
Taking donations

Kuoh town is the shared territory of the devils and fallen angels. It is not known if there are pure angels here but it is understood that the number of pure angels are limited. The number of fallen angels are limited also merely they have greater counts. This also means they have a greater influence attracting pseudo followers of God. Of the devils side, are the only ones who have made progress in recovering from the past war. The devils developed the reincarnation system.

In Kuoh town two devil clans share a territory here. Sesa knew this well, exploring the different districts. It is better to know ones surroundings otherwise one just might step on a landmine. Without any power it is safer to not make enemies. Without any influence also one can't gain any allies. Sesa went here and there, going unnoticed as if he were the most insignificant of existences. It is not like there is any lies to that. He brought himself to a stop intending to plan his next move, after getting an idea of the place.

S.Sesa: Lets do that.

Sesa: You know that's wrong, right?

S.Sesa: Of course, but us surviving is of more importance.

Sesa: [sigh] We have to be very careful on how we go about it. I never tried something like this before.

S.Sesa: You'll be fine, don't forget I'm your greatest back up.

Both Sesa readied themselves, previously when they were exploring they experimented with the Mask of Deception. Especially the ones, Concealment and Camouflage abilities of the gear. If Concealment hides you from detection and Camouflage blends you to the surroundings making you of no importance, then what happens when you use both together? Sesa discovered that he became an existence completely ignored. It was ghostly, if Second Sesa wasn't here, he'd definitely be foreboding loneliness.

To test the trick Sesa calmly made way to a vendor at the road side he had passed by before. A man was found behind the counter, he had a variety of stuff to sell, mainly edibles. Sesa came to the counter with many consumables on it, the man behind the counter didn't seem to be paying attention. They remained in place for what felt like a long time but in reality only less than a minute passed. The man finally turned away, at this time Sesa swiftly made for a canned soda. He grabbed it and moved away from the vendor, into the mans blind spot. When the man turned back he thought something was amiss. He checked the items on the counter, 'huh!' There was two soda cans on the counter and now there's one. The man looked to see if there was a thief.

Man: Hey, you!?

'Oh shit', Sesa felt he just failed. he had never done anything like this before, the heart in his chest was thumping like a beat heard through a subwoofer. He turned around, 'urgh, why'd I turn, should've ran.' When Sesa faced the man that's when it happened, he realized the power of deception. The man stood surprised then confused.

Man: I'm sorry miss. Did you perhaps see a man run away with an item?

Sesa: Not sure.

S.Sesa: (Hahaha! Awesome!).

The man turned away from Sesa, even Sesa couldn't believe it. He appeared as a woman to the man, more so he still held the canned soda in his hand. Does that mean the sacred gear can use it's power on anything that is in contact with him? Looks like it, Sesa walked away opening the can. He took a refreshing sip.

Like this the plan was put into place. Sesa continued up the street, he wanted to start at one point and end at the end of the street. There was a convenience store that Sesa chose to enter. Inside wasn't very big nor did it look very busy merely a few people came to shop. He leisurely strolled each pathway picking up items he knew carried importance, like a backpack. He took toothpaste and soap also, and sealed snacks placing it in the bag. This wasn't the main aim, this was just some things needed for living requirements. The real target was the shopkeeper at the counter.

The shopkeeper was an elderly guy at the cash register, he was watching a television screen. Apparently some sport was on. Sesa came over unobtrusive, with that he stationed himself behind the man. Sesa couldn't act just yet, he is no invisible man, even with having his abilities active he has to be cautious. He waited until finally a distraction came. A consumer came to pay, She exchanged pleasantries then bartered with the cashier. A normal transaction occurred when the cash register opened. The cashier reached for the change to give to the buyer.

????: Hi, I'm looking for a particular item...

All of a sudden an attractive young girl appeared. She made some inquiry causing both the provider and consumer to focus on her. There it is, Sesa silently made a swipe for the money...

The young girl received advice for her question and left for the back of the store meanwhile Sesa had already dissipated from the hotspot. The little girl that appeared was actually an illusion, actually it was Second Sesa using the Doppelganger's illusion effect plus combining the Camouflage ability. The Mask of Deception is truly magnificent.

Sesa went on visiting the neighboring stores and leaving in satisfaction. When he could no longer carry anymore, he proceeded to rent an apartment for a few days. At long last a safe zone, stealing was very mentally exhausting for Sesa. It was not something he'd do in normal circumstances but priority was survival, right now he was relieved to have his own base. It was now time to relax a little.... no, Sesa was feeling heavy at his gut. He remembered all the snacks he ate at the Halloween party before coming to this world. Right now he really needed the toilet.

A few hours later Sesa was ready to leave again. He bathed and rested, in this time Sesa pulled out his phone. He acquired what he needed, he filtered out the unnecessary and watched many videos. Hand to hand combat techniques, knife fighting styles, sword techniques, he even watched the drunken style. These things were necessary in this world.

Sesa left the apartment and proceeded to make a robbery again. Boldness had shown out much more this time around. Second Sesa came up with the idea to leave notes behind. 'I'll be taking this money as permanent loan', or 'this will be donations for saving the world.' Shameless, in one store Sesa left a note saying 'I know what you did last night wink wink.'

S.Sesa: HAHAHA, that was too ridiculous.

Sesa: I hope we don't get caught.

S.Sesa: Haha, we leaving our legacy behind.

It was getting late now Sesa wished to take a meal then turn in for the night. He headed to a nearby restaurant he scouted earlier. There he sat in and ordered his meal. The restaurant had free Wi-Fi so Sesa decided to watch videos on etiquette. He needed to learn since the supernaturals have high culture mannerisms.

????: Stop it!

????: You know you want it baby.

????: ....

The cashier at the counter was making moves on a waitress, he was placing his hand under her skirt. The female servant shared no liking to the man's advances. Sesa witnessed this solely due to the Mask of Deception's indication. The Detect ability. 'So the mask works like this to?' Sesa ignored them and backed to finish his business....

Sesa: Check, please!

Hostess: Here you are. Thank you, please come again.

Sesa: Thank you very much, thank you very much. Meal was first class...

Like this Sesa exited the restaurant while complimenting the waitresses as he passed by. He thanked them and praised the meals made by the cooks, he went so far as to make the formal bow which was returned by the female servants. Sesa left the exit and walked away then disappeared. Wait, he disappeared into nothing? That wasn't Sesa at all, it was S.Sesa. Back at the restaurant's entrance the real Sesa exited unseen some minutes later. In the interval the the illusion created its antics, the real Sesa caused the cashier to pass out and cleaned out the cash register. He didn't forget to leave a note.

'My eyes were caused pain by the sight of the ugliness of your wife. I'll be taking this money as compensation for the damages.'

Sesa turned in for the night.


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