
First Sign

While Jack was asleep he had a very clear and vivid dream. He saw himself fighting against another Force user. At least he thought it was one. The figure seemed to use an object that looked very much like a lightsaber. And why else would he himself use a lightsaber otherwise?

But that was about all he could discern and there was nothing else he could really about that person. There was only an oily shadow and if he tried to focus on the person who fought him the whole dream became blurry. So he stopped that.

Jack looked and inspected the fight the two of them had. After a clear struggle in the duel, Jack didn't end up victorious.

He saw his other self making a dumb mistake that even he could distinguish as one. It really was a dumb move. He tried to do some acrobatic evasion coupled with a thrust but all that came at the wrong time and only got himself penetrated by the enemies lightsaber.

His other selfs body only slumped to its knees and gritted its teeth after the person pulled the saber. He was not dead yet but the shadowy figure already lifted its weapon to do the final strike. The face of his other self scrounged up in pain while it tried to get its lightsaber back after letting it fall.

Just a few meters was the distance and it did react.

But it was all in vain and death greeted him with a swift strike. Then the shadowy figure seemed to look into his direction. Glowing red eyes appeared on it and Jack felt a huge pressure and immense threat from those eyes. So much that it even woke him up.

Jack had the feeling that he was noticed. Not the him that was on the floor and dead but the him that overlooked the fight.

´Was that a vision? My head hurts...´, thought Jack about it and opened his eyes. He put one hand on his face and could feel some slight dampness. He was sweating a lot by the looks of it. Then his eyes looked at his hand and how it was shaking.

[Skill "Force Vision" Acquired.]

[Skill "Force Battle Precognition" Acquired.]

Just as he thought. It was a vision. Terra just basically confirmed it. Calming down and taking a deep breath he tried to distract himself. So his eyes wandered around and looked at the interior of the ship.

He could finally see again and what he saw made him somewhat happy. The ship had a rusty steel vibe to it. There were grey walls everywhere with yellow-brownish paint on it about the height of his hip.

Jack would love to have his own ship at some point. One with the corvettes interior but not totally in white but rather with a mix of black and white. But he knew for now it was very unlikely that they could get something like that.

And they also had already this ship so why bother going for another?

Looking to the cockpit he saw Ben still sleeping soundly. Even David took a seat and rested.

Remaining with his eyes on Davids figure, he started to stare at him. He really was a Jawa. Jack only had a hunch but that it was really true? Now that he thought about his language skills showed something else last time.

Checking it again he saw that he used pheromones through the Force to talk with David precisely.

´Terra, does that mean that Ben is also Force-sensitive?´, he asked after thinking about how Ben understood him so well.

[Everything is connected with the Force. There is no exception.]

´I see,´ Then Jack looked at Ben again. It seems he was somewhat lucky to be a human again. He would have gone crazy if otherwise. Jack was pretty sure about that. Then he remembered something and looked over both guys heads.

There was actually no indicator of what level they were. ´So I don't ha....´

[Skill "Observe" Acquired.]

´..Well, now I have it.´ he thought and chuckled.

He looked once more to his friends and saw levels now. Ben was actually level 6. Not bad. Even David was at level 4. Only he himself was lagging behind now it seems.

´Terra, can you please hide those indicators and only show them when I really use the skill actively? I don't want all those floating letters appearing over peoples heads´

[I can do that.]

´Thanks´ He thanked her for the first time.

Just when he did so and the names and level of his friends disappeared the ship jumped out of the hyperlane and disengaged its hyperdrive into normal thruster mode. The ship was rumbling somewhat until it became silent again.

Both Ben and David noticed it and woke up.

Looking outside the front window they saw the stars and a big planet with a moon around it.

"Wow...So that is how astronauts feel. They really did not convey the amazing view correctly. It is beautiful...", said David and jumped from his seat to go closer.

Ben snorted "I got to admit you are right. Space seems to be pretty. Hey! Jack! You awake!?", he answered to David and looked back to Jack if he was still sleeping. When he did so he could see Jack looking at him with his yellow eyes. Ben got a slight fright from that "Whoa! Damn mate, you scared me. Shit your face looks dark. So you got your sight back?"

Jack only smiled at his reaction "Yeah, my eyes and even body feels much healthier now. So, who is gonna pilot this ship and dock at Nar Shaddaa?"

David immediately pointed at Ben. "It's him. Looks like when we got our bodies we also got some skills with it. Ben seems to be a good pilot and I think I am someone who is good with technology. The only one where I am not certain is you, Jack."

"Oh, that? I think I am a Force-sensitive. I had a weird dream about me fighting someone and dying.", answered Jack nonchalantly. He didn't want to hide that fact from them. Trust was something that always needed to be put out when one expected to receive ii back.

Both his friends looked at him after hearing his words.

"So you are our space wizard?", mocked Ben and knew it would anger Jack and David. But to be truthful, he was actually a little bit jealous that Jack got all the good cards. Ben knew that when someone was a Jedi then it meant being powerful, right? It could guarantee ones live...or maybe just put a big red target on one's head. Didn't his friends mention once that all Jedi were hunted down? The more he thought about it the more he felt remorse and sadness for Jack.

Jack could slightly feel those emotions from him and was somewhat confused about what exactly this feeling was while Ben was talking. There was this very small inaudible short whisper in his mind every time he said something. Jack just could not grasp what it said and he could not order what emotion Ben felt right now.

[Skill "Force Empathy" Acquired]

"Shut up you idiot.", shouted David in a somewhat angry voice after hearing his choice of wording. "Besides that, it is not the fact that he is a Force-sensitive but that he actually got a vision straight up after he woke up. And that of his death."

"Right...So any info you can give us? Maybe a heads up for who kills you?", asked Ben and wanted to know who they are going to deal with.

"Someone that can use the Force as well.", answered Jack him.

"Well, shit..." Ben just scratched his head, turned his seat back and started piloting the ship. "At least it ain't that slug we are about to meet. You two get yourselves ready."

Jack and David looked at the now suddenly serious Ben. He changed moods pretty quickly.

For Jack, there was also a slight understanding of his emotions. At least he could now see what anger in the force felt like. Did he think about the time they died on earth?

David shook his head and went over to Jack after he grabbed some clothing from another chair. "Here are the things that you should wear. The hood obviously over your head." It was the stuff he prepared for him before they naped away.

"Thanks...", nodded Jack and started getting dressed in his new clothes.

"Damn mate, at least use the bathroom. It's down the corridor on the right.", said the little Jawa with a snort.

Jack chuckled somewhat and did as told. A little bit later he came back and looked pretty much like another smuggler.

He wore a white shirt and black pants coupled with shin high leather combat boots. He even had a stylish trenchcoat with metal platings on his shoulders that went down to his knees.

If he didn't know better he would say he looked like some cowboy. Somehow David even included some old blaster and holster with it that he could strap around his waist and let his blaster be positioned around his right thigh.

"Better you got a gun. After all, you know yourself where we are going to dock at.", said David to him as advice.

"Sure, every smuggler at least docks once at Nar Shaddaa, right? The only thing that bothers me is the hood. It just looks weird on a non-Jawa. It's like I got a Towel over my head...", said Jack and pulled his hood into a better position. But at least it hid his face.

The hood he meant was to hide his features so that only people that looked extremely closely at him would notice his race was different from human - being even exotic. The length of the hood was just a little bit on the small size and it only went down past his shoulders. It was clipped together with a metal brooch on his front side at about chest height.

Ben looked back and glanced Jack over. He frowned somewhat but didn't say anything. "We will be docking in 2 minutes. Let's see what all these planets are like. I somehow get the feeling that I need to visit a bar or something..."

"There are cantina and casinos on the planet...Actually, I would like to test something if it is alright with you guys. So if we can I would like to visit one of the casinos.", suggested Jack to them.

"If you really want to do that...sure. We will probably get past one anyway. But I will only give you 5.000 credits to waste there. We can't go and gamble all the money we have. And first comes the shop for your mask.", said David with a somewhat urgent tone at his last sentence.

"What the hell! Since when are you the guy that handles our finances!?", rebuked Ben after hearing his money is being wasted and used for things.

"Stop whining. We got the money because of Jack anyway. And I am the only one that has some knowledge about tech, remember? It was you who pressed that random button...Here." David didn't bother about Ben his protest and threw Jack a credit chip with 5.000 credits stored on it.

[5.000 Money added. Changing Money to Credits]

Jack only nodded after receiving the chip and looked outside the viewport. He saw how they came closer to the smugggler-moon Nar Shaddaa.

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