
Reviews of Eternal Brilliance


Eternal Brilliance


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I love this book it has a lot of potential. The book is very addicting. I can't wait to more people find this book, it will most likely spread like wildfire.

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I actually liked the first chapter. Maybe because I related with the struggles of a writer, loved the name Cyril, and found the usage of LUCK interesting/well-applied, but after the first few chapters, I started falling out of the story. I wished that it would focus only on Cyril rather than skip to Allen and Carter. I can kind of understand the reason for Allen, but I felt like there was less of a direct connection to Carter considering the previous chapter events. Additionally, while I initially liked Cyril, in the last few chapters I read, he was slowly growing out of favor for me... He seemed more sensitive and thoughtful in the beginning, but now he seems more distracted and strangely less motivated... I can't put my finger on it exactly, but I think because I didn't see any character development after that traumatic accident. I would think that he would have some kind of change, at least in outlook or determination after a life or death situation and a long healing process (even if shortened somewhat)? All the premises are interesting, and I'm curious in the mystery of the Council of Sin, but the execution is a little lacking. For example, having the officer Leon say I can't tell you is just...really? It feels like the information is being kept for the sake of keeping it a mystery for the story rather than making it feel like it needs to be uncovered to the reader. This method is more exciting and engaging. Still, you have something good going for you, keep it up!


Good book to read. We all love a story that is different. I personally like romance novels but this is also really good. I can't wait to see how the MC evolves.


I am Just Waiting more chapters , i liked alot this novel. Please Continue the posting of chapters , and please try to post one chapter a day.


Overall very nice upstart. I was able to feel for the characters and their struggles, but I would like to be able to grasp their way of thinking. The writing style is nice and fluent, I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.