
The Anime Legends - Fight For Survival

Author: RECsaiyans
Ongoing · 54.5K Views
  • 10 Chs
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Jack Freston was just an average kid with an average life......until he was beamed up in some sort of light. The next thing he knew, he was transported to another world along with literally hundreds of other anime characters by sone sort of all powerful being calling himself "The Game Master". Every anime character had their powers sealed away, making them ordinary humans (if they werent humans already). Now, Jack, along with every single character who had been summoned, had to participate in a game. The game was simple, become the strongest cultivator in the entire world. It was up to each individual to adapt or risk dying in the hands of the story. The winner would have the chance to make a single wish. //Please note that this story is meant for true otakus and you must have knowledge of MANY anime in order to understand. I will try to help where I can but its better if you have prior knowledge......... //Also the world their in.......its from one of my novels.......The Last One Standing which has barely started

Chapter 1Sneek Peak

"Okay, so what should we call ourselves then?" Ichigo asked, lifting his large sword onto his shoulders. "You may not be the strongest one in the room, but your leadership skills are pretty good and you have the best eyes for strategy. I'll also lend you my strength!!"

Jack Freston looked around the room full of people, staring at every face, and getting dozens of gazes returned. Every single person in the room had suffered hard times, lost close friends, and came close to death countless times. They had all been forced to become strong and work as a team or end up dead at the hands of demons and even other people from this world.

"Have any of you heard of the word 'anime'," Jack said, a confident look replacing his once worried features. He already knew the answer but he wanted to be certain.

Everyone in the room shook their heads, confusion spreading over their faces, some even looked away as if they were losing faith in him. It was amazing what a mere question could do, but luckily one person asked the question he was waiting for.

"What does the word stand for exactly? I've never heard of it before." A voice rose up from the crowd. People began to move away from the person who had spoke revealing a woman. Her bright pink hair with a black bow and her unique armor were dead giveaways about who she was.

"Oh, Astolfo," Jack said with a bit of a smile. "I'm glad you asked, its much appreciated!"

"No problem Captain Jack," Astolfo said with a small smile before taking a step back. It still wasn't clear if she was a boy or a girl aa she refused to say which, but everyone just assumed she was a female based on the way she dressed.

"Anime, to put it simply, can mean many things for multiple people," Jack said, his voice rising above the murmurs of the crowd. The room full of people began to quiet, to the point where you could hear a pin drop, everyone focusing on what he was now preeching.

"Before we were all thrown into this mess a year ago, I thought it simply meant having fun," Jack said, his eyes scanning the room. "However, after enduring all the hardships, shedding all those tears, and spilling all that blood, I now realize I was wrong."

Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steeling his mind and his will. "Anime stands for unity, for strength, for the iron will we all share!! It stands for never giving up on ones goals, never giving in no matter what comes our way, to pick ourselves up every time we fall. It stands for unity!! When you can't get up yourself then you can rely on the help of fellow comrades!!"

No one moved, no one spoke, and if you listenes closely, it almost sounded like they weren't even breathing. They all hung onto his every word as if it was pure gold.

"When we walk onto that battlefield from now on, people will ask who you are!!" Jack said, walking oved to the table in the center of the large room. He picked up a can of spray paint and began to spray on the large blank flag in the middle of the huge table. "They will wonder who these awe inspiring people are and what they stand for!! When they ask that all you have to do is raise your head high and yell from the top of your lungs...."

He raised up the flag which held the words, 'The Anime Legends' in big block letters, showing it everyone. "Now, I ask you this my fellow comrades, who are we??"

"the anime legends," a few of the people muttered, apparently getting what he wasnhe was going for.

"The title of legend means that we are not weak," Jack said, a blazing fire in his eyes. "So let me hear you say who you are!!"

"The Anime Legends," said the crowd, the majority joining in, but they weren't exactly yelling and this apparently displeased Jack.

"When people ask you who you are, is that the response you'll give them?" Jack asked, jumping up onto the table to stnad above the crowd. "We are Legends, the anime legends, NOW LET ME HERE YOU SAY IT!!"


//This takes place six months into the story, I just wanted you to get a sneak peek of whats to come, as well as who you my writing style

So make sure to comment below on what you think of it....thanks guys for your support!!!

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