
13 Days of I Love You

Ash3r · Realistic
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A year contains 365 days. And a day out of all those many days, i received a message that had changed my life.

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I was awoken from my deep slumber by the annoying sound of my alarm clock. i turned my head to see an alarm clock in the figure of a black cat. I narrowed my eyebrows  staring at it, as it also stared back at me with its large emerald eyes.

Am I seriously having a staring contest with an alarm clock that looks like a cat?

I quickly turned it off but i can still hear the ringing in my head. I was about to get up but then my body felt like it was paralyzed. I couldn't get out of bed, or more like I didn't want to get out of bed. it was like my body was part of the bed, it was comfortable that i almost fell asleep again.

I stared blankly at the ceiling. a few seconds before finally deciding to get up as i remembered i had class today.

'Why do we have to get out of our comfort zone just to learn some things we already know in a place called school?'

I walked into the bathroom as I stop In front of the mirror, I examined myself.

'I look...okay. at the very least, way better than when i get back from school'

I stared at the black circles under my eyes before finally taking a bath.

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"Turn your book to page...."

I stared at the window not bothering with our lessons.

'I already know it anyway..'

I was more interested at the scenery right Infront of me. Clear blue skies, bird flying high, the suns ray peeking through the glass window and directly on my eye, trees so green and high, I was mesmerized.

'The weather seems nice...unlike someone..'

I was so caught by my thoughts that I didn't notice the book fastly flying towards my direction


well, I guess it was flying towards me.

I looked behind me, my eyes met with a guy wearing a red jersey. He looked at me with a smug look on his face. Michael, your typical bully. I guess that book was thrown by him.

"Look at this jerk" well that's what he said before continuing to talk with that annoying mouth of his. he glared at me but I didn't dare to look back.

"Ma'am, Oliver the dumbass is dozing off again!" Again, he said with a rough voice that makes me want to cut my ears off everytime he spoke.

"Oliver, how many times do you want me to tell you to pay attention!" Madam Tes yelled. our teacher in Geography.

"You're grades aren't even a pass, yet you act like this...kids nowadays" She muttered under her breath before letting out a sigh.

I gripped my hand tightly with my head down.

'what do you know...'

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry." I responded despite my contradicting thoughts.

I held the back of my head and felt something ran down my head onto my hand. It was blood.


My head turned to face my reflection on the window. A nonchalant look can be seen from a boy with blood on his hand and dripping down his head.

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Class just finished, now here comes hell

I was packing my books until i was interrupted by Michael's group of bullies.

"Can i help you with something?" i asked, knowing full well what awaits me.


Before i knew it, i was soaked wet. I looked at the corner of my eyes, glaring at Michael, I snap back to reality when I realized it had only made things worse.

"Did you just glared at me?"


"Hey, hold him"

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"I'm home..." I staggered in the doorway as I slid on the ground, back against the wall. My Whole body was aching with pain, the stinging bruises also didnt help. I got up and went to the bathroom mirror, I looked at my now messed up face.

"Hah, i really did looked better in the morning compared to now" I laughed jokingly before silence filled the room once again. But why is it that i feel more pain today, the aches and bruises hurts way more than it should be—


I suddenly started coughing up some blood.

"W–What the" before i could finish, more blood came out. I was vomiting blood, maybe a gallon of it.

"I–It hurts...It hurts so much.." I groaned in pain. It feels like all my organs are gonna burst in any second.

'Did it start...again?' A sudden pain surged through my body.


After a few minutes of agonizing pain, It stopped.

I gasped, catching my breath. Blood splattered all over the bathroom, my clothes were soaked.  And I looked horrible.

'No matter how many times i experience it, I still cant get used to it'

In that moment, tears begun streaming down my face.

I hated it

I hated this

I hated crying more than the pain

but for some reason, i couldnt stop.

All emotions rushed through my head in that instance. The trauma, depression, memories i wished to forget, the thoughts i hoped i wouldnt do, they all came to me at once.

I couldnt take it anymore. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind.

A rather stupid one.


I dont remember anything after that. All i see right now is me standing at the edge of the rooftop.

This story is still under the process of reviewing. This may or may not be continued or updated.

I don't have much motivation to do it even though I would love to write the full story, and my busy schedule isn't helping. So I'm publishing this first chapter to see how it will do and maybe decide if I'll continue it base on the views and feedback you guys give. Have fun!

Ash3rcreators' thoughts