
Don’t You Hear My Call

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Year: 2054 Elly Moore has been chosen for an extremely dangerous time travel experiment, 15 candidates are to travel back to the year 1939, stay for up to a year and return with as much information as possible. One catch: the candidates will return 100 years after their departure even they have only aged a year... This story has been inspired by the song ‘39 from the Night at The Opera album written by Brian May (I’m not talented enough to come up with that on my own)

Chapter 1BMH ~’39 C/1 ~

Log Entry 1 ~ 25/12/54

Keep breathing, keep breathing... it's not that long now, don't worry... I would say those are the words I said most to myself during the BHM Time Travel Training Programme, and honestly? They didn't help one bit. You'd think they would, and in any normal situation I could say that and I'd calm right down. But when you're in a simulation where every single molecule in your body is being torn up and being stitched back together again, it's quite hard to 'keep breathing'. My name is Elly Moore and sixteen years ago I was chosen to study and train at BMH for a trip back in time. Yes, sixteen years. You might be thinking, 'Sixteen years? I get training would take time but sixteen YEARS?' I know, seems a bit crazy, right? But for the scientists in charge of the project it was essential we were chosen young. I'm twenty-one so I was chosen when I was five. The fifteen volunteers were chosen so young because it would hurt us less psychologically. When we travel back to the year 1939, we won't come back to the modern world until 100 years later, even though we will only have aged a year. So, when we come back, all of our family will be dead. Makes sense to choose us young, right? We won't get too attached to anything, apart from our family's. That's the next problem. What family would want to give up the light of their life, their pride and joy? So the obvious solution was to go to an orphanage. Smart, right? And the orphanage I was raised in, I leaped at the chance to leave. But we won't be getting into my tragic backstory anytime soon. So for the next sixteen years of my life I was put into an intensive training programme. Me and the other fourteen candidates have been prepared for every single possible outcome for when we land in 1939. We have been through every single way the people of '39 might react to us with the worlds top psychologists. Yes, it's all extremely exciting and yes, I know I'm so lucky to be chosen and I don't want to sound ungrateful but after sixteen years, it's gets pretty boring. You must see where I'm coming from, don't you? To be honest, I was getting bored by year ten. But then Brian dropped the bomb. Brian is the scientist who looks after the fifteen of us in our day to day life and training, by the way. For the next six years, we would be getting ready for takeoff. Not really 'takeoff' but you get the idea. These past six years have been the craziest years of my crazy life. And the craziest thing? We are leaving next week. Next. Week. !!! . It's actually happening, what we've been training for for basically all of our lives! I've started this log and will regularly be uploading it to the BMH comms that have been set up for emergencies and each of our logs. Every member of our crew is keeping one to keep everyone updated back in the current day. We can label our stuff personal. That info gets read and shown to the public if we approve. But if we die those logs are probably gonna be used for a crappy documentary anyway. Anyways, I have to go and try the 'landing' simulator again, hopefully I don't pass out... again...

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