
First battle



????: I'LL KILL YO-


The battle was on inside the apartment, outside was practically deserted except for the man at the doorway. If there are any of the residents in the other apartment rooms they'd be too afraid to come out. The man at the door, why wasn't he participating? Most likely he was keeping guard but it seems also that he's the leader by the way he kept trash talking his associates inside.

At the end of the corridor, hidden aside was Sesa. He was thinking of what to do. He could leave this place and come back later but right in front of him stood a good opportunity. The man at the door entrance had a sword and a gun, two weapons, while he had none. Sesa was thinking that this is a good opportunity to arm himself.

S.Sesa: Lets go, lets go, lets go!

Sesa: Right!

Sesa crept forward, he remained on the side opposite his apartment. Like this, there should be a higher probability of not alerting the enemy. Closer and closer he moved to the target. 'Almost there, almost there', Sesa motivated himself step by step. 'Ah!' The man took a step inside the apartment then stepped out again, this time his back was faced away from the door. The man looked one side then the other.... He was startled to to see Sesa.

????: Y.. Yo.. You, ah, Freed Sellzen sir!!!??

Sesa: Ho! Am I really that famous now?

It was Sesa disguised by the Camouflage of the Mask of Deception. The mask was manifest over his face meaning he was using full power. He knew that by the off chance that the man looked at him, he'd be done for. That's why he needed a disguise. What was the best method to throw off the man who is a stray excorcist than to use one. 'Freed Sellzen should be quite infamous', thought Sesa. He walked up to the man and stood by the side of the apartment entrance. The man looked confused and some fear was shown.

Sesa: Hey, guess what? I brought a newbie along

????: Good evening sir.

The disguised Sesa pointed to an area behind the man. When the man turned to look, he saw a very young kid smiling and waving at him, 'this is ridiculous, how can someone so young be brought to a killing ground?' Unfortunately for him, everything was already set in motion. Sesa already made his move.


Sesa didn't have any weapons. He grabbed the sword that hung on the man's waist in reverse hold, simultaneously stomping on the man's left foot. "AAAARRRGGGHH', the man involuntarily bent over. Sadly, waiting for him was his own sword handle's end. Sesa launched the sword out of it's sheath and planted the handle's end onto the man's face. The target screamed again at the unexpected release of pain.


As if everything happened in one swoop, Sesa attacked again, piercing the abdomen of the man. A 'puchi' sound was made but was covered due to another battle inside the apartment. Sesa turned to face the man and made for the gun under his arm. The man was still alive but barely. He to tried for his excorcist gun, no luck, on top of that he was weak right now. He lost his weapons and was bleeding to death. "Damn it", was his last words as an armed Sesa pulled back the sword then driving it into the excorcist man's head from the bottom.

????: AAAHH!! BOSS!

Sesa already detected a new opponent arriving, he shot a few bullets with the excorcist gun to deter the enemy then shifted out of the door's entrance way.

The subordinate heard the screams of the boss so he came to check, only to see a blade jutting out of their leader's head. Next thing he knew were bullets flying, he avoided the line of fire. One second, two seconds.. silence. The excorcist came into the passage way leading to the only exit. He held the blade of his sword across him then sat the end of his gun at the blades centre, a cross was formed. Cautiously the excorcist stepped forward. All of a sudden he saw a figure dash, left to right, passing the doorway.


The excorcist instantly fired his gun when he saw the passing figure. Missed, "SHIT, HE'S GETTING AWAY', The excorcist sprang out of the apartment. He swung his gun out to shoot... The corridor was empty, "huh!" In the next instant the excorcist felt a gun's cylinder pressed against the back of his head.


Sesa was full of adrenaline at this moment, a first kill then a second. He heart was racing causing him to feel excited. He never felt this exhilarated before, maybe when he went on a rollercoaster, but now he was in controll


Sesa: Hehe... only one more left. Lucky we watched gun fire vidz.

With the Mask of Deception manifest over his face and weapons in his hands, Sesa was looking sinister. Too sinister, the mask gave him the appearance of a serial killer. Secretly he maneuvered into the apartment, heading for the main battle. Which devil was here to attract excorcists?

????: What you gonna do hun? Only death is left for you.

????: ...I ...still li... out live... you.

When Sesa came over, he saw two people in the room, no, three if you count the dying old man on the couch. Of the two people, one was an excorcist, he sat on the coffee table and pointed his gun at the other person. The other person was the devil they came to hunt. Sesa recognized this devil, she had white hair longer than shoulder length and blue-green eyes. Dressed in Kuoh Academy's uniform, she is Momo Hanakai, Sona Sitri's bishop.

From what Sesa could see, the battle was tragic for Momo. She was wounded all over, merely those were more light. As for the deeper wounds, even though it were only few, it didn't look very nice. Momo bled from an arm and her flesh was torn from a leg. Worst still was that the left side of her face was burned. That skin seemed to be melting still, What caused this? Holy water?

Momo was exhausted, not to mention that her remaining eye struggled stay open. She held her hand out maintaining a spell to protect herself. 'Ah, yes', Sesa remembered that barrier spells was what she excelled in. Sesa ghosted into the room, with a shift of his arm, he let a bullet leave the excorcist gun. Nothing more was left to say, the remaining excorcist died not knowing how.

Sesa: Hey... there are no more enemies.

Momo: ...who ...you?

S.Sesa: (Yeah, Who are we? What we gonna tell her?)

Sesa: (Argh! I didn't think of that.)

S.Sesa: (She's a devil. We have to show her you're a devil too.)

Though no one could see the Mask of Deception due to Camouflage effect, the six orbs on shone in three different colors. Sesa activated the Camouflage ability of the gear. In front of Momo Hanakai he materialized devil wings and tail.

Sesa: I am associated with one of the Satans.

French fries

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