
Chapter 3: Hi, I am Amy......

Amy woke up when the car halted and she saw that she was already infront of her home. It was a two storey villa surrounded by carefully trimmed bushes. Her parents owned a small company and were doing quite well. She yawned and got out of the car as the driver took out her lagguage and some servants came to take her in. A young servant greeted her as he carried her lagguage "Ah.. welcome home Miss Amy. The Mistress has already prepared your room and informed that she will see you this evening. She said that she has a important meeting so she could not receive you today. Please this way Miss." "Its fine Al, so what have you been up to these days," asked Amy as she looked around the house.

The interior of the house was simple yet elegant. The floor was covered with a beautiful carpet and was provided with a elegant looking glass table and comfortable sofas made of leather. There were light colored silk curtains and other furniture made of mahagony and the area overall area gave a classy and noble vibe. Al had been hired by her family a few years ago and she met him when she came by to visit her parents during her school breaks. They were like friends except for the part where he called her 'Miss Amy'. As he showed her to her room he replied "Nothing special Miss. You know all the same old me. I am not a beauty like you where girls would be eager to throw themselves at me.' Amy saw his smirk when he said the last part and teased him "Oh don't worry Al, I will find you a beautiful bride. Cause if I leave it up to you than you will die as a single dog." They reached her room and he placed her luggage in one corner of the room and sighed "You said that the last time when we met and yet here I am getting old everyday just waiting to die alone." When Amy heard this and saw his long face she laughed and sarcastically said "hahaha, What can I do if no one can be your match? After all you are one of a kind." Al who was gloating with this flattery was instantly brought back to reality when he saw her laughing her ass off. He angrily pouted and left the room saying "Please call me if you need anything else Miss.

And so like that Amy slowly began to blend herself in. Slowly the winter breaks were soon over and the schools began to start again. This year she decided to join the business management course in the Willow High School. She got up early and took a shower and wore her dress. The school uniform had a white shirt with a dark blue tie stripped with light blue and red lines. The skirt was too had chequered strips of dark and light blue and red colors. A dark blue coat on top with the school emblem of a willow trree and sun was embedded on the left side. She let her brown hair loose and picked up her bag and went down stairs.She was quite exicited today as it was her first day so after breakfast she walked off to school. Though she could go by car she wanted to familarise herself with the neighbourhood so she just threw the idea aside. As she walked off to the school suddenly a boy walked up to her and said "Hi." It had happened a lot to her so she had grown out of it and asked "Do I know you?" The guy seemed to hesitate a bit and then answered "Umm...I guess you forgot we once met during the inter school competition in your school." Amy felt a bit akward as she didn't know who he was and totally could not remember but then she smiled and replied "Ah yes now I remember but I can't seem to remember your name what was it." The boy was overjoyed and said "My name's George White. I am happy that you remember me." Amy smiled as she answered "Nice to meet you George, my name's Amy....Amy Watson. So what can I do for you?" The boy just smiled and said" Nothing I just came to say , so you go to Willow high. I too am joining it but had some admission issues so mine was delayed." Amy really wanted to get rid of this guy as she was running late for school so she glanced at her watch and said "Oh is that so? I am really sorry Goeorge but I am getting late so let's meet when you join school okay." George seemed a bit reluctant but smiled and said" Okay but for now let's be friends." Both of them shook their hands and said goodbye. Unknown to Amy George just stood and watched her back with a smile as she ran towards her school. "Damn late on the first day of school," she cursed as she entered her classroom.

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