
Tumbling down the abyss(Part-2)

Zeus return to consciousness after an unknown period of time as he found himself standing on top of a badly dismembered carcass, as if some rabid beast had brutally tortured and killed the being to death he felt sick and wanted to throw up but be managed to take a deep breath as he looked down at him he was horrified by the amount of blood coating him, not to mention the fact that the guts hanging on him, he let out a scr….ahem not a scream but a many warrior's roar as he flung the entrails off of himself.

He scrambled away from the carcass his weapon laid away from him, as he looked at it with eyes open wide he took a deep a couple of deep breath before he raised his hand and his weapon flew to his hand which he grasped no hugged close to him his eyes never leaving the corpse in front of him.

A message suddenly appeared in front of his HUD,

[Nathan please reply, please I am scared where are you? What has happened?]

Zeus looked at the message with wide eye, he could read and see how frantic Azi is to even use his real life name as he opened his Inbox, and he was shocked to see about 348 Unread Messages and knew he was going to get a major tongue lashing, as such with great trepidation he send a message to them,

[Hey girls I am well, and I took a nasty fall currently I do not know how to escape from this place, and sorry I was unable to reply as I was not conscious.]

As soon as he send the message to all his teammates he got a dozen more querying about his health and what not but most importantly they told him to wait as they found an entrance.

Zeus looked at the message he had received from his teammates and scoffed at that, "Finding me without my cartography skill, well do they believe I will wait for them till the end of time."

As such he quickly typed a new message to them,

[Negative, without my cartography you all would be lost as such let me also work my way out to find you all.]

He waited for a few more minutes before another message came to him courtesy of Sylphy,

[Good luck Zeus as it seems you are right we are lost and we might not be able to help you for sometime or may be ever.]

Zeus sighed as he decided to check the room he was in, as he moved towards the wall he noticed various mural paintings on them as such he decided to study them

It was fascinating piece of artwork that he saw as the murals described grand battles of age long since forgotten, he saw men and women of various races banded together as they fought against nightmarish creatures of at the same time record them for later viewing, it was truly fascinating as he had never seen most of the creatures and he shuddered thinking about fighting the nightmarish horde one day, 'Damn now I will have nightmares because of them.'

"Incredible aren't they?" a voice came from his behind causing him to scream and jump high enough to make even the Judges present during an Olympic event impressed.

Zeus looked at the woman who was smiling at him as he spoke with a frown, "Teacher what are you doing here?"

The woman simply shrugged as she spoke, "Nothing hatchling juts taking an enthusiastic walk."

Only to find herself looking at the bladed edge of 'Shori' as Zeus spoke with a snarl, "Prove that you are…."

The twitching brow and the sadistic smile on her face caused him to take a step back as she spoke, "You had the gal to not only question after wasting so much time but also you were not guarding."

Before he could say anything Zeus he found himself dangling in the air as his teacher Vessha had promptly hoisted him up in the air by holding his head as he winced from the pain from being roughly handled as such, before he was tossed to the side like useless garbage.

Zeus looked at her as he spoke, "Teacher you did not say what are you doing here?"

Vessha smiled as she spoke, "Is it so difficult to understand that I was keeping an eye on you, after all how would I evaluate your performance without seeing with my own eyes."

Zeus, "Well you could use some form of magical skill to watch them."

Vessha let out a scoff as she spoke with disappointed look in her voice, "Really after all this time you think I would do something in such a boring manner."

Zeus rubbed his head with a sheepish look on his face as he mused internally, 'Hmmm, since teacher did not correct me then there really is a skill that can let anyone spy inside a dungeon, hmm interesting.'

But before Zeus could speak anything Vessha spoke while trying to look at him as if she was gazing at his soul, "How? how did you defeat the beast in such a manner, I never have seen you fight in such a way like that."

Zeus folded his hands as he gave a deadpanned stare at her as he spoke, "Really teacher, you saved me and set up for such a prank but I have already seen through it."

Vessha shook her head as she spoke in a serious tone, while looking over him, "No hatchling I never did prank you though you are not holding back at our spars are you.", she narrowed her eyes as Zeus felt a shiver down his spine knowing if he pissed her off now she would make his life the living hell.

Zeus shook his head as he spoke, "No idea teacher one moment I was about to die and the next I was standing on its dismembered corpse."

Vessha rubbed her temples as she spoke, "Well we have to figure out later on then, but it was really amazing to watch you battle something so dangerous and superior to the current you it was as if you are dancing ahhhh.", the bliss sigh she let out caused Zeus to take a couple of more steps from her.

Vessha rolled her eyes as she spoke with a snort, "Hatchling the only way I will show any interest to you is if you could defeat me in a fair fight and it is thousand years to early for you so relax."

Zeus huffed at that before he suddenly remembered something, "Teacher can you take me to my teammates?"

Vessha had a small smile on her face as she spoke, "Yes I can, but I won't you have to find your way to them."

Zeus let out a tired sigh before he perked up as he spoke, "Oh teacher there was a woman wh…."

Vessha glared at him as she spoke, "You will stay away from her, she is highly dangerous woman if I am the leader of my tribe then she is the shadow leader of hers."

Zeus frowned as he spoke, "What do you mean by that?"

Vessha sighed as she replied to her student, "Her brother is the leader of her tribe in face only but she is the one who pulls the strings from behind and someone I would stay away from, she is highly cunning psychopath who has no morals and will do anything by anything I mean anything to get to her goal, someone who will never fight fairly and with honor.", the look on his teachers face made Zeus take a deep gulp.

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