
News For December!!!

Hi there i'm your useless Author Seion...

How are you all doing??

Fine!!!?? Good?? Oh, okay then...

Well, new about things so far and what's to come...

As you know this is my new Novel!!


Please give it a good go it has a word count up to 2200...

The release Dates of my other Novels so far has lessened my burden greatly and i am slowly paying off my debt...

Though i still owe!!! Like 18 Chapter but from the 29 since the last note on Seion Sect, its a progress!!!

STB x 10 - Fairy x 4 - Bleach x 4

I'm hoping that within this month i would pay everything up, and maybe because its Christmas i will try to do something for all of you...

Then again the workload, timeframe and especially my imagination is unstable right now so don't expect anything grand or nothing at all...

If i find a chance i will do something...

Moving On!!!

The releases will change slightly from before and will be like the following...


Monday : Bleach - Fairy

Tuesday : One Piece - DxD

Wednesday : Dan Machi - Naruto

Thursday : STB - ToDaG

Friday : Fairy - Bleach

Saturday : One Piece - DxD - Dan Machi

Sunday : Naruto - STB - ToDaG


Well, technically i only changed the orders of the novels, because it had come to my mind that Bleach and Fairy overlap in Sunday and Monday, therefore, tried to relocate them...

Thanks for supporting me... For commenting and giving me ideas which unfortunately i can't put to use right now...


PayPal : paypal.me/uselessseion

Discord: Seion#0464

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