
Starting anew?

Two days passed since the survival plan began, today is the third day. The early morning became distant having midday arriving soon. Sesa stayed in his apartment like a couped up N.E.E.T, he was staring at his phone. What was he viewing? It wasn't a video to develop the Mimicry ability. Believe it or not he was playing a game, something he found as an add while watching a video. 'Damn, this too addicting'. S.Sesa spoke out, 'but I love it.'

Sesa: Urgh, we really should go out.

S.Sesa: Yeah, yeah. Lets finish this stage first.

Sesa: Hmm, yeah then we have to find a part time work.

S.Sesa: Ya, you don't want to leave a thief legacy behind even though we already planted a seed.

Stealing wasn't Sesa's thing, he felt that it was to much beneath him. So what if he could be a legend. He was remembering his home, not the building he was in now but his real one. Sesa came to this world accidentally and on top of that he left his brother behind. 'What shit he must be going through, ' he thought. There are so many power houses here maybe someone would know something.

S.Sesa: F#$% yeah. I'm the best.

Sesa: Alright time to hunt for a job.


In another place moving up a corridor, a young maiden dressed upright in the Kuoh Academy's school uniform. She had slick black hair that streaked down to her knees, it swerved left to right and vice versa trying to follow the mechanics of her gait. In her arm she carried what looked like a survey board, upon reaching her destination she raised her free hand. This maiden touched on blue bespectacled glasses with delicate fingers and proceeded to tap the door in front of her. Tap, tap, she knocked twice then entered.

Inside the room was pleasantly tidy. On one side sat a girl with white hair and blue-green eyes, in one hand she held a saucer as for the other was a teacup. She raised it to her lips in a lady-like fashion leaving a pinky finger extended out. The maiden with long black hair made a greeting for her junior then treaded along to the back of the room.

There at the back of the room, a grand desk was stationed. More grand was the beauty that sat at the desk. She seemed absorbed looking over some paperwork, next to it was a notebook where she occasionally jotted down a sentence or two in all seriousness.

????: ...Tsubaki, you arrived.

Tsubaki: Yes Shitori Kaichou.

Sona: Should I give you an early congratulations... From next year you will be the new vice-president of the student council.

Tsubaki: Thank you... More importantly Tsubasa and I reached a dilemma in our Sitri territory.

Sona: ....

Tsubaki: After being informed by a client we sent out our familiars. We discovered nothing. Tsubasa and I personally went to have a look thereafter.

Sona: And?

Tsubaki: Still no progress. We questioned the local business owners.... That didn't assist our investigation. We did, however, retrieve the notes left behind.

????: Ah! Did my fathers business get robbed to?

Tsubaki: No Momo.

Tsubasa: Haha, If your father got robbed I think the Lord's of the Sitri house will be involved.

Sona: Quiet!

Tsubaki: Do you think it is the work of a stray devil?

Sona: It isn't. Devils don't need to steal. It is not the stray exorcists either, they would've left a massacre. That only leaves one option. Someone has awoken a sacred gear and is being irresponsible. A sacred gear that's suited for clandestine perhaps?

Tsubaki: What precautions should we execute?

Sona: Tomorrow we will all go and do reconnaissance.

Momo: Ah! Sorry Kaichou but I'll be busy with granpa-san. He'll be turning 76 very soon.

Tsubasa: Hehe, you have the best client, hey!

Sona: That is fine. Tsubaki, shall I leave the arrangements to you?

Tsubaki: I will start right away.

Sona: (Just when one problem is solved another arises, at least I get to delay the visit to big sis.)


Kuoh town was bustling upon the arrival of evening. The peak hour for traffic made it's appearance as the many civilians were leaving for there homes. The sidewalks also carried much movement, street entertainers were doing their best to make a living. This time was also the best time for advertising. Quite a few people could be seen distributing pamphlets promoting their product. Sesa accepted a few as he passed by. He checked for anything of interest, yup... there was one that caught his eye. Sesa place the little pamphlet into the pocket that his phone was kept in.

Sesa was job hunting today, he needed one for living requirements. There was no way that living off others hard work was good. Not to mention that with the number of stores he robbed must have raised the awareness of the authorities. The Mask of Deception didn't make him invisible, it only made others overlook him. Quite a strange ability.

As for the job hunt, Sesa was quite pleased with himself. He found himself a job as a pizza maker under a small business owner. With a little coaxing the deal was sealed. Second Sesa and Sesa made the plan on the spot. Doppelganger and Camouflage was used to make a bombshell buxom woman appear, this caused the owners jaws to drop. 'Hehe', the last hit was to show his skill. Sesa made the most splendid pizza ever. After the watching of some vidz the Mimicry ability was shining. Also after some negotiating Sesa got a room for himself on the upper floor. 'Awesome'.

As Sesa was heading back to his apartment he was feeling the world around him. Detect is really a saving grace, He could feel the hostility of people here and there. He didn't mind it as this was how the world works. 'Hmm, a big threat level intent is coming from close by', Sesa felt as he went to investigate. He chose to trek closer to the building walls, walking out like a sore thumb will cause his gear to negate.

S.Sesa: (What the? Whoever was leaking the threat has left.)

Sesa: (Did they notice us?)

S.Sesa: (NEVER!!!)

Sesa came to a hidden alley way. He immediately noticed a store at the side. What kind of store would be away from the public? It's difficult to see through the glass from the side but the mannequins could be somewhat seen. Above the store entrance the poster of a woman in a provocative posture was exposed. This is an adult store? That didn't surprise Sesa, it was something else. Opposite the store was a dumpster and at the side, two people he knew were crouching as if hiding. They were grinning like idiots. It was Issei and Motohama.

S.Sesa: (I don't wanna deal with this.)

Sesa: (Me too.)

Sesa left the place, it was getting dark anyway. Tomorrow he'd have to take his things to his new living quarters. Plus he has to prepare for his working shift in the evening. A normal life begins.


Sesa: I want that experience as well.


What's that? Gun shots? Sesa propelled himself against the wall. Was someone after him? There is no way he could have exposed himself. Sesa stealthily crept to the corridor his apartment was on. After battling with courage and fear he finally sneaked a peak. Nothing was happening at his apartment, it was a couple rooms ahead on the same side. At the entrance a man was dressed in black, at one hip hung a sheathed sword and under an arm was a gun in its holster.

????: It's only one devil you trash. Kill the bitch!


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