, the person who understands the word will start thinking of doing what the spoken word suggests. Of course this works well on those with weaker minds. That's why I have my demonic power out, to lessen Issei's mental strength.

Immediately I see Issei calm down, at the same time I lift the mask off my face and let it sit on my head.

"You.. Sesa.. Why.. What's going on? "

The confused breast monger stammers as he questions me, I don't reply just yet and instead tell that the danger isn't over and we should leave. Originally, we where here to shop. We headed for the mall and I began telling Issei some points on today's events. I don't tell him everything I know, knowing too much may not be beneficial at this time. The only thing that he knows is that there is some supernatural shit out there, I have some ability, and it's possible that he has an ability as well....

...Myself and Issei, we are currently heading back to our homes. Unbelievably, we spend a few hours waiting in the queue just to buy some merchandise of a pornstar that isn't even here. Even though it is just a promotional product, the number of customers here are to many to count. This Momo Momozono is really popular, with a fan base this wide, it only shows me how this country loves their H. Even I was influenced to buy something.

"Ey, Sesa! Do I really have some powers?"

That's what I hear Issei ask. It is an obvious question, if you had the opportunity to get powers then you have to confirm it. But what do I tell this guy.... He no longer has Boosted gear I contemplate hard before replying then an idea comes up from my memory. 'Hehehe.'

What can I say? I stop walking and look Issei in the eye. Then I start to question him. "Do you believe in God? "


Sesa: Do you believe in God?

Issei: I.. I can't say... That I'm a religious person but... I can't say I don't believe in him.

Sesa: Hmm. That's a passing answer. Have you ever heard of the Chichigami


Decided to change my writing style. This way seems more fun

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