
New Novel?? Maybe!!

Hi there i'm your useless Author Seion...

These days its been eating me alive to create a New and escape my usual novels of Anime and Novels...

Therefore under careful examination, i did create one and i want the voice of the Godly Reader to read the first chapter of it...

Doing So this will help see as i read your comments in what direction this should go or i shall drop it...

This is my new Novel!!


Please give it a good go and if you think it's worth writing 8 days for it little by little to complete a chapter of 2000+ words comment on the section below...

The release Dates of my other Novels so far has lessened my burden greatly and i am slowly paying off my debt...

Though i still owe!!! Like 29 Chapters but from the Original 36 its a progress!!!

STB x 15 - Fairy x 4 - Bleach x 4 - Naruto x 3 - DanMachi x 3

The releases are staying as they are below, with my new Novel release date only when the Chapter is ready which is unknown...


Monday : Bleach - Fairy

Tuesday : One Piece - DxD

Wednesday : Dan Machi - Naruto

Thursday : STB - ToDaG

Friday : One Piece - DxD

Saturday : STB - ToDaG - Dan Machi

Sunday : Fairy - Bleach - Naruto


Thanks for supporting me... For commenting and giving me ideas which unfortunately i can't put to use right now...


PayPal : paypal.me/uselessseion

Discord: Seion#0464

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