
Meeting Ra (part one)

[System Message] A foreign power is conducting a summons. Do you wish to answer?

QJ dismounted and stowed his horse before answering. "Yes."

A brilliant flash of light caused QJ to shield his eyes; his stomach flip-flopped once before the ground rose and slammed into his face. He was on his back a moment later, gasping for air like a fish out of water.

"The summoning is very harsh. Please drink this."

A smooth, feminine voice drew his attention; slowly, he sat up. QJ squinted at her, white spots filled his vision, but he could make out a figure in the dim light. "You have a beautiful voice."

"Oh... well, thank you, sir."

QJ grabbed the object that was held out to him. It was an animal skin flask. He tilted his head back, letting the cool liquid flow down his throat. It was cold and sweet. Immediately he felt revitalized, the pain in his stomach quickly fading. "Thank you."

QJ took a quick look around. He was in a small tent, roughly four meters in diameter. Cushions for resting covered nearly half of the floor. The dark woman who had performed the summoning was seated before him. She wore a light green shirt that shimmered in the candlelight like silk; it was nearly long enough to be called a robe, except she wore slimming fitting leggings beneath it.

The dark woman bowed her head slightly. "Our time is short, so I must apologize for rushing our initial meeting."

"Don't worry about. Take your time and tell me everything I need to know. I'll save any questions I have until the end."

"In half an hour, the Raja of the Dunjai will ask for introductions from his daughters. There are seven of us that have been chosen. I am the least of them and the only one that is not a warrior. We are allowed to bring support. My sister's forces will be far greater than mine. When the sun is at its highest, we will each enter the City of Ancestors through our own door. There's an object that they will all be trying to retrieve. It is hidden somewhere among the traps and creatures of the city. My goal is only to survive until dusk. Regardless of whether anyone finds the object, the test ends with the sun setting." She paused when she finished. "Do you have questions?"

QJ nodded. "Just a few. You said your goal is survival. Do you have reason to believe that you will be targeted?"

Sierra's dark eyes watched him carefully; her voice lowered to a whisper. "The weakest are always targeted. My faction is filled with elders, children, and maybe one foreigner.

[System Message] You have been asked to join the Sandhealer faction. Unless war is declared, joining a foreign faction will not impact any factions you are part of in your home country. Will you join the Sandhealer faction?

"Yes." QJ returned her silent gaze for a moment. "Are these your real sisters, and is the Raja your actual father?"

Sierra shook her head. "No. That is just a clan term. "My father is an alchemist, and my only sister is in training to be an herbalist like my mother. "

"Last question, where is the rest of your faction?"

"We went on a raid two years ago, with two other factions. Unfortunately, their target had prior knowledge of the raid and ambushed them. My faction was hit the hardest."

"Sounds like you were set up. What about the other two factions?"

"They combined through marriage and together retain enough strength to keep their enemies at bay. They also sought to bring us into their alliance, but we found the terms unsuitable."

QJ shook his head. "Brutal."

"The desert is harsh, yet the water remains."

"That sounds like a proverb. The faction that brings back the hidden object gets what?"

"Support of the Raja's faction. Troops for defense, seeds for planting, horses for travel. The benefits of being favored mean safety and security for friends and family."

QJ stood up and checked his weapons. Fortunately, he had made himself new weapons, and Remmy had recently upgraded his armor. "You don't want any of that?"

"Of course I do, but given my circumstances, I will settle for survival." Sierra placed a dark hand on his shoulder. "In the event of my death, you will automatically be sent home."

QJ covered her hand with his and squeezed. "Don't even talk like that. I've been taught many things, but how to fail wasn't one of them."

"Each faction leader will introduce themselves. After that is done, the Raja will call upon each faction independently. This will be their time to boast and taunt the other factions. They will throw spears at their enemies and say the most horrid things."

QJ frowned. "They are going to throw spears at us?"

Sierra nodded in reply. "And shoot arrows. However, drawing blood is absolutely forbidden. If someone is injured, the faction responsible will be sent home after their leader is beheaded."


They sat together for a few minutes. QJ was curious about tribal life, and Sierra was more than willing to answer his questions.

Sierra stopped talking suddenly and checked the time. The smile she had been wearing vanished as if it had never existed. She picked up a long spear that was thrust into the ground. It was a banner made from a white cloth that bore the image of hands cupping water. "This is the banner of my faction. It has never touched the ground. After the introductions, a holder from the Raja's faction will approach us. He will take care of it until we get back."

QJ nodded. "Sierra seems formal. Is there something more familiar I can call you?"

"More familiar?" Sierra pursed her dark lips together. "If you wish, my family calls me Ra."

"I like it. My family calls me QJ."

She held out her hand, palm up and slightly cupped. "Let's hold the water together, QJ."

QJ placed his hand against hers, also cupped. "Let's hold the water together, Ra."

His response caused Ra to smile widely. "This is a good start, QJ. Please follow me."

He followed her out of the tent and immediately shielded his eyes from the glaring sun of late morning. The heat was already stifling; QJ could feel himself sweating beneath his armor. Ra motioned for him to stop. She stabbed the point of the banner into the ground and then stood beside it, holding it with one hand, the other hand behind her back.

QJ stood silently, a few meters behind her. There was no one on their left, but several groups were formed up to the right of them. They were all facing a central platform where a single person sat on a large stone throne. Even from a distance, he looked like someone who was quite large. A horn sounded, causing all talking and movement to cease.

"I find myself curious. Please introduce yourselves, Clans of the Dunjai." The seated man's voice boomed like thunder. He didn't stand up or even look like he was interested. QJ could tell that he was looking at Sierra.

"I am Sierra Sandhealer, of the Sandhealer faction. Thank you for having us, honored Raja." To her credit, she spoke loudly and clearly, without hinting of nervousness.

"Sandhealer faction? You seem to have only one person with you." The Raja's voice boomed again; QJ had the feeling Ra wasn't expecting to have to say anything further.

"How many suns does the sky need, honored Raja?"

The Raja's laugh sounded like a rockslide. "Only one sun."

Again QJ had the feeling that Ra had spoken a proverb. The introductions continued; the Raja didn't speak to any of the other leaders. From the nearest faction, they were the Burning Horse Faction, the Fire Sand Faction, the Screaming Eagle Faction, the Thunderstone Faction, the Bullhead Faction, and the Bloody Spear Faction.

Once the introductions were complete, the Raja finally stood up and walked to the end of the platform. "Bloody Spear Faction! What say you?"

"The Bloody Spear Faction will destroy its enemies. Especially the weak and vile Sandhealer Faction. We will turn their leader into a breeding sow for our soldiers and remove the manhood of her follower!"

Although warned ahead of time, QJ scowled at the man's words.

The insults and taunts continued for a few minutes; during that time, dozens of spears were hurled in their direction. QJ watched as many of them stuck in the sand close to him. As Ra said, none of them drew blood.

One by one, the factions made their distaste for the Sandhealer leader and her follower obvious. QJ listened intently as he was insulted again and again. Some of the clans had insulted a few of the others, but by the time it had become the Burning Horse Factions' turn, the ground around QJ looked like a pincushion.

Raja crossed his huge arms in front of him. "Burning Horse Faction! What say you?"

The Burning Horse Faction Leader was a dark beauty. She could have been sisters with Ra. "The Burning Horse Faction will kill all of its enemies. None that we meet in the great Ancestor City will be spared. I will personally ensure that after today, the Sandhealer Faction doesn't exist. My men will use her body until she bleeds from the inside. Then I will have her limbs cut off and her eyes removed. She will spend the remainder of her days as a plaything in my dog kennels."

The mandatory spears punctured the ground around QJ and Ra. QJ's anger bubbled beneath the surface; they had said such terrible things about her. QJ stared at her back; she stood straight and quiet despite the abuse that had been hurled at her.

Finally, the Raja faced Ra and QJ. "Sandhealer Faction! What say you?"

Sierra's voice was firm and clear. "The desert is harsh, yet the water remains."

QJ stared at her back in surprise. "You are way more mature than me," he admitted under his breath. QJ pulled his gun and took careful aim.

[Aimed Shot]

The bullet struck the spear from the Burning Horse faction, six inches below the banner. A moment later, the Burning Horse banner crashed into the sand. To make matters worse, the Phoenix bullets caused the dry wood to burst into flames.

QJ pulled the trigger five more times in succession; then he holstered his smoking six-gun. Only the banner of the Sandhealer faction was left standing, while the others were forced to heap sand on their banners to keep them from being destroyed.

Ra stared to her right and then turned slightly to look at QJ. The shock on her face was evident. The booming laugh of the Raja brought her attention back to the stage.

He laughed for nearly a minute; during that time, QJ felt the deadly stares of the other factions, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Nearly all the banners were smoldering or damaged.

"Bearers! Take your posts!" The Raja watched as his people walked toward the Faction leaders. A slim, dark-haired man bowed to Ra and took her position holding the banner.

The Raja started laughing again, as the other Faction leaders handed their banners to the bearers. Each of them had been cut neatly about six inches below the smoking banners. "Tossed into the sand like horse dung and then cooked!"

Ra looked over her shoulder and fixed QJ with a dark-eyed stare. He shrugged innocently and mouthed a quick. "What did I do?"

"Apparently, the Sandhealer Faction doesn't need useless boasts to make their point." The Raja glanced up at the steadily climbing sun. "Ready yourself; the doors are about to open."

A Glyph appeared on the ground in front of the Sandhealer banner. Ra glanced over her shoulder at him, her dark lips hiding a small smile. "Follow me, QJ."

"Yep, right behind you."

QJ stepped onto the glyph right behind Ra, and the bright lights of the Dunjai Desert suddenly went dark. He stepped to one side, waiting for a moment while his night vision adjusted. He could see Ra standing directly in front of him. "Why is the city dark?"

"It is always dark in the City of Ancestors. Our meeting was rushed; there are a few things that I may have forgotten to mention." Ra bowed apologetically.

"No worries. Let's figure a few things out quickly. You said you aren't a warrior. Are you a cleric by chance?"

Ra nodded. "Yes, I am a healer."

"Can you handle any weapons?" QJ gave her some leather armor from his inventory. It was actually decent armor, but Remmy had made him something better. "Wear this, please."

Ra slipped the armor over her clothes. "I can use a staff if I need to defend myself."

*Sierra has cast Water of Life*

All Allies Hit Points are increased by thirty percent.

*Sierra has cast Desert Storm*

All Allies ATK has been increased by 300.

QJ smiled at the buffs; Ra was definitely a high-end healer. "I may have to bring you back to Maelstrom with me."

QJ took a moment to examine their surrounding. They were in a courtyard, next to a dried-up fountain. There were no signs of the other factions. There was one rather large building directly North of them, and red stone brick roads led in all other directions.

"The building to the North is called the Engineers Building. Each courtyard has a door that enters; no one has ever managed to go inside. The City of Ancestors only opens once a generation, so our knowledge of it is limited."

QJ glanced at her. "Really limited since it seems to be normal to kill your competition."

"When all the factions are equal, there is barely any bloodshed. The Burning Horse Clan has grown very strong, so there will be many deaths here. "

"If my dad were here, he would make short work of the Burning Horse Clan." QJ sighed; a winged assassin would own the city.

Ra watched his face, not sure if he was joking. "Is he formidable?"

QJ waved his hand in the air dismissively. "I suppose in a 'primal dragon' sort of way." He kicked the ground in frustration and started toward the building.

Ra's dark face showed her concern. "The courtyards are only safe for a few minutes; the other factions will send out scouts soon."

QJ stopped and faced her. "If something is referred to as the 'Engineers Building', then you can bet that I'm going inside."

"QJ, this door can't be opened. Do you think our scholars haven't tried in the past?"

QJ studied the door carefully. The door was divided into three problems. Dozens of dials with numbers and symbols adorned all three parts. "So interesting." QJ leaned closer, careful not to touch anything.

Ra kept her eyes on the many roads leading to their courtyard. "QJ, the first part is a very difficult problem that only the best mathematicians have figured out. The second part is an unsolvable equation. No one has any clue about the third part."

"Well... the first part is really just simple math. Barely worth the trouble. The second section, of course, is Tromboli's equation. Any third-year engineering student would know that.

QJ rotated the dials on the upper part, and then on the middle section. He stared at the third problem for a moment. "Interesting..." He moved the dials on the third part and stepped back. A moment later, a grinding and clicking of gears could be heard. The door shook for a moment and slowly opened inward.

"...." Ra.

"Stay behind me, please." QJ stepped inside the door, causing lights mounted on the walls to flicker on instantly.

"QJ! No one has ever entered this building!" Ra looked at him nervously; he had taken only a few moments to unravel the mysterious door. She turned back toward the door, hoping to shut it, but it was jammed open.

"Won't budge?" QJ stepped beside Ra and added his strength to hers; even working together, it wouldn't close. "Leave it; let's not waste time."

QJ broke into a trot; the short hallway led to another set of hallways and stairs descending downward. "Which way?" He stopped for a moment to drink some water before passing her his canteen.

"Thank you." She took a long drink and handed it back. Her face glistened with sweat, and her breathing was somewhat labored. "I'm not used to running and wearing armor."

QJ patted her on the shoulder. "You are doing well. Let's head downward. Anyone following us will waste time trying to figure out which way we went."

The stairs were actually a series of three flights of stairs that descended sharply; one slip would have resulted in a painful fall. Halfway down the last flight, QJ found a round gear leaning against the wall. He picked it up and placed it in his inventory.

"Find something interesting?" The foreigner had aroused her interest. Initially, she had thought he was a fighter, but he had deciphered the door in a few minutes.

QJ nodded and continued downward, his voice echoing in the hallway. "A gear of some sort. I'd guess it's a ceramic alloy. This place is very interesting."

Ra smiled at him in the darkness. "How does the son of a formidable warrior become so well educated?"

"My mom's an engineer. She'd turn the entire Dunjai Desert into an Oasis." The stairs ended abruptly at a door; QJ exited and found himself in a circular room.

Ra followed close behind him and stopped when he did. She bent slightly with her hands on her knees while she gasped for air. "An hour has passed; thank you, QJ."

QJ stepped behind her and helped her remove the armor. "Have a quick rest; you can always put it back on. It's just an hour; still a bit early to thank me.

Ra leaned against the wall and slowly slid down it until she was sitting on the floor. "It's an hour I didn't expect to have."

QJ examined the room; there were four exits counting the one they came through. He took a step toward the middle of the room, and instantly more lights came on. A grinding noise could be heard as the floor beneath them vibrated. From the middle of the room, a platform rose up out of the floor.

[Elsewhere in the City]

The dark ghost followed the trail of the Fire Sand scouts. Her only mission was to kill as many of the other faction members as she could. There had originally been seven of them, but they split up at the Sandhealer Courtyard.

She entered the courtyard completely at ease; ghosts like her were invisible to normal fighters. She froze in place when she noticed the opened door. Had the Sandhealer faction managed to open it? Then these Fire Sand fighters were guarding it while their friends went back to report.

The ghost sprinted out of the courtyard, at all costs that report must not get through. They had left five to guard the door, so that meant that two were making their way back. The stealthed figure changed her route in an attempt to cut off her prey, a risky move since her path would take her quite close to the Fire Sand Courtyard.

Five minutes later, two Fire Sand fighters turned a corner and nearly ran into their stalker. She jumped to one side, looping an arm around the neck of the nearest in a clothesline maneuver. She stabbed him three times in succession at the base of the skull.

The scraping noise of a sword being drawn caused her to spring backward.

"Burning Horse Ghost! The man spat in disgust, another worthless slave." He stepped forward and slashed downward with his sword.

Instead of retreating, the ghost stepped in and blocked his wrist with her shoulder; their bodies pressed together while her blade looped around him and entered the back of his skull. He collapsed at her feet; warned by instinct, she dodged to one side as a half dozen arrows whizzed passed her.

The ghost fled instead of fighting; they were Bloody Spear archers and not part of her new mission. She ran silently and, after losing them, disappeared into the shadows.

One of the arrows had penetrated over her collarbone into the hard muscles of her shoulder. The tip was barbed and left purposefully dull so that it would only penetrate a few inches. Sweat beaded on her brow as she used her dagger to saw through the arrow shaft, close to her skin. A wave of dizziness told her that the arrow was most likely poisoned.

The ghost stood motionless while she considered her options. As a slave, they wouldn't bother to heal her if she went back to the main force. They would receive her report and either kill her or send her back out. She nodded to herself as if coming to a decision; moments later, the woman stealthed and was heading back toward the open door.

[Back at the Engineer's Building]

"It's a control room?" Ra watched as QJ started pulling off panels from the platform that had risen from the floor. "To what?"

"Not really sure yet; parts have been removed." QJ finished removing all the panels. "Eleven components have been removed."

"Does that include the gear you found?"

"No." He held up the gear, running his fingers over the splines and smelling the metal. "This goes to a hydraulic mechanism; not sure what yet." He pointed back to the Control Panels. "The missing pieces are all electronic components."

Ra had noticed that all the doors could be barred from the inside. She had quickly done so and now contently watched QJ as he worked. "They won't be able to force open these doors; as long as we wait it out, your mission will be completed."

QJ nodded. "If that's what you want."

Ra stared at him; after she had barred the doors, they both had removed their armor to combat the stifling heat of the control room. "Beware a handsome man."

QJ looked up, a smile on his face. "Is that another proverb?"

Ra shook her head. "Just something my mom likes to say. She thinks homely men are more reliable."

QJ laughed at her expression. "What does she say about beautiful women?"

She favored him with a slight smile, "that they are a blessing to their family."

QJ laughed at her, and after a moment, she joined him.

They sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence as the quest timer clicked away. "QJ?"

He looked over at her; he had been deep in thought, worrying about his plans. "Hmm?"

"Are you hiding something from me?"

QJ hid the scowl that threatened to slide onto his face. Damn women and their intuition. "I suppose so."

"Is it very important?'

QJ shrugged. "It's not as important as your life."

She moved closer to him and slid an arm through his. "First... I have to know. The third part of the Engineers' door, you seemed to have a very easy time with it. Was there a secret?"

"It was a simple cipher. The numbers represent words. Eight words in the sentence, through elimination, you would eventually get it once you understood that it was just a riddle."

"Couldn't it have been anything? Countless variables?" Ra was a smart woman; she understood that it should have taken much longer.

QJ shrugged. "Yes, I just happened to have guessed."

"You guessed? A handsome stranger from a foreign land guessed a Dunjai riddle?" Ra leaned closer, a smile playing on her lips. "Tell me what it was."

QJ gave her a blank stare. "The Desert is harsh, yet the water remains."

Ra nodded as if that should have been expected. Okay... Now tell me what you are hiding, and I will decide."

"I suspect that this building is some sort of Water Plant. That gear I found is probably from a hydraulic pump. See that huge pipeline going upward?"

"Water goes in there? From the ground?" Ra stumbled to her feet, "QJ! Is such a thing possible?"

"Hard to say. The components were purposefully removed; perhaps it was done with the intent of creating a desert." QJ did not move from his seat on the floor.

"So, if you were able to find all the parts and replace them?" Ra bent down and gripped his wrist; using all of her strength, she pulled him to his feet. "Can you get it running?"

"In theory, someone could do it if they could figure out the mechanics of it." He let her pull him up, his face expressionless. "Your survival is the most important thing."

"Please make an attempt, QJ." Ra approached the control panel and placed her hand on the warm metal. "Even if we can't finish, we can leave whatever pieces we find here. Perhaps, someone will eventually start it up."

"You stay here. I won't even attempt it otherwise." QJ started putting his armor back on.

"It's true that I am not formidable. Everything that has occurred until now has convinced me that my destiny is at hand." Ra's dark eyes pleaded with him. "Won't you share your path with me?"

QJ sighed heavily. "Very well. Join me if that is your wish. You must listen to me at all times!"


You have faded from view.

Her dark eyes widened in surprise. "I should have known. You're a ghost."

QJ unbarred the Western door and moved up the stairs slowly. He advanced carefully, calling for Ra to wait and then follow once he scouted the path. He exited the stairs and peeked into the long hall. Halfway down the hall, there was a person crouched against the wall, a dagger held out low in front of him.

"Wait," QJ whispered.

QJ stepped into the hallway, deliberately showing himself. There was no response from the knife-wielder. He moved slowly past him and then quickly spun and slammed his fist into the man's neck.

[Puriha has been stunned.]

QJ leaped onto the man's back and wrapped him up in a rear-naked choke. He locked his legs around the man's arms to keep him from defending himself. They collapsed onto the floor after a few seconds. QJ leaned back and used the added pressure to apply extra leverage; he gritted his teeth while he strained to use all his strength.

[Puriha has been slain]

QJ rolled from under him and stood up. He called to Ra in a low voice, "It's clear." He picked up the man's dagger and did a quick search.

"QJ... this man was a ghost." Ra pointed to the long scar along the man's neck.

"You used that term before; I assumed it was a stealth specialist." QJ grinned suddenly and held up an object. "Looks like they are collecting them too." He stowed the component in his inventory. "Let's keep going."

"Ghosts are slaves trained to fight from birth; that scar on his neck is where they removed his ability to speak." Ra's face showed how distasteful she found the practice.

"Barbaric... Same as before, Ra, follow at a distance."


You have faded from view.

QJ moved quickly down the hall, stopping when it came to a 'T'. "Wait," he whispered and headed right. There was a small room with lots of shelves, it was empty, but he did spot something that looked like a solenoid. He stowed the object and returned to the intersection.

"Nothing that way?" Ra was waiting for him. She was crouched low against the wall.

"Another part, follow, please." The hallway curved slightly and then ended abruptly in an open area. There were two people guarding a door. QJ returned to Ra. "We'll have to fight. I'll pull one at a time."

"Okay, QJ."


A Burning Horse Scout has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Burning Horse Scout has been slowed by forty percent.

[Aimed Shot]

(Headshot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 25,767 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 5,153 damage.

*Sierra has cast Oasis*

All Allies will recover ten thousand HP over the next three minutes.

QJ pulled his shotgun and pumped three rounds into the face of the scout.

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 12,888 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,577 damage.

[A Burning Horse Scout has been stunned]

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 12,350 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,470 damage.

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 11,228 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,245 damage.

[A Burning Horse Scout has been slain.]

"Follow, please." QJ moved quietly back to the room and stopped in the entryway.


A Burning Horse Archer has been slowed by forty percent.

"Shit, he's an archer... stay out of his sight."

[Aimed Shot]

[Head-Shot Bonus]

QJ has hit Target for 22,500 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 4,500 damage.

[Aimed Shot]

[Head-Shot Bonus]

QJ has hit Target for 18,666 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 3,733 damage.

[Aimed Shot]

[Head-Shot Bonus]

QJ has hit Target for 27,585.

Fire scorches your target for 5,517. damage.

[A Burning Horse Archer has been slain]

"Can you search the room and the bodies while I scout the next room?"

Ra nodded. "Time is running out. We should hurry."


You have faded from view.

QJ pushed the door open, and immediately a dagger was thrust at him. He jumped backward and kicked the door fully open.

[Quick Draw]

QJ had hit Target for 3,255 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 651 damage.

The dagger flashed at him again, forcing QJ to step inside and slam his knee into his assailant's groin.

[A Burning Horse Ghost has been stunned]

Gripping the Ghost's wrist tightly, QJ hip-tossed him against the wall.


A Burning Horse Ghost has been slowed by forty percent.

QJ stepped back to create space and pulled his shotgun.

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 10,500 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,100 damage.

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 11,150 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,230 damage.

[A Burning Horse Ghost has been stunned.]

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 13,220 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,644 damage.

[A Burning Horse Ghost has been Slain]

QJ quickly searched the ghost and then the small room he was guarding. There were six components stacked neatly on the shelf. He grabbed them quickly. "Looks like we aren't the only ones gathering these."

Ra joined him in the doorway. "Nothing in here. Makes sense, I suppose. This building has never been explored; everything in here will have a high priority."

"What about the hidden object that everyone is after?" QJ led her back toward the stairs.

"They are probably splitting their forces." She followed QJ back down the stairs and into the Control Room. She barred the door while he started installing the components.

"Half an hour left, QJ." She had watched him as he deftly installed the components. "How do you know where everything goes?"

QJ gave her a boyish grin, his face turning red. "Well... it's mostly guesswork. We could very well blow up."

She stared at him for a moment. "My mother was right," she muttered under her breath.

QJ stood up and walked toward the only unexplored door. "Hopefully, the other four components are through here."

Ra nodded. "Right behind you, QJ."

Thanks for reading.

BotwaCazadorcreators' thoughts
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