
Tumbling down the abyss(Part-3)

Zeus as he climbed a set of stairs spoke with a frown, "Teacher while we walked into that ambush the ground collapsed and those ant-lions fell on a pit of some kind and there was this creature that slaughtered them."

Vessha pursed her lips and spoke with a tired sigh, "Well what you saw was a corrupted being that is chained down there as such cannot escape, and if you are wondering why it is still alive well the reasons are simple, firstly we have yet to find any other route down there except waiting for the floor to collapse so that we might fall on top of it and secondly well it is too strong I myself doubt I would survive even a minute against it, even if I go all out."

Zeus gulped at that Vessha had been on a level that he still could not figure out yet she was weaker than that creature they had glimpsed from above his shoulder shagged as he spoke with a tired sigh, "Troublesome."

Zeus looked at the long unending staircase in front of him and frowned at that before he started to climb them tiredly.

Sylphy looked at her hand as her thoughts went back to Zeus, she had known him for quiet sometime and he had only appeared to her as a polite person nothing more nothing less, may be a tad bit helpful and humble yes he was humble compared to the scions of other rich people yes he was humble, she knew she did not trust her opposite sex that much but her teammates had urged her to give Zeus a chance and so far he had yet to disappoint her for which she was a bit glad after all it would be great shame if she had to leave such a fantastic group.

Sylphy had a small smile on her face as she remembered meeting with Aubriella and Yelena along with Nathan's grandmothers they were much nicer when compare to her family members, her own flesh and blood she was a bit jealous as she pondered on various things she let out a yawn as she spoke with a tired sigh, "Hey girls I vote for quitting the dungeon dive after we retrieve Zeus."

BarabarianLady nodded reluctantly as she spoke, "So true the dungeon is not only tire some but it is taking too much time not to mention the area next to this is almost impossible to us, we almost died there."

CelestialMaiden gripped her staff hard as she spoke, "I hope Zeus would be able to find us safely."

Azi sighed at that as she spoke, "He is resourceful and cunning but even if he manages to find us how are we suppose to escape from this thrice damn dungeon, we cannot go back the way we came in and we have yet to spot any entrance."

Foresthuntress snorted at that as she spoke, "So what we will kill ourselves, we might lose some items but at least we will be out of this place."

Tarasque sighed at that as she spoke tiredly, "Sorry that is not possible, if you die inside a dungeon you will spawn at that nearest sanctuary in our case we will spawn here, and if you do not believe me check the internet."

At her words the entire group fell into depression only to be startled as a loud groan was heard as a part of the wall near the sanctuary opened showing a tunnel as they heard voices at the other side of the door they tensed only to relax upon seeing the familiar visage of Zeus accompanying with him was Vessha.

Seeing them almost all of them let out a sigh of relief except a couple as Azi spoke with an arrow notched on his bow as she spoke, "Stop right there or I will fire."

Zeus raised his hand in a placating manner as he spoke, "Wah stop stop Azi it is me and apparently it seems my master was stalki….", he could not finish the sentence as he was send flying from a kick courtesy of Vessha.

Vessha coughed in her hand as she spoke with a small smile, "Sorry it seems the floor is a tad bit slippery."

Sylphy gave a small nod as she spoke, "So true though how and, why are you here?"

Vessha gave her a kind smile as she spoke, "Well I was evaluating Zeus's performance as such I was following after you all."

TacoGirl looked at her with narrowed eyes as she spoke, "Then why did you not help us."

Vessha spoke with the charming smile on her face as she spoke, "As I said child I was only evaluating and it so happened that part of evaluation does not involve helping you in any manner."

BlizzardQueen smirked at that as she spoke triumphantly, "But you did help Zeus finding his way towards us."

Vessha shook her head as she spoke, "No child I did not help him to find his way to you all and as for me speaking with him well the evaluation is over as such, I am speaking with you all and now I believe it is high time we left."

As Zeus stood up while patting the dust off him before he sent a small glare towards his teacher who casually took out a parchment and flung it as it burned with a greenish flame before a bright light surrounded them and they found themselves standing in front of the dungeon entrance.

Vessha gave a small smile towards Zeus and his group before she spoke with a smile, "Welcome back so did you all enjoy your time inside that dungeon."

The said group grumbled as they laid various complaints towards Vessha who let out a loud laugh at them her behavior was mirrored by her subordinates as they looked with a mocking glance towards Zeus and his companions making them bristled with anger as Vessha spoke with a tired sigh, "If you cannot even complete the dungeon then there is no hope for you to complete your quest and as you can see Cardinal Boudier send you to your death knowingly."

At that their morale touched the sea floor as CelestialMaiden spoke with a tinge of hopelessness in her voice, "What can we do then?"

Vessha walked towards her before she placed a comforting hand, "I will help you as much as I can even though I can shield you from his wrath it would be foolish to make an enemy out of him when you can try your best to complete the quest.", she stopped speaking as she watched CelestialMaiden gain a relaxed lok on her face she turned towards Zeus before she with a predatory smile, "Though I would like to witness Zeus's orgasmic fighting style again if possible."

Zeus groaned upon seeing the hunger filled eyes of his teacher as he spoke with a tired sigh, "I do not why or what happened as such do not expect anything similar from me."

Vessha cooed at him as if he was her lover as she spoke in a sickly sweet tone, "You do not have to worry Zeus I will make you by hook or by crook.", Zeus groaned at that as he received pitying glance from her subordinates after all Vessha's lust for battle was legendary and he was unfortunate enough to manage to garner her attention.

A few hours later Katrina was sitting on her bed upon Nathan's insistence his parents had relented and had allowed them to view the recording of Nathan's fight against that abomination of creature, as she watched her mind reeled back to the events all those years ago, her teammates her family being torn apart by that creature, she took a deep breath before she opened her drawer as she pulled out her gun which promptly reloaded after all today Nath… no Alpha01 would die tonight.

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