

Log Entry 6

Life is extremely boring on this ship, I've decided. I know I'll be in huge trouble with BMH right now because I haven't written in about six months, but I really can't be bothered. There isn't any point. We are coming back and we'll only be a year older so what's the big deal? And everyone else is writing their logs so mine won't really be needed. I'm only writing this now because there is absolutely nothing else to do. Everyone else is busy with their daily chores. I had the easiest ones today so I'm free for the rest of the day. How are we keeping track of time? Good question. The BMH designed these special screens to act as windows. They display the exact time from where we took off so we don't go slowly mad not experiencing day and night. We aren't allowed to look out to the complete nothingness that surrounds us. I'm not exactly sure why but it's all part of the "We'd like you go stay sane on your journey." Stuff. Since I'm already running out of things to talk about I'll tell you about the ship. The ship is called "The Infinity" very fancy, huh? It's looks like the name suggests, an infinity symbol. The first ring has all of our professional stuff. The fancy chairs from taking off and all the important stuff we need to survive. It also has the clothes and equipment we'll need to blend in when we arrive. When we get there we can't actually tell anyone where we are from. Obviously they won't believe us so we just have to leave a few marks around the places we've been told to go to so that BMH can check that we made it and that it's all worked out. Back to the ship. In the second ring is our personal living space. We have a living room, dining room and kitchen all connected in the middle. Then off to a separate side is the bedroom. We all have to share and trying to go to sleep while Roger is present is the worst thing that has and will ever happen to me. We finally get him to get into bed and he whispers "let's play never have I ever" or something like that and we have to convince him that it's too late and that some of us actually want to sleep. We also convinced BMH to put a mini arcade room in if there was leftover space, and there was! It's tiny but we have Dig Dug and Ms PacMan. There is a giant cinema screen over the living room. We all watched Stranger Things together but Hannah and Kayleigh got too scared after the third episode. To be honest I don't see how they find it scary but I'm not annoyed. I'd say may favourite characters are Steve and Eleven. I was so close to crying at the season one finale, really. Once again I'm bored and don't know what to talk about. I've also become very aware of the fact I didn't shower yesterday and my hair is a greasy mess now. I'm going to shower so I guess this is goodbye.

Bye :)

SORRY for doing a massive time jump but I want to get back in time as soon as possible. Maybe two more logs on then ship?

disasterjuliacreators' thoughts