
Nar Shaddaa

The Trio finally was docking at the port. With a soft landing, the engine of the ship slowly shut off.

"Good landing, mate." patted Jack his friend Ben on the shoulder. They could finally leave the ship and get things done. There were already some aliens approaching to do things like refueling and transport.

"What are those bastards trying to do?", asked Ben after seeing it as well.

Jack chuckled. "You better get down there if you don't want their services. If you are too late they are just going to charge us after they did their thing. But do keep the transport guy. We need him to unload the cargo."

Ben stood up immediately after hearing they would charge them so shamelessly after fiddling around with their ship. "Fuck." He walked off into the direction of the ramp that was already opened up so they could leave.

"Jack, we also need to go.", mentioned David from the side after watching Ben leave in annoyance.

"Got it. Let's go" Jack nodded and walked out with his little Jawa friend. It looked comical seeing someone as big as him walk beside a figure that was about half a meter shorter. What can he say? Sith is a species that are just naturally tall. Poor little David.

"Don't you dare ever mention anything about my height...", warned David after noticing his gaze.

"I would never do that..." After Jack denied it, a small snicker escaped his mouth.

David just kicked his knee. He wanted to retaliate somehow. But he didn't expect to hurt himself while doing so. "Argh, what the hell is your body made off - steel?"

"Don't know. I do feel somewhat heavy even though I am thin. Maybe my bones are denser?", theorized Jack himself after being asked.

David only sighed and they both positioned themselves near some crates and looked at Ben that was still talking with the port guys.

"He is taking too long.", commented Jack. "Maybe something came up?"

"I doubt it. They probably are just pestering him. In the end, no one forced him to talk to them. If it is about money, it's like you are moving a mountain 180°." David said something and swatted away the worry. "See, he is coming now."

Ben walked over to his friends after he got annoyed by those bastards that tried to sell him various services. He clearly told them only to refuel and transport the marked cargo to the contact place. If they did anything else he would not pay and even get reimbursement.

And that basically did the trick and most of them wandered off to the next ship. The port was massive after all and their prey various.

"Those guys really are something. So are all ports like this?", he asked Jack and David after he stopped right in front of them.

"Not all. It's just that we are on a moon that is controlled by criminal cartels. There are no real laws here. You only need to stay on the good side of the people that control the sectors. Speaking of the devil. Who is our client?", answered Jack for him.

"Hmm, some guy called Grakkus.", told Ben them. He still remembered the name from the datapad. Of course, he could also just recheck since he took the pad with him.

His two friends were suddenly silent and didn't say anything anymore.

"What?", he asked them what was wrong that they lost their words.

"Nothing...", answered David. "Only that exactly that guy is known for being someone that likes to acquire rare Jedi artifacts. Holocrons, Lightsabers. You name it. As long he can get his hands on them, he would pay good prices. The thing is. If he really finds out about Jack, then we won't leave this place...Hey, Jack. Can you hide your Force Sensitivity?"

Jack put a hand on his chin and scratched it with his nails. "Not sure. I don't know how. Are you thinking he has someone that can feel my presence?"

´Terra is there a way to mask my presence in the Force?´

[No, at the moment that is not possible. To suppress or cut your connection to the Force you need to use a technique. And you obviously don't have one. If you do acquire one then it would later be your foundation for other similar abilities like camouflage. You could also try to create your own after comprehending the Force.]

"Very likely so. I remember he acquired a Padawan or something. Not sure what happened with that person. But let's hope for the best. If you don't do the obvious shit like levitate objects then it should be fine." sighed David in defeat.

"I don't even know how to do that. I just basically feel some stuff but nothing else major changed. I probably need to find time to meditate. I could get something out of that.", answered Jack and refocused his mind on David after Terra couldn't help him.

"Let's talk about that in the cantina later. I can't follow you guys. What are Holocrons? And why would even someone bother buying old antics? So first, we are going shopping, right?", said Ben and urged his friends to get a move on.

Under his pushing, they did start walking to the elevators.

"Mate, there were people buying old stuff even in our old world. Why would it be weird? And yeah that is our destination.", confirmed David after he started a conversation with him again

"Let me rephrase that. Why waste money on things that have no real use? Can a slug wield a laser sword? I doubt they can even move around much at all. Don't even mention use something with their T-Rex arms.", snorted Ben after he imagined them wielding a lightsaber.

"You... it's not laser sword but lightsaber.", corrected David him.

"It's the same thing...", rebuked Ben once more and raised an eyebrow.

David wanted to strangle him a little. "Anyway...You should be careful. This slug is a little bit special. You will know what I mean when we meet him. Now, let's just get moving."

Jack only shook his head at Ben his remarks. They walked in silence until they saw a checkpoint with ID scanners.

"Oh shit...I forgot about those. Jack is probably not registered anywhere.", exclaimed David.

"I am off the grid, huh. Let's just try and bribe him. Say something like I am from the outer rim. Or was it inner rim? As I know not even the Chiss are yet rediscovered." Jack was giving them an idea to try out.

"We can try but if this guy works for Grakkus then we basically made ourselves suspicious. Oh well.", explained David his concern but doubted they would just turn away.

The trio walked to the terminal and Ben was the first to let himself get scanned. It was just basically a security measure that helped identify dead people or who was currently on a planet etc.

But here on Nar Shaddaa, it was only useful for one thing. And that was being tracked and monitored by the crime lords. Even if you went missing no one would care.

The security guard that did the scans was a Devaronian. A race with horns that could easily be mistaken as Satan. That was because they basically looked like devils.

The guard frowned at David after his scan. It was because the Jawa approached him and started doing weird noises. David forgot that others can not understand his Jawaese and most aliens didn't even understand Jawa Trade Language.

Ben sucked some air in between his awkward smile and went over as well. " Hey, there. Let me translate. He says that our friend here has no bio registration because we found him in the outer rim. So can we get one here?", he translated to the guard and pointed at Jack.

Hearing what he said he looked at Jack and inspected him roughly. "15.000", he said.

"That much!? Come on, make it cheaper." Ben tried to haggle with the guard and that pissed the guard off immediately.

"Listen, I am no charity. Get lost if you can't pay. You know the rules. If you want to enter Nar Shaddaa, then you have to register.", explained the guard.

"Fine.", answered Ben begrudged and let David give him a chip with money on it.

Receiving his money he started to reprogram his droid that scanned the people and let it fly to Jack.

"Blood and Name.", he said.

Jack raised his hand and the droid pricked his finger to collect one drop of blood. "Ja´ak Shea", he said to him and tried to make his name sound more alien.

"Good, looks like you know basic already.", commented the guard on his good use of the language.

After he typed in the name the droid did a rough scan of his features and spat out a data chip that is later also used in combination with the scan. It would be like a double firewall since anyone can use a biometric data chip but still be someone else entirely. Ben and David probably also had one in their pockets.

Grabbing the chip Jack started walking to his friends and together with them to the elevators.

The guard himself just didn't give a shit anymore. He made quite a sum with just that little action that would normally be for free.


Sometime later after they went down with the elevator and found their way through the maze that was the spaceport. They finally came out and could see the city in its glory.

The Trio looked all around and saw thousands of flying vehicle above themselves and below. The city was dark with its skyscrapers and only the lights of all the neon lights and holographic advertisements kept this city illuminated. Maybe a little too much so because wherever you looked at you saw something glowing.

"Damn, this looks like Las Vegas...No, even if you put 100 of them together it would not come close.", said Ben after looking around in a somewhat dumbfounded manner.

"It is something else to stand personally in this city and not look at it through a screen. And you actually could see this place as Vegas because the casinos here are a huge thing.", agreed Jack.

"Guys. Stop gawking and talking so much about our old world. Some people are already staring at us.", remarked David after he saw many aliens looking at them and even snicker.

"Alright, then let's get a taxi drive to the commercial district.", said Jack and went over to a protocol droid that was near a taxi sign. It was the guy that would call one for them.

Let's see how this will end up.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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